Well - not all guys are like my ex who was a real piece of work

But every guy Ive dated since then have been jerks. L---- was demanding sex and kept forcing me to drink to an alocoholic state where I felt like I could not function with out it. Ive been dried out from that for 6 months now that I sobered up and cut loose from him.
then the last guy was just mentally missing pieces. He'd want to play around and do dirty things, but I had to tread lightly around him as he would get offended at the littlest thing and I had to keep the kiddie gloves on 90% of the time. So after a month of dating him I said it's over, I cant keep the kiddie gloves on forever.
So anyway Im sort of looking for someone to date but not seriously. Ive just about decided that perhaps I need to ask for a blind date from friends that think they know a guy thats a good match - certaintly have trouble picking guys on my own,