'Duck Dynasty' star suspended for anti-gay remarks

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AFTERALL, it is a stupid, desperate ploy to retract people into believe american dream is such a good thing, bah blah blah blah, see hunters in the wild is a analougous to paying your own way, it is anti obama-case and so on......it gets shown here for rich bums riding harleys and their over-simpliclistic biker culture on family and sex (two fo most imporatant famlly values) etc
Dude got a big mouth. Let him shoot it off.
No way...city lady at heart...... Farting, chewing tobacco and snuff...etc., etc., just don't cut it with me!...:giggle:

hmm there are city rednecks.. they use duct tape to fix broken doors, secure garbage can lids from city pests, .... need me to go :giggle:on? lol
freedom of speech doesn't apply to corporations... only government

and Phil signed a contract with A&E and part of the clauses doesn't allow him to speak such thing.


from my friend's FB -

Yes, Walmart doesn't like my structure on unions and the manager scolded me. :roll:

The freedom of speech doesn't apply to Walmart because they are private company.
hmm there are city rednecks.. they use duct tape to fix broken doors, secure garbage can lids from city pests, .... need me to go :giggle:on? lol
My mom was a lifetime Connecticut Yankee, Mayflower descendent--no redneck blood in her. My next door elderly neighbor was a Massachusetts native--no redneck blood in him. Both of them were duct tape users, no holds barred. :lol:

I think for New Englanders it was a matter of the generation to which they belonged (Great Depression), and good ol' Yankee thriftiness. (The results were less than stellar but they tried.)
When I vision "rednecks"...they always have a few missing teeth and the rest are tobacco stained....grizzly beards.....Mud Bogging in trucks....Caps and Hats (always)....beer guzzling and farting....holes in the bottoms of their boots....chewing tobacco stains all over their yards, tobacco stained fingers....and a "Howdy, y'all".....
Do you have a link for the exact contractual wording?

no. and it's pretty obvious. A&E suspended him and did not like what he said.
'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson: What Are His Legal Options? - TheWrap
While the specifics of Robertson’s agreement with A&E aren’t known, entertainment-industry protocol suggests that he would likely have have an uphill battle.

TheWrap spoke to multiple legal experts who said that, if Robertson’s contract contained a morals clause — as if often the case with on-air talent — than the reality TV star has little in the way of legal recourse.

Often, such morals clauses note that, if talents speaks or acts in a way that insults or denigrates people, the producer reserves the right to suspend or terminate that talent.

And typically, defining such language or actions is left to the discretion of the studio — basically, “if we say it is so, it is.” Tough to mount a legal argument against that.

“My guess is that they [suspended Robertson] on the basis of a morality clause,” one entertainment attorney told TheWrap on Wednesday. “Once you sign a reality show contract, they own you.”

Entertainment attorney Neville Johnson also noted that talent agreements generally tend to favor the networks. “If you see these talent agreements, they basically say they can do everything except torture you,” Johnson said.

While some — notably, failed vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin — raised the issue of free speech in defense of Robertson, the “Duck Dynasty” star isn’t likely to find legal recourse under the banner of the First Amendment, as that only protects citizens from infringement on the government’s part.

“He has no First Amendment [complaint] against A&E,” Eugene Volokh, a professor at UCLA School of Law told TheWrap. “The First Amendment, the first word of the First Amendment is Congress: ‘Congress shall make no law.’”
no. and it's pretty obvious. A&E suspended him and did not like what he said.
Contractual restrictions and "pretty obvious" are not the same thing. :lol:
Foxrac asked me to check out this thread. I find a small spot that has internet reception (in the middle of a wilderness ATM on top of a mountain).

So .... Let's see ... We have a white, southern, patriotic, Christian, country family that make duck calls and suddenly GLAAD wants us to think they are quack heads?

Funny :lol:
It is kind of a rule of life that you can say what ever you want to say but... You will pay a price.

Like most rules of life you can think what ever you want about them but it will not make a bit of difference.

