Electrolysis or Hair Remove

Reba said:
Facial hair on women is due to an imbalance of hormones. There are various conditions that can cause that. In older women it is usually because of menopause. In younger women it could be thyroid gland problems or diabetes or some other condition.

She really shouldn't shave the hairs. When shaved hair grows back it is rougher looking and more "stubbly" because the ends are blunt. If she uses hard waxing or plucking the new growth will be finer texture and more sparse (not as many), and it lasts longer. Waxing removes the root below the skin surface with the hair. Shaving just cuts the hair at the surface.

Maybe as I remember she told me that might overactive thyroid dont know and she is stress alots cause of her boyfriend and the kids.. I dont like her boyfriend very much which I hate him.
LOL, Vamp, can i videotape u with duct tape on your hairy, and send it to "jackass" on TV show..
VamPyroX said:
I think using duct tape is cheaper. ;)

ohhhhh that gonna be so PAINFUL!!! when you put duct tape
and pull it out to said OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW with the bad swearing!! %$#@^ lol :lol:
Hey Vampy!

:eek: Are you out of your mind?!?! That's HURT!! NO WAY JOSE!


VamPyroX said:
I think using duct tape is cheaper. ;)
have thought to try waxing cuz for 8 weeks no growing, cool, but used shaving with the Gel, if on face would use waxing

:lol: VampyRox and Oakley, use ice pack afterward :D
FeistyChick said:
what i asked was... do you pull your hair out by using tweezers? (that is called "plugging your hair") :)

i spelled it wrong- it is PLUCKING! NOT plugging! :Oops: :D
Kalista said:
:-o I am shocked, you never shave your pubic. No wonder, you have been too many appointments with electrolysis.

VERY FUNNY! :whistle: do you see me laughing!??? NOT! :P
Reba said:
Facial hair on women is due to an imbalance of hormones. There are various conditions that can cause that. In older women it is usually because of menopause. In younger women it could be thyroid gland problems or diabetes or some other condition.

She really shouldn't shave the hairs. When shaved hair grows back it is rougher looking and more "stubbly" because the ends are blunt. If she uses hard waxing or plucking the new growth will be finer texture and more sparse (not as many), and it lasts longer. Waxing removes the root below the skin surface with the hair. Shaving just cuts the hair at the surface.

being overweight is one of the factors that causes facial hairs as i was told... and it is very true that if you shave your hair, it becomes rough when it grows back (like a man's hair) and what's more, it becomes darker too (like a mustache or beard!) :ugh:
yeah i see that other people keep using shave for facial. I kept tell them, better not to use it, it make look like man. But didn't listen to me.
FeistyChick said:
being overweight is one of the factors that causes facial hairs as i was told... and it is very true that if you shave your hair, it becomes rough when it grows back (like a man's hair) and what's more, it becomes darker too (like a mustache or beard!) :ugh:

yeah it can grow back again even my cousin get shave her chin to get rid of hair and it came back so she keep shave rid of it .. I cant do anything to her I dont really support her.
FeistyChick said:
being overweight is one of the factors that causes facial hairs as i was told...
I don't think being overweight in itself causes facial hair on women, but it could be connected to the thyroid and diabetic conditions which do effect it.
what i asked was... do you pull your hair out by using tweezers? (that is called "plugging your hair")

Actually what it is called is PLUCKING. You pluck your hair.

One entry found for pluck.

1 : to pull or pick off or out
2 a : to remove something (as hairs) from by or as if by plucking <pluck one's eyebrows> b

Plugging is from PLUG

Main Entry: 2plug
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): plugged; plug·ging
transitive senses
1 : to stop, make tight, or secure by inserting a plug
city was plugged into the new highway system>

When you put a plug into a bathtub to stop water from leaking out that's plugging.

basically what would that mean- plugging hair- is INSERTING hair into something.

BTW why not look into Laser hair removal. Is expensive and require repeats but it's for life.
Not for everyone, though - for light complexion and dark hair it works best.

Mama2AFTIV said:
Hey Vampy!

:eek: Are you out of your mind?!?! That's HURT!! NO WAY JOSE!

I've already done that. ;)
Reba said:
I don't think being overweight in itself causes facial hair on women, but it could be connected to the thyroid and diabetic conditions which do effect it.

my electrologist told me that? :dunno: