I admit that I had developed a bit of a temper

after being constantly frustrated with mainstream school, not being able to communicate well with anyone, and not being able to do anything about it (learned helplessness). When we were all still very young, my two brothers and my twin sister had these nicknames for me and made it into a little song. They were not intending to hurt me, only trying to tease me :P, but it was very frustrating to hear
them say it, let alone
sing it. Due to my deafness and temper, my siblings would sing "Deafy Duck and Tiger Claws. Quack quack... grr grr." I got so mad

once that I took my sister's hand and twisted her fingers. I didn't break any of her fingers, but now the bone on one finger isn't set right. I was little, but I immediately regretted it.

I know that that was wrong to do and she has long since forgiven me for it. We even laugh about it now.
I have also gotten the teasing "Can you hear me?" where they exaggerate mouthing the words without saying them. :roll:
While people haven't gone out and actually called me stupid that I know of, one coworker felt that she should educate me on how to take care of myself and how to take care of my dog (I have a hearing/mobility service dog) as if I didn't already know how :roll: (I am a college graduate working in investigations with the local government). Once she printed out an article about the
importance of giving my dog water and told me "Now don't get mad (I have never became visibly angry with someone at work so I don't know where that came from), but..." and then explained
how to ensure a dog has water. I laughed and slightly rolled my eyes :roll: (kind of ridiculous that she thinks I am so stupid). Later that day, I threw away the printout since, if I hadn't known about giving my dog water, I had a chance to read it and did not still need it for reference or anything. The next day I came into work, that
same printout was
taken out of the trash and waiting on my desk. This time it was also
highlighted. I ripped it to shreds and threw it away again. I went over to that coworker's desk (she hadn't arrived yet as she has a later work schedule) and wrote a note on her whiteboard saying "I
MY SERVICE DOG!!!" I then erased that for a nicer "Leah is not at risk of dehydration, but I appreciate you informing me in case I was ignorant of those risks." or something to that effect.
:topic: This next part isn't related to being insulted for being deaf, but it's another frustration with that same coworker. This same coworker had earlier brought in a metal bowl for water for Leah and a placemat to put it on. (BTW, I have a purse the size of a briefcase filled with things for Leah: a food/treat bag (for her day's worth of food/treats), a collapsible bowl (for water), bags and hand sanitizer (to pick up after her), disinfecting wipes (for accidents), a towel (to dry her off or wipe off her paws), a blanket (for her to lay on), a lint brush (to pick up her hair), a halti (training her to not pick food off the floor), and shoes (to protect her feet from hot asphalt, cold snow, broken glass, gum, etc), so I am always prepared. My own purse is much smaller

.) Everyday, this coworker would come in and refill the bowl with water. She would also ask to take Leah from me to take care of Leah's needs;

I repeatedly told her no, thanks (Leah would have essentially reverted to being just a pet in the eyes of laws). She would also come over when Leah was laying on her blanket behind me while I was working

start petting and talking to Leah,

and completely ignoring me. Now Leah has started misbehaving and trying to ask people for attention and petting when she needs to be alert and help me.

After a short while of this, I sent out an email to the entire branch (team) and even the entire group (office) laying down the "service dog rules"

. The printing out of the "risks of dehydration for dogs" thing was shortly after this (I don't think she believes I can take care of Leah by myself).