Dorner's Manifesto (Creepy)

If you are talking about police brutality, it's all over America like Chicago, Boston, LA, you name it.

I'm talking about police officers are hunting for Dorner. The police officers spotted wrong people. :ugh:
Jiro is right, Crazypaul... where do you think these employees gets money from?

Its government! Now you see what I am saying about government getting into tyranny.

city employees = government

The "wife" just received a text saying Dorner was spotted in Big Bear. Shots fired. This is not confirmed.
It is interesting. Lots of mixed reports. We got the text about 40 minutes ago but no one was reporting it.
They better hope this is actually Dorner. They can't shoot yet a FOURTH innocent looking for him. Two officers down tells me it likely is. Let's hope all this is over soon.
Wirelessly posted

Nothing is confirmed it's Dorner himself. It could be a wannabe. We will soon find out.
LAPD scanner said shot fired before busting in and tear gasing the place. Cabin is now on fire. Dorner better be in there or the police is looking at one mega-gaffe.

Curious... who's going to pay for the cabin? Insurance policies generally have an "act of war" exclusion.
They better hope this is actually Dorner. They can't shoot yet a FOURTH innocent looking for him. Two officers down tells me it likely is. Let's hope all this is over soon.

if it's not Dorner.... looks like all these incidents are proving him right about LAPD's dark side.

btw - latest update. 1 of 2 officers shot just died.
too soon?


ironic that public's more afraid of cops than Dorner....

my cousin just said
i'm staying inside til i have proof he's dead so the cops will stop shooting everyone!
Wirelessly posted

Jiro said:
They better hope this is actually Dorner. They can't shoot yet a FOURTH innocent looking for him. Two officers down tells me it likely is. Let's hope all this is over soon.

if it's not Dorner.... looks like all these incidents are proving him right about LAPD's dark side.

btw - latest update. 1 of 2 officers shot just died.

Imagine if it's not him , he's proving his point about the LAPD.
Wirelessly posted

Imagine if it's not him , he's proving his point about the LAPD.

He's already proved it. People shot is pretty close.

LAPD -- 5 people (including Dorner if that's him)

Dorner -- 7 people.