Duggars Family... When Will It End?

The saying for gall bladder risk for women is "fat, fertile and over 40." She probably fits in this category. The risk of complications during pregnancy increase with age (and the risks of birth defects). I hope that she realizes how risky it is to have more children.

I don't think that it's fair to dump the baby on the older siblings. The older girls will be parenting way too soon.

I meant the older siblings will help their dad take care of the younger siblings, not the baby as the baby will be in hospital for a while. Anyway it does say on their website that each oldest of the siblings is paired up with a younger sibling and they help each other anyway already.
Yeah and also children grandparents, aunts, uncles take care of them while Bob visit in the hospital with Michelle and baby. Josie was born in 25th weeks. Michelle need to take plenty of rest because gallstones surgery. It's painful.
I hope the baby will be ok with no problems. :)

I guess they can get an early start on the next one. :lol:
updates from people magazine

Duggar Baby Born Prematurely Due to Pregnancy Complication
Duggar Baby Born Prematurely Due to Pregnancy Complication - Babies, Health : People.com

Michelle Duggar's 19th baby was born prematurely at 1 lb., 6 oz., because Michelle suffered a rare condition during pregnancy that causes high blood pressure, her doctor says.

The condition, preeclampsia, which affects 5 to 8 percent of pregnancies, was discovered when Michelle was admitted to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to evaluate pain related to a gall bladder problem, says Dr. Paul Wendel, director of the hospital's Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

"The obstetrical and neonatal teams reached the collaborative decision [Thursday] that Mrs. Duggar needed an emergency C-section to ensure the blood pressure problem would not be detrimental to her or the baby," says Wendel.

Daughter Josie Brooklyn was born at 6:27 p.m. Thursday and is in stable condition in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.

"Michelle is recovering well from surgery," Wendel says.
Michelle Duggar, star of the TLC reality show "18 Kids and Counting" has given birth to her 19th child in an emergency C-section.
Reality TV mom Michelle Duggar has given birth to a premature girl.

New baby Josie Brooklyn, born Thursday evening, weighs 1 pound 6 ounces and is in stable condition at the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, TLC reports.

TLC reports "Michelle is resting comfortably" while Josie Brooklyn stays at the neonatal intensive care unit, and that "the family is grateful for all the prayers and well wishes during their recovery."

Duggar's baby was not due until March, but TLC is reporting that Duggar went into the hospital early suffering pain from a gallstone. People magazine reported Monday that Duggar had been airlifted to a hospital in Little Rock because her gallbladder problems were causing contractions.

Only 6 percent of babies are born so early. Most preemies make it the 33rd week of pregnancy and while most premature babies are at risk for health problems, risk for complications increases the earlier a baby is born, according to the March of Dimes.

Their organs are less developed in babies before 32 weeks gestation, but advances in obstetrics and neonatology have improved the chances of survival for babies as small as Josie Brooklyn.

Josie Brooklyn was born at 25 weeks and, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in June, babies born at 25 weeks who receive aggressive treatment through intensive care have an 82 percent chance of survival.

For now, Duggar's husband, Jim Bob, and 18 children will have to get along without Michelle and Josie Brooklyn.

In September, the Duggars announced that they were expecting their 19th child. Though they make raising a large family look like, well, child's play, adults who have grown up in Duggar-size families say it's a mixed blessing. Finding space to be alone is a challenge. Finding someone to play with is not.

There's also an environmental effect -- think carbon dioxide -- as well as health concerns for the mother. Women who've borne more than five children risk hemorrhage and even the loss of their uterus because repeated pregnancies sometimes thin the walls of the uterus, said Dr. Joanna Cain, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Providence, R.I.

Then there's always the possibility of one child getting lost in the passel of children.

Rachel Carroccio, a receptionist and ceramics teacher in Little Rock, Ark., knows that experience firsthand. The fifth-born of 10 children, Carroccio, now 28, recalled one time when her mother was in a hurry to get to the grocery store.

"We all piled into the minivan," she told ABCNews.com. "Mom counted heads to make sure everyone was there. As soon as she pulls forward, she sees my little brother Daniel riding his bike in front of us."

As it turned out, one of the heads was really the neighbor's.

But, for all the fond memories, she says the older girls in the family, including herself, burned out on caring for younger siblings and the house while her mother, often raising them alone, worked outside the home.

