Down in the Dumps


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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So, my son was getting a cold when I picked him up from mommas last sunday. It excellerated into cold so he was sneezing and all the good stuff, well then he started running a fever again and I feared the worst since he just got over pneumonia. So again he runs a fever and meds knock it down then its right back. So monday night into tuesday he started throwing up. Finally last night into this morning the fever was gone...yeah, it broke. NOPE, he gets up and upchucks all over my bed, the chair and himself... not a good beginning to christmas eve.
So, my son was getting a cold when I picked him up from mommas last sunday. It excellerated into cold so he was sneezing and all the good stuff, well then he started running a fever again and I feared the worst since he just got over pneumonia. So again he runs a fever and meds knock it down then its right back. So monday night into tuesday he started throwing up. Finally last night into this morning the fever was gone...yeah, it broke. NOPE, he gets up and upchucks all over my bed, the chair and himself... not a good beginning to christmas eve.

I hope Reba is right and he feels better quickly.

It does remind me of myself as a kid. I had a lot of bad colds and it also wanted to come out that end. But . . . if it was meal time I wanted REAL food immediately after. Mother would make herself something she called milk toast (toast it hot milk) that seemed a soggy mess to me and enough to turn my stomach just looking at it of thinking about it. The only reason I have not had more of a problem with gaining weight when sick as an adult than I have is the matter of when I don't feel like getting up and preparing it.
Aww poor kid :(

I hope he is better by tomorrow and can enjoy himself a little.

We've had our share of sick kids and adults on/around Christmas Day- never fun.
Poor little guy, he been through a lot lately , I hope he'll feel better soon and that you don't get sick too. :(
It may be some excitement with Christmas had some of that here with little one
I finally went to get some different meds, Mucinex and Robitussin to stop his cough and get the mucus out of him. So far it helped with the cough but still has thick mucus and crap trying to come out. He is sleeping it off for now. Im going to a christmas party he was supposed to tag along to play with the kids, but I and they dont want him to make the others sick, so Gma and Gpa will watch him while Im gone. Then My daughter (sissy Cilla) is coming after her and her boyfriend gets off work around 8 so Ill be back by then for opening presents before taking him to mommas for Santas gifts in the morning, then momma droping him back off to me tomorrow afternoon for the next weekand some....
Man that sucks. My family just got over some nasty chest cold. Hope he feels better tomorow!
Can you imagine that my son (he is 39 years old) will not be coming up here to spend Christmas and Christmas Day as he got very very bad cold? He is too sick to get up. I told him I will come down to Albuquerque to take care of him on Christmas Day. He does not want me to come down but I am stubborn and I am going down there to see him if the weather is good. Family is important and my Christmas just to be with him and children if they are there with him. I got gifts for them. So I am going to bring them to them. I do hope he will get better soon. :(
Can you imagine that my son (he is 39 years old) will not be coming up here to spend Christmas and Christmas Day as he got very very bad cold? He is too sick to get up. I told him I will come down to Albuquerque to take care of him on Christmas Day. He does not want me to come down but I am stubborn and I am going down there to see him if the weather is good. Family is important and my Christmas just to be with him and children if they are there with him. I got gifts for them. So I am going to bring them to them. I do hope he will get better soon. :(
I hope your son gets better soon and that the rest of the family stays healthy. I also hope that you will have safe travel.
I used to get sick a lot myself as a child. No fun...hope the little tike gets a Christmas miracle and recovers quickly.

Can you imagine that my son (he is 39 years old) will not be coming up here to spend Christmas and Christmas Day as he got very very bad cold? He is too sick to get up. I told him I will come down to Albuquerque to take care of him on Christmas Day. He does not want me to come down but I am stubborn and I am going down there to see him if the weather is good. Family is important and my Christmas just to be with him and children if they are there with him. I got gifts for them. So I am going to bring them to them. I do hope he will get better soon. :(

Good luck on your trip. Don't catch his cold!
Can you imagine that my son (he is 39 years old) will not be coming up here to spend Christmas and Christmas Day as he got very very bad cold? He is too sick to get up. I told him I will come down to Albuquerque to take care of him on Christmas Day. He does not want me to come down but I am stubborn and I am going down there to see him if the weather is good. Family is important and my Christmas just to be with him and children if they are there with him. I got gifts for them. So I am going to bring them to them. I do hope he will get better soon. :(

Yes I can and would be tempted to not let you in if you showed up!!!!!!!!!!! He probably just wants to be alone and you would be more trouble than help. And besides that he probably is thinking that you would catch it from him.

You know they say rest is one of the best things for a cold and with another person that is not usually there around (no matter how close a relation) it is hard to get.
Yes I can and would be tempted to not let you in if you showed up!!!!!!!!!!! He probably just wants to be alone and you would be more trouble than help. And besides that he probably is thinking that you would catch it from him.

You know they say rest is one of the best things for a cold and with another person that is not usually there around (no matter how close a relation) it is hard to get.

Well, aren't you full of holiday cheer.
No harm in a mother wanting to take care of their child no matter how old the child is. And to say she would be a bother? Do you visit family expecting to be waited on?
Well, aren't you full of holiday cheer.
No harm in a mother wanting to take care of their child no matter how old the child is. And to say she would be a bother? Do you visit family expecting to be waited on?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to but to insist on going when he said he does not want her there is wrong. Remember she said "He does not want me to come down."

Another person around is disruptive when you just want to be left alone because of how you feel. They may be trying to help but coming into your room offering to do something when you just want to rest/sleep.
I am surprised that my son has just come up here to surprise me for Christmas eve. He is sick but not really bad sick. So I am happy that he is here for the holiday. He is doing fine here. My hearing family are off to the symphony and will not be back until 9:30 pm, I think. So thank you for your thought, Jane B. :D
There is nothing wrong with wanting to but to insist on going when he said he does not want her there is wrong. Remember she said "He does not want me to come down."

Another person around is disruptive when you just want to be left alone because of how you feel. They may be trying to help but coming into your room offering to do something when you just want to rest/sleep.
Well a moot point as her son went to see her anyway :D. A momma will almost always be stubborn and help their sick kid. I know mine does. Sure it drives me nuts but if it makes her happy why not?

Bebonang- hope your son feels better and if you do go down to his place, safe travels :)
Sadly to say, My son is getting worst. Momma checked his temp and he is running 102, so if its still going tomorrow we are taking him to the hopital again, we are afraid he may not have gotten completely over the pneumonia this past time he had it?
He is really hacking and stuffed up as well, seems worst than last time and it came on really fast as well....

We opened gifts at my parents before I ran him home, he is opening his there tomorrow with his half siblings as he didnt feel well enough to open any more tonight as he just wanted to go to sleep and that he did.