Electrolysis or Hair Remove

Audiofuzzy said:
what i asked was... do you pull your hair out by using tweezers? (that is called "plugging your hair")

Actually what it is called is PLUCKING. You pluck your hair.

One entry found for pluck.

1 : to pull or pick off or out
2 a : to remove something (as hairs) from by or as if by plucking <pluck one's eyebrows> b

Plugging is from PLUG

Main Entry: 2plug
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): plugged; plug·ging
transitive senses
1 : to stop, make tight, or secure by inserting a plug
city was plugged into the new highway system>

When you put a plug into a bathtub to stop water from leaking out that's plugging.

basically what would that mean- plugging hair- is INSERTING hair into something.

BTW why not look into Laser hair removal. Is expensive and require repeats but it's for life.
Not for everyone, though - for light complexion and dark hair it works best.


scussse moi
... but you overlooked my post#30... but thanks anyway! :D
FeistyChick said:
i spelled it wrong- it is PLUCKING! NOT plugging! :Oops: :D

I was told that you pull your hair from your nipples out by using tweezers every morning. :eek:
Oh this topic is just to interesting to let die,when I was younger I heard
that if you pluck the hair from your legs with tweezers and make sure
you remove the root the hair won't grow back so I decided to do this
but being so painful I worked only with my left leg.

Well, it worked but only to a degree because I became lazy, long story
short the hair on my right leg is coarse and brown and the hair on the lower
part of my left leg is now fine and blonde and the upper part of my left leg is completely hairless, only took me 6 months to make myself tacky.

Here's :cheers: to :afro:, mind you that's Rootbeer!
My ob/gyn also does that kind of job.... I was going to get it done since it cut the price down to $300 since he knows my parents well enough... It ususally cost about $1500........

It doesn't matter if I get it done or not because I always shave almost everyday.

I think personally that people are lazy to shave but at the same time I understand it would be NICE not to have to shave again.....

But you have to go back every 6 months.. thats the big problem..... :pissed:

Bills comes frist.... can't hardly crap out $300 but If I did I wouldn't be spending it on that.. I would probbbly either save it in a saving account or treat myself something...That I can use. :fly: