Ever been insulted for being deaf?

Ever since my parents visited the Cdn. Hearing Society a few years back, my Dad especially speaks to me in syllables, and it really annoys me and I tell him continuously to talk to me normally, and that's when Mom usually starts up doing the same thing.

Then they actually have the nerve to tell me they always have spoken like that, as if they really don't think I know, and when I explain that I can tell the difference they get really pissed at me.

I just can't stand it when people start talking to me in syllables or yell or enounicate stronly constanants (like ......CCCCCut) but they say they always talk like that, (like my nieghbor - as if I really can't tell!

It just insanely drives me up the wall.
Ive been called retard, deaf and dumb and whatnot. For awhile I was pretty down and out about but then the older I got the more I realized that it was bullies who were ignorant and refused to understand that I am hoh. It cut me to the heart to see my older brother make fun of me, I cried after that. As he got older he realized what a mistake that was and from then on he's been nothing but good to me.
I've been in that kind of situation before - My neighbor asked me - why are you deaf? those deaf people comes from the space ship, some stupid questions. I laidback and listen to his questions, and did my psychology reverses answers/questions to him - and he start to expand and understand more about the deaf, and its history/culture - then after second years - my neighbor surprises me with his RID Certificate and his ASL Skills is smooth as motherfucker.

some hearing people will asked me are you deaf? im like ya, im deaf - what abot you? they said no im hearing, i can hear.

I'm like, what can you hear? they were having a difficult time to give me the answer. I was being stupid with their statements.

I'm like oh you hear hear (with squnit face) hear hard. does it hurt when you try to hear?
:P I get insulted plenty of times, I just laugh at them or completely ignore them if I'm feeling parcuilarly snappy I'll exercise my intellectual acumen and reduce them to a stuttering wet wimpering jellymuffin solely by picking them apart mentally... of course... most of them are too stupid to even know what I just did to them and retort with things such as "yeah, ur mom" and then the friends heckle and go "omg owned, sick burn man" I hate people ^_^ they make me bitter... I used to like people in theory... still do, but ugh... red....plastic bat... WHACK WHACK WHACK :mad:
:P I get insulted plenty of times, I just laugh at them or completely ignore them if I'm feeling parcuilarly snappy I'll exercise my intellectual acumen and reduce them to a stuttering wet wimpering jellymuffin solely by picking them apart mentally... of course... most of them are too stupid to even know what I just did to them and retort with things such as "yeah, ur mom" and then the friends heckle and go "omg owned, sick burn man" I hate people ^_^ they make me bitter... I used to like people in theory... still do, but ugh... red....plastic bat... WHACK WHACK WHACK :mad:

I have to agree that people can make one bitter, I've had to fight that tendency. But I think that the "red plastic bat" is a great solution to many of life's problems! You should start a self-help website with the red plastic bat being the focus of attention.
:thumbd: And we re still considered to be deaf and dumb

As for my own experience, I have been "misunderstood" many times by hearing people. I often just shrug it off and let it go. Once in while, I would willing giving up my times to go out and education hearing people.
Well since I am the only deaf who start full time merging classes from 4th grade to 12th grade, I can say that I prove people wrong about deaf people and the stereotypes about deafs.

In elementary school, kids think I get off easy because I'm deaf making good grades meaning teachers just making it easier for me not them. My classmates see the proofs that I did all my works, I'm just smart not dumb as they thought. I was confronted by the most popular girl in school that everyone seems to idol her and she walked away scared to fight. I never intended to fight but I stood my ground not to be pushed around. I had no problem in Middle school because most of kids are from my elementary school.

High school was little difficult but I'm glad I got through with it. Lot of kids saying I'm not deaf, just faking, even those who know me personally! They just find it hard to believe that I like listening to music and speak so well for a deaf person. Many of them talk behind my back, literally! I remember after we lost basketball game in tournament, my coach came in and gave me a medal and said that I was voted as All tournament player, I was like cool and packed my bag then one of teammates ask me if I heard what they said and I said no what's up? She was smiling and laughing and said nevermind! I knew right there that they were talkin trash, probably mad that I got a medal and they dont. I can hear voices but I dont understand it.

What hurt the most is that your family insult you being deaf. They may not say it directly but in subtle ways.

I hate Relay calls, I just ask somebody to make a call for me.

