Dorner's Manifesto (Creepy)

Bottom line:

Even if some of his grievances were justified, none of his violence was.

There is no excuse for his wounding and killing other people.

I agree.

Looking back on history though... tells me that violence is what ends wars. Whether we realize it or not, we are in the midst of another American Revolution. Our government's using Miami, Galveston, and Houston as their trial runs for practicing urban warfare. The country is up in arms in regards to gun control. Socialism has taken over.

**where's my tinfoil hat? oh there it is...**

The end is near.

Same here. There is no excuse for what he's done.

However, I have a different take on how this whole thing is unraveling. Agencies should try their best to report truthfully and impartially, for the greