I knew you would say that.
My point is that there is really no such thing as "free speech." There are consequences.
absolutely, Free speech is a myth
perpetuated by "the american dream" allegory
another way of looking at this is, the american dream is compatiable with christiandom want evidence? look at your $1 note...what does it say?
nutters even argue "god" really means , Gold, Oil and Guns! as G.O.D. with dots removed...just to scare and people into submission, and churches are 'used' to bang on 'lores' but laws (but people ARE stupid enough to confuse the two)...
so there... a belief is a form of coerion in which powers that be, uses against people for control...inhere lies the irony,
manufacturing consent by coercion
social relations and ideas. In this manner,A famous sociologist -well he wasn't a formal sociologist, because at the time that term didn't exist, however this political thinker, Antonio Gramsci was imprisoned (and died at age of 46 in jail), he developed a the idea of ideological superstructure that he argued it explains how the "traditional ideas" are used for both maintaining and fracturing relations of the economic base.
Gramsci explored that bourgeois (a Marxist concept but a very useful one) cultural values, and he wrote many pages about how folklore, popular culture are tied to religion, and therefore have much to do with the way hegemonic culture is constructed and aimed at these.
Back in the 1930s', Gramsci was intrigued by the influence which the Roman Catholicism had over italy (and the world) , particularly at the way they took care about how the Church is taken by between the learned and that of the less educated, in such a way that they prevent excessive gap developing, and hence maintain the crowd following (churches loves the word Fellowship, its an advertising term (sic) - whatever). and many of popular culture has been influenced...Oh and Elvis Presley!! and many pop music have many layers of the 'mores and lores' of "western religious cultures'...
so there...
Im not impressed with Duck Dynasty, myself i think its shit...and also I'm hardly surprised with this flare up on homosexuality and religion, in fact, I find it hilarious, and I'm amazed at this length of this thread!!
wow just wow, it really show how much of it is taken seriously.
that's all folks (ha, that Warner Bros cartoon)