I dislike Sony. They make it so difficult for me to turn the closed captions on.

They hide the option/feature that you need to use to turn the closed captions on the TV screen. I have searched around and around and around and tried every option and there is no option to turn the closed captions on even though it says on the box that the TV does have closed captions. There is also NO option on the remote itself to turn the closed captions on. Therefore, I have vowed NEVER to buy Sony. I found out this problem when I was in college and we had to watch a video and we tried to turn on the closed caption on the TV and we tried for half an hour to find a way to turn the damned closed captions on. I even checked the back of the TV to see what year the TV was made in (there is usually a label on the back of the TV that shows the year the TV was made in), and it was made in 1998, so it should have had closed captions, since there is a law (I believe) that ALL TVs made in 1994 and after 1994 must be equipped with closed captions. I was so

when we could not turn the damned closed captions on. And this was not the only occasion that this has happened to me, I have had this happen to me while at a friend's houses who has a Sony, or at a relative's house who has a Sony, and the same thing happened.

And I am the one who usually jumps up to turn on the closed captions on the TV in class or at a friend's or a relative's since no one else usually knows how to turn them on except me or the interpreter.
I have a Funai and a Magnavox. The Funai has closed captions while the Magnavox doesn't, since the latter was made in 1992.