Sorry it seems not in order but I couldnt think straight tonight.
:P I get insulted plenty of times, I just laugh at them or completely ignore them if I'm feeling parcuilarly snappy I'll exercise my intellectual acumen and reduce them to a stuttering wet wimpering jellymuffin solely by picking them apart mentally... of course... most of them are too stupid to even know what I just did to them and retort with things such as "yeah, ur mom" and then the friends heckle and go "omg owned, sick burn man" I hate people ^_^ they make me bitter... I used to like people in theory... still do, but ugh... red....plastic bat... WHACK WHACK WHACK :mad:

Hehehehe! I love "stuttering wet wimpering jellymuffin." :D
hey hey, you are not alone! i am sure it does hurt when others insult you, but over time these people will realize their mistakes. Everyone doesn't "grow up" at the same rate, do they? If someone does insult you, too bad that person needs to grow up and mature. Just try to be yourself, absolutely cool or perhaps just don't bother. At times, if the insult is really offending, you have the opportunity to snap back!

I have been in the same situation too. Throughout my high school, I had a difficult time - I was the only deaf in my school, and people would call me names. Initially, I didn't even know what was going on (I basically didn't even hear them !), so it was pretty much like I actually pretended to Not pay attention to them!! Now that am at university, I find my dean's secretary to be screaming on my face. She screams like a real b**** just because I cannot hear. I would have fought back for my respect, and would never go again to her for assistance. Next time I met her, she again screamed. I was so damn polite and respectful, and when I left her office, she cracked a joke! She started talking nicely thereon! I really feel there is a lack of awareness among people around.

Stay cool, don't feel let down. There would be a time when those people who offended you would be dropping at your feet for forgiveness.
oh yeah, another bad experience - I was booking tickets on the phone. I had used this Internet Relay program called Nextalk. And the operator connected me to a sales representative. The travel agency has its call centers in another country, and when my operator gave out instructions, the representative hung up, saying sorry we cannot talk to people through relay. We don't talk to deaf people!! wtf!! I feel like suing them you know!
oh yeah, another bad experience - I was booking tickets on the phone. I had used this Internet Relay program called Nextalk. And the operator connected me to a sales representative. The travel agency has its call centers in another country, and when my operator gave out instructions, the representative hung up, saying sorry we cannot talk to people through relay. We don't talk to deaf people!! wtf!! I feel like suing them you know!

Stupid people!
I admit that I had developed a bit of a temper :pissed: after being constantly frustrated with mainstream school, not being able to communicate well with anyone, and not being able to do anything about it (learned helplessness). When we were all still very young, my two brothers and my twin sister had these nicknames for me and made it into a little song. They were not intending to hurt me, only trying to tease me :P, but it was very frustrating to hear them say it, let alone sing it. Due to my deafness and temper, my siblings would sing "Deafy Duck and Tiger Claws. Quack quack... grr grr." I got so mad :mad: once that I took my sister's hand and twisted her fingers. I didn't break any of her fingers, but now the bone on one finger isn't set right. I was little, but I immediately regretted it. :( I know that that was wrong to do and she has long since forgiven me for it. We even laugh about it now. :aw:

I have also gotten the teasing "Can you hear me?" where they exaggerate mouthing the words without saying them. :roll:

While people haven't gone out and actually called me stupid that I know of, one coworker felt that she should educate me on how to take care of myself and how to take care of my dog (I have a hearing/mobility service dog) as if I didn't already know how :roll: (I am a college graduate working in investigations with the local government). Once she printed out an article about the importance of giving my dog water and told me "Now don't get mad (I have never became visibly angry with someone at work so I don't know where that came from), but..." and then explained how to ensure a dog has water. I laughed and slightly rolled my eyes :roll: (kind of ridiculous that she thinks I am so stupid). Later that day, I threw away the printout since, if I hadn't known about giving my dog water, I had a chance to read it and did not still need it for reference or anything. The next day I came into work, that same printout was taken out of the trash and waiting on my desk. This time it was also highlighted. I ripped it to shreds and threw it away again. I went over to that coworker's desk (she hadn't arrived yet as she has a later work schedule) and wrote a note on her whiteboard saying "I KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY SERVICE DOG!!!" I then erased that for a nicer "Leah is not at risk of dehydration, but I appreciate you informing me in case I was ignorant of those risks." or something to that effect.

:topic: This next part isn't related to being insulted for being deaf, but it's another frustration with that same coworker. This same coworker had earlier brought in a metal bowl for water for Leah and a placemat to put it on. (BTW, I have a purse the size of a briefcase filled with things for Leah: a food/treat bag (for her day's worth of food/treats), a collapsible bowl (for water), bags and hand sanitizer (to pick up after her), disinfecting wipes (for accidents), a towel (to dry her off or wipe off her paws), a blanket (for her to lay on), a lint brush (to pick up her hair), a halti (training her to not pick food off the floor), and shoes (to protect her feet from hot asphalt, cold snow, broken glass, gum, etc), so I am always prepared. My own purse is much smaller :giggle:.) Everyday, this coworker would come in and refill the bowl with water. She would also ask to take Leah from me to take care of Leah's needs; :nono: I repeatedly told her no, thanks (Leah would have essentially reverted to being just a pet in the eyes of laws). She would also come over when Leah was laying on her blanket behind me while I was working :type:, start petting and talking to Leah, :nono: and completely ignoring me. Now Leah has started misbehaving and trying to ask people for attention and petting when she needs to be alert and help me. :mad: After a short while of this, I sent out an email to the entire branch (team) and even the entire group (office) laying down the "service dog rules" :deal:. The printing out of the "risks of dehydration for dogs" thing was shortly after this (I don't think she believes I can take care of Leah by myself).
People can be very cruel sometimes without realizing what they are doing.
OHHH I had PLENTY of times when I got called so many nasty names just because of my deafness growing up.

I got called

Deaf and Dumb

Deaf and Mute (I could speak well so who are the dumb ones? LOL)


Deaf Bitch


The worst ones

" I am sorry u are not qualified for a promotion to a shift leader because of your inability to hear." I quit that job cuz that was discrimination right there.

Relay calls

"huh? What is this? Why do I have to talk to this?" "I dont need to talk to those people" and "Geez another one of those deaf mute people who cant talk..my gosh" and then hang up on me. I actually drove to one pizza place to confront the employees for making fun of me on the phone (thanks for the relay operator who relayed everything) and reported them to the manager. The manager suspended them without pay for a month. Lost wages, what a sweet revenge!

Guess there are so many dumb and ignorant people out there and those are the ones who usually calls us dumb. Kinda ironic cuz they are dumb themselves. :ugh3:

This kind of stuff piss me off to no end!! When I got a job at GE the woman showing how to do my job kept over pronouncing all the words she was saying and writing some of them in the air!! Her mouth was one big 'O" the whole time making it too hard to read her lips!! I hate when talk in monotone
voice to me!! DOOO UUUUUU UNDERSTAND MEEEEE ! I feel like using the universal sign language that take only one finger!!
Wirelessly posted

One time I was waiting for the bus and ran into another Deaf passenger. We were happily signing away and then this drunk guy comes up and starts screaming fake deaf voice noises at us and signaling that he was gonna slit me and my dog's throat. Luckily my our bus came, but he followed us in. I was starting to really panic and plan safe escape, but then he got off several stops ahead. That was very scary.
I remember all sorts of mean things said to and about my son growing up--many of them by people who should know better! For instnace, in the second grade, because my son was perceptive enough to know when someone was approaching him from the side and would turn to look and then lipread what they were saying, the teacher told me "He can hear more than you think he can!" :rl: When he was trying to use his voice, he would be called retarded. If he didn't understand, he was stupid, and if he did understand, he wasn't deaf. Couldn't win for loosing.

I was able to tell when my dad came home, I notice that when his car drove pass a window the sun would shine on it and that made a shadow on the wall! I had to be ready for combat with my dad all the time! I bet most people would think the same about me 'hearing more' and I was 'faking' being HOH! Some people will look at with piety when they hear my voice! I can see they're think
"Oh you poor 'retarded' child!" This happen to not that long ago! GRR!
I've had just about everything mentioned in this thread happen to me too. The most common response I used to get was "You can DRIVE?!?!"

The weird thing is, I noticed whenever I got a "You can (insert any normal activity here)?!?!" it was always something to do with simple things like driving or babysitting or fun things like rollerskating, stuff like that - but no one ever said it in regards to school or work. Like sure, I'm perfectly capable of working and going to school but all of a sudden I am so helpless I can't do anything when it comes to other stuff? WTF? That never made any sense.

While people haven't gone out and actually called me stupid that I know of, one coworker felt that she should educate me on how to take care of myself and how to take care of my dog (I have a hearing/mobility service dog) as if I didn't already know how :roll: (I am a college graduate working in investigations with the local government). Once she printed out an article about the importance of giving my dog water and told me "Now don't get mad (I have never became visibly angry with someone at work so I don't know where that came from), but..." and then explained how to ensure a dog has water. I laughed and slightly rolled my eyes :roll: (kind of ridiculous that she thinks I am so stupid). Later that day, I threw away the printout since, if I hadn't known about giving my dog water, I had a chance to read it and did not still need it for reference or anything. The next day I came into work, that same printout was taken out of the trash and waiting on my desk. This time it was also highlighted. I ripped it to shreds and threw it away again. I went over to that coworker's desk (she hadn't arrived yet as she has a later work schedule) and wrote a note on her whiteboard saying "I KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY SERVICE DOG!!!" I then erased that for a nicer "Leah is not at risk of dehydration, but I appreciate you informing me in case I was ignorant of those risks." or something to that effect.

:topic: This next part isn't related to being insulted for being deaf, but it's another frustration with that same coworker. This same coworker had earlier brought in a metal bowl for water for Leah and a placemat to put it on. (BTW, I have a purse the size of a briefcase filled with things for Leah: a food/treat bag (for her day's worth of food/treats), a collapsible bowl (for water), bags and hand sanitizer (to pick up after her), disinfecting wipes (for accidents), a towel (to dry her off or wipe off her paws), a blanket (for her to lay on), a lint brush (to pick up her hair), a halti (training her to not pick food off the floor), and shoes (to protect her feet from hot asphalt, cold snow, broken glass, gum, etc), so I am always prepared. My own purse is much smaller :giggle:.) Everyday, this coworker would come in and refill the bowl with water. She would also ask to take Leah from me to take care of Leah's needs; :nono: I repeatedly told her no, thanks (Leah would have essentially reverted to being just a pet in the eyes of laws). She would also come over when Leah was laying on her blanket behind me while I was working :type:, start petting and talking to Leah, :nono: and completely ignoring me. Now Leah has started misbehaving and trying to ask people for attention and petting when she needs to be alert and help me. :mad: After a short while of this, I sent out an email to the entire branch (team) and even the entire group (office) laying down the "service dog rules" :deal:. The printing out of the "risks of dehydration for dogs" thing was shortly after this (I don't think she believes I can take care of Leah by myself).

OMG. I can not even tell you how much I identify with this. I got the same crap from some people before my hearing dog retired. It's like if you are not blind but you have a service dog, for some reason many people seem to think that means you are intellectually disabled.

I often dealt with people who seemed to insist that Daisy was dehydrated or dying of hunger and it was up to them to fix it. OR there were people who were convinced that I was torturing my dog by not ever letting her go to the bathroom and that it was up to them to ensure she got to relieve herself. I had to get pretty assertive, sometimes downright bitchy, to make the point that MY SERVICE DOG IS FINE AND I MORE THAN MEET HER NEEDS AND GOING LONG PERIODS WITHOUT FOOD OR BATHROOM BREAKS IS PART OF HER JOB AND SHE'S USED TO IT, SHE ALSO TELLS ME WHEN SHE NEEDS TO GO OUTSIDE, PLEASE FUCK OFF THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It got very, very irritating. I still don't know which was more irritating, not listening when I told them repeatedly she was fine, or them thinking I really must be that stupid and incapable.

The really funny thing is whenever there was a hearing person with their normal pet dog around just hanging out no one ever did that or said anything to them, even though both dogs were pretty much doing the exact same thing at the same times. They would still be convinced I was attempting to kill Daisy by not EVER giving her ANY food or water even though the other pet dog didn't either, but THEY were fine, lol. ARgh!
I admit that I had developed a bit of a temper :pissed: after being constantly frustrated with mainstream school, not being able to communicate well with anyone, and not being able to do anything about it (learned helplessness). When we were all still very young, my two brothers and my twin sister had these nicknames for me and made it into a little song. They were not intending to hurt me, only trying to tease me :P, but it was very frustrating to hear them say it, let alone sing it. Due to my deafness and temper, my siblings would sing "Deafy Duck and Tiger Claws. Quack quack... grr grr." I got so mad :mad: once that I took my sister's hand and twisted her fingers. I didn't break any of her fingers, but now the bone on one finger isn't set right. I was little, but I immediately regretted it. :( I know that that was wrong to do and she has long since forgiven me for it. We even laugh about it now. :aw:

I have also gotten the teasing "Can you hear me?" where they exaggerate mouthing the words without saying them. :roll:

While people haven't gone out and actually called me stupid that I know of, one coworker felt that she should educate me on how to take care of myself and how to take care of my dog (I have a hearing/mobility service dog) as if I didn't already know how :roll: (I am a college graduate working in investigations with the local government). Once she printed out an article about the importance of giving my dog water and told me "Now don't get mad (I have never became visibly angry with someone at work so I don't know where that came from), but..." and then explained how to ensure a dog has water. I laughed and slightly rolled my eyes :roll: (kind of ridiculous that she thinks I am so stupid). Later that day, I threw away the printout since, if I hadn't known about giving my dog water, I had a chance to read it and did not still need it for reference or anything. The next day I came into work, that same printout was taken out of the trash and waiting on my desk. This time it was also highlighted. I ripped it to shreds and threw it away again. I went over to that coworker's desk (she hadn't arrived yet as she has a later work schedule) and wrote a note on her whiteboard saying "I KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY SERVICE DOG!!!" I then erased that for a nicer "Leah is not at risk of dehydration, but I appreciate you informing me in case I was ignorant of those risks." or something to that effect.

:topic: This next part isn't related to being insulted for being deaf, but it's another frustration with that same coworker. This same coworker had earlier brought in a metal bowl for water for Leah and a placemat to put it on. (BTW, I have a purse the size of a briefcase filled with things for Leah: a food/treat bag (for her day's worth of food/treats), a collapsible bowl (for water), bags and hand sanitizer (to pick up after her), disinfecting wipes (for accidents), a towel (to dry her off or wipe off her paws), a blanket (for her to lay on), a lint brush (to pick up her hair), a halti (training her to not pick food off the floor), and shoes (to protect her feet from hot asphalt, cold snow, broken glass, gum, etc), so I am always prepared. My own purse is much smaller :giggle:.) Everyday, this coworker would come in and refill the bowl with water. She would also ask to take Leah from me to take care of Leah's needs; :nono: I repeatedly told her no, thanks (Leah would have essentially reverted to being just a pet in the eyes of laws). She would also come over when Leah was laying on her blanket behind me while I was working :type:, start petting and talking to Leah, :nono: and completely ignoring me. Now Leah has started misbehaving and trying to ask people for attention and petting when she needs to be alert and help me. :mad: After a short while of this, I sent out an email to the entire branch (team) and even the entire group (office) laying down the "service dog rules" :deal:. The printing out of the "risks of dehydration for dogs" thing was shortly after this (I don't think she believes I can take care of Leah by myself).

If I were you, I would just file a complaint against the co-worker for harassment and interfering with your service dog's training.
I've had just about everything mentioned in this thread happen to me too. The most common response I used to get was "You can DRIVE?!?!"

The weird thing is, I noticed whenever I got a "You can (insert any normal activity here)?!?!" it was always something to do with simple things like driving or babysitting or fun things like rollerskating, stuff like that - but no one ever said it in regards to school or work. Like sure, I'm perfectly capable of working and going to school but all of a sudden I am so helpless I can't do anything when it comes to other stuff? WTF? That never made any sense.

OMG. I can not even tell you how much I identify with this. I got the same crap from some people before my hearing dog retired. It's like if you are not blind but you have a service dog, for some reason many people seem to think that means you are intellectually disabled.

I often dealt with people who seemed to insist that Daisy was dehydrated or dying of hunger and it was up to them to fix it. OR there were people who were convinced that I was torturing my dog by not ever letting her go to the bathroom and that it was up to them to ensure she got to relieve herself. I had to get pretty assertive, sometimes downright bitchy, to make the point that MY SERVICE DOG IS FINE AND I MORE THAN MEET HER NEEDS AND GOING LONG PERIODS WITHOUT FOOD OR BATHROOM BREAKS IS PART OF HER JOB AND SHE'S USED TO IT, SHE ALSO TELLS ME WHEN SHE NEEDS TO GO OUTSIDE, PLEASE FUCK OFF THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It got very, very irritating. I still don't know which was more irritating, not listening when I told them repeatedly she was fine, or them thinking I really must be that stupid and incapable.

The really funny thing is whenever there was a hearing person with their normal pet dog around just hanging out no one ever did that or said anything to them, even though both dogs were pretty much doing the exact same thing at the same times. They would still be convinced I was attempting to kill Daisy by not EVER giving her ANY food or water even though the other pet dog didn't either, but THEY were fine, lol. ARgh!
I can id with this ESPECIALLY with my parents.