So true, Rebecca. I am skeptical of any parent who says that they did not grieve or were not disappointed in finding that their child would not be like everyone else - it isn't as if it is wrong to feel that way, and it isn't focusing blame on the child - it is grief because you know how hard life might be for them. And of course parents don't want their children to have hard lives - what parent would be ok with that???
Bold part = *so* true
Not wrong to feel that way. I still wait for the PFH reply, that I am supposed to fear, because of my honest reply.

What parent out there would willingly want their child to have challenges and be taunted, made fun of because of challenges? We all want our kids to be accepted. This not always happen but we dream for that for our child. Always dream for our child. Always.
Two of my four kids, four that I know of, ha, were supposedly Deaf. Tested and nothing wrong. Just ignore when Mummy speak to them.

I am so, so happy that all four of my babies will not have the same challenge that I have. So happy. Relieved. Frustrated that they don't speak my language but I can handle that part. I speak to them what is in their brain, not in mine.
This is where I hope Beclak chime in with her experience. She have hearie husband and many hearie children. I wonder if her experience is same as mine.