YEP yep YEPPIE!!! I was the one of them who slapped a wooden ruler on my hands to make their stupid point, too.
Also, I dont agree AUDISM teachers have the right to grade on us for our speech classes.. How would you feel that it hurts Deaf person get an D or F? He just cannot help it and couldnt speak with a very harsh or very high pitch deaf voice that can scare people away? I felt so bad for this guy because he knew it s not doing any good for him to speak. He is smarter than that. Audism teacher is so rude and disrespect toward deafies that is not necessary . I wish I did stand up for him and tell the teacher off but I didnt at that time. JEEZ! That s a very nasty bigotry attitude. SCOFFS!!
I can understand why some deafies refuse to speak and I dont blame them.
Everything is so negative toward Deaf people about a very stupid grade on their orally speaking.. No need to force Deaf children who wishes not to bother to learn and let them be. No need to have their tornment toward Deaf children. How dare for audism people treat Deafies like that?
Also I got threatened to get an F in English class by a college audism teacher because she wanted me to wear the head phone.. I told her NO I dont have to because I had my hearing aid device at that time. I said go right ahead and give me an F as far as I walked out of class and dont have to go back to that damn audism teacher. JEEZ!! tell me what to do while I was a college student.. SCOFFS!
I feel that speech class should have fun thing to teach us and learn how to speak in a very positive reinforcement.. No pushing or repeat it over and over that makes them fed with orally speaking.. JEEZ! It doesnt do any good for them to enjoy in that speech class.. USE YOUR JUDGEMENT and make it fun and allow them feel free to learn how to speak in their own wishes.
Thank you!