"None of us really want many kids," Carroccio said, referring to the girls. "My brothers, on the other hand, all want to have kids. I have one brother about to have his fifth child."

Those are among the sentiments the Carroccios like to share whenever all 10 -- ranging in ages from 11 to 37 -- get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas, their favorite time of the year.

Christmas was also a favorite time for Henriette Peters, the 11th child of 14, growing up in Crystal Lake, Ill., outside Chicago.

Duggar Baby 19: Michelle Duggar Gives Birth to Daughter, Josie Brooklyn Duggar - ABC News
Poor little baby. She will suffers for long time and hopefully her parents decide to stop produce more children after her. Too risky, we almost lost our great neice from being premature and medical complication developed 2 weeks after she was born. Now she is fine but will have big ugly scar for rest of her life. . And my future daughter in law lost her baby nephew 2 days old, 3 weeks ago. He was a full term but the doctor accidently punched his lung when they put tube down in his throat in NICU and he died from lack of oxygen. If this baby lives then they should be lucky and not to create more children.
Poor little baby. She will suffers for long time and hopefully her parents decide to stop produce more children after her. Too risky, we almost lost our great neice from being premature and medical complication developed 2 weeks after she was born. Now she is fine but will have big ugly scar for rest of her life. . And my future daughter in law lost her baby nephew 2 days old, 3 weeks ago. He was a full term but the doctor accidently punched his lung when they put tube down in his throat in NICU and he died from lack of oxygen. If this baby lives then they should be lucky and not to create more children.

I am sorry to hear about your daughter in the law lost her nephew. I hope Josie will be ok but still suffer with health. Michelle might be complete with 19th children or one more 20 child would be final. She need to tie the tubes. Josie was born in 25 weeks. In 29 weeks suppose Baby's has rhythmic breathing, but lungs are still not fully mature in mother's belly.

I bet Michelle's tummy already ugly scars because she had c-sections several times with her older and younger children. And plus stretch marks and she never show her nuke belly at all. That is why she covered it.
I am sorry to hear about your daughter in the law lost her nephew. I hope Josie will be ok but still suffer with health. Michelle might be complete with 19th children or one more 20 child would be final. She need to tie the tubes. Josie was born in 25 weeks. In 29 weeks suppose Baby's has rhythmic breathing, but lungs are still not fully mature in mother's belly.

I bet Michelle's tummy already ugly scars because she had c-sections several times with her older and younger children. And plus stretch marks and she never show her nuke belly at all. That is why she covered it.
Thank you it was horrible to lose a newborn baby, still hit us hard even we went to memorial service. My great neice was born 32 weeks premature and weight 3 lbs and 11 oz 2 months ago and got infection in blood and damaged part of her lower and upper intestine. Doctor had to removed some of them. It was a miracle she waited till got stronger and surivived the surgery. 80 percent premies who went thru this did not surivive it. She may grow slower and may be tiny for first few year of her life. I hope my neice will not have another kid after my great neice Kira. Very close call, I am so grateful for little Kira to be part of our lives. Josie, I feel bad for her after I listen to all what Kira went thru. Too much for premie especially Joise is 25 weeks, usually babies born that early does not surivive. I pray for her and her family. Yeah I can see mother have stretch marks and scar from repeat c-section. Even I had two kids, I still carry stretch to this day. Thanks again. I still have tear when I think of baby Ven.
Maybe this will put some fear in Michelle Duggar and make her realize that what she is doing is extremely risky and unsafe for the child as well as herself.

I say when she goes in for gallbladder surgery, the doctors also need to perform a hysterectomy as well. This has got to end.
I doubt this will change her mind. And I don't know why people think she is incapable of caring a special need child. She probably believe God won't give her more than she is capable of.

No one should touch anyone's uterus without their permission! She is not a criminal for not believing in birth control (oh and btw, there are people who have just as much children than she does, she just the one of the people that everyone knows)

Oh and my mom had 5 kids and no c-section, and her belly do not look so bad and hardly any stretch marks at all. I have one child and my belly look worst than my mother. My mother is one lucky woman.

I should mention that my aunt and my grandma had 7 kids, they showed me their belly, and they look great. Don't let number of kids fool you.
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Thank you it was horrible to lose a newborn baby, still hit us hard even we went to memorial service. My great neice was born 32 weeks premature and weight 3 lbs and 11 oz 2 months ago and got infection in blood and damaged part of her lower and upper intestine. Doctor had to removed some of them. It was a miracle she waited till got stronger and surivived the surgery. 80 percent premies who went thru this did not surivive it. She may grow slower and may be tiny for first few year of her life. I hope my neice will not have another kid after my great neice Kira. Very close call, I am so grateful for little Kira to be part of our lives. Josie, I feel bad for her after I listen to all what Kira went thru. Too much for premie especially Joise is 25 weeks, usually babies born that early does not surivive. I pray for her and her family. Yeah I can see mother have stretch marks and scar from repeat c-section. Even I had two kids, I still carry stretch to this day. Thanks again. I still have tear when I think of baby Ven.
I am sorry for your niece but I don't think you have any rights to hope your sister to not to have another child because of your niece.
Maybe it is just me, but Josie look pretty big for a premature.

anyway, I bet all that gallbladder problem is due to eating processed food. My husband in his 30's ate alot of processed food and had a really bad gallbadder problem. He had to have his removed. I noticed that the Druggars stock up processed food as well and I think it is time for them to go more natural and organic route.
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Maybe this will put some fear in Michelle Duggar and make her realize that what she is doing is extremely risky and unsafe for the child as well as herself.

I say when she goes in for gallbladder surgery, the doctors also need to perform a hysterectomy as well. This has got to end.

Don't count on it, Dix. The reason this whole nightmare started to begin with was because Michelle was on the birth control pill after having Josh, and she suffered a miscarriage. From then on, she decided that only God would determine when it was time for her to not have any more children. She came off the pill and started popping out kids left, right, and sideways. Crazy indeed!
i think Michelle will have surgery after baby born or not but we have wait to find out to say
I doubt this will change her mind. And I don't know why people think she is incapable of caring a special need child. She probably believe God won't give her more than she is capable of.

No one should touch anyone's uterus without their permission! She is not a criminal for not believing in birth control (oh and btw, there are people who have just as much children than she does, she just the one of the people that everyone knows)

Oh and my mom had 5 kids and no c-section, and her belly do not look so bad and hardly any stretch marks at all. I have one child and my belly look worst than my mother. My mother is one lucky woman.

I should mention that my aunt and my grandma had 7 kids, they showed me their belly, and they look great. Don't let number of kids fool you.

Yep, pretty true.

Anyway, I hope the baby Josie is able to be healed as soon as possible.
Yeah I'm sure she already had surgery and Josie does definately look too big for a 1lb 6oz or whatever weight she is!!
I doubt this will change her mind. And I don't know why people think she is incapable of caring a special need child. She probably believe God won't give her more than she is capable of.

No one should touch anyone's uterus without their permission! She is not a criminal for not believing in birth control (oh and btw, there are people who have just as much children than she does, she just the one of the people that everyone knows)

Oh and my mom had 5 kids and no c-section, and her belly do not look so bad and hardly any stretch marks at all. I have one child and my belly look worst than my mother. My mother is one lucky woman.

I should mention that my aunt and my grandma had 7 kids, they showed me their belly, and they look great. Don't let number of kids fool you.

She has got WAY more than what she is capable of. The older siblings have to take care of the younger siblings, Michelle just takes care of the very youngest ones - then hands them off to one of the other children to have to raise. That isn't right. This isn't teaching responsibility, this is taking advantage of your older kids to be your free babysitters while you keep popping out more. The older kids are robbed of really being able to enjoy their years in the home and just be kids.

The number of children don't fool me, it's the media blessing that fools others into believing that Michelle does all the work herself - if you think about it, she really can't do it all by herself, it's humanly impossible with 20 kids.

I honestly think that when the older kids go off to college they are rejoicing of their new found freedom. Yes they realize they need to do well in college, but now if they want to go out and hang with friends, they are free to do so. They don't have to stay home and look after little Johnny all night. They aren't competing with 20 other siblings for attention. They get to get out and enjoy new experiences they never got living at home. (remember they were all homeschooled, and they went out maybe once a month for grocery shopping and to weekly church sermons). They don't have to share bedrooms with 4 or 5 other siblings, they have a bit more privacy at college. They get to have some alone or "me" time to just get away from the rattle and buzz of living in such a large family.

I wonder what the APA has to say about children growing up in such large families and what the effect is on their mental being.