He knew he was pushing the envelope. They knew he knew. He knowing what he knew and knowing what they knew said what he wanted to say
anyway. It comes down to not what he did but why he did.
Phil made his millions already before A&E went begging him at his door to do a show. They are not hurting him, instead, shooting themselves in the foot by suspending one of their highest viewed programs.

He spoke his mind. So what?
Phil made his millions already before A&E went begging him at his door to do a show. They are not hurting him, instead, shooting themselves in the foot by suspending one of their highest viewed programs….
That's right. The whole reason A&E was interested in making the program was because the family was perceived as redneck millionaires. That was the "hook" that got A&E's attention.
If A&E suspended him, what's the big deal? Just wondering what the big uproar is all about.
If A&E suspended him, what's the big deal? Just wondering what the big uproar is all about.

Basically, the very simple way I see it, is A&E is telling Phil that they wanted to do a show about Phil and his family. Except Phil can't be Phil, he has to indoctrinate the public with A&E's agenda. If he can't answer a question about his Christian faith, and be honest, why was he asked in the first place? It is becoming more transparent what the agenda is and apparently people are getting fed up with it.
I find extremely ironic that Sarah Palin is crying "free speech" foul for this. Was she trying to get Martin Bashir back on the air for exercising his right to free speech a few weeks ago :D

This is still all over my news feeds, and I still can't believe so many Americans don't understand the fundamentals of free speech.

Is Phil in jail? Does he have charges brought against him? Nope, rights not violated. He could have said no comment, that's between them and god and none of my business, nobody made him say homosexual and bestiality in the same freaking sentence, lumping them in with drunkards and terrorists, and saying it's illogical. But what really tickled me was saying at the end, but I wouldn't disrespect anyone.......so um what did you think you just did? Let's take homosexuality and just morph out from there, you know bestiality......wtf??? Oh did you just mean to their face Phil? Because that was pretty disrespectful.

Meh def not a freedom of speech issue, last I checked A&E is not the government. Freedom of Speech is not like a hall pass, it's not a free of all repercussions speech. Businesses get to choose who they're going to do business with, they have rights well. Wondering how well anyone ever thinks it would go over if they said something like this at work. How long do you think you'd have your job if you said this to a customer?

Somebody mentioned comedians. Stand up comedians, and actors, are free agents. People hiring comedians for a gig would know the content, and their venues can decide whether or not they're going to hire them. Celebrities do interviews and what not for publicity, if a company chooses not to do business with them in the future because of things they say, that's their prerogative. Gatorade and who knows who else stopped sponsoring Tiger Woods when his affairs became known. Again, that's their prerogative. Companies don't HAVE to do business with anyone that they don't feel represents them well, or they don't want associated with them. Phil is free to say whatever he wants, and people that don't wasn't anything to do with him.....are also free to do so. Also A&E wasnt his employer, it was a business deal, he wasn't fired. DD was basically publicity for Phils Duck Commander business......making duck calls luring poor little ducks in with promise of sex :D and then killing them (lil bit of irony there)
Here is the way I see it, and feel free to disagree with me all you want to. First of all, Phil was asked, in an interview, to explain his religious beliefs. The information he conveyed was not volunteered. He was asked.

It is no secret how the left views religion. They "frown" on it. Especially if a particular religious belief is in direct opposition to a political - sociological ideology they share.

When GLAAD came out and claimed that Phil's beliefs were not truly how "real Christians" believed, it was a lie. What Phil conveyed is exactly what Christians believe. There can be no ...but ... but ... so and so is blessing it ...

Nope. The official stance of any organized religion, whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. etc. (any recognized religion) is that homosexuality is a sin. So what GLAAD is attempting to do (and what the left has attempted to do) is to subvert people of faith ... period.

It is transparent. People aren't just fed up with this tactic, they are getting very angry. And just so you know, one of the fundamentals of free speech is that religious speech is protected speech and Phil can sue the ever loving $%%# out of A&E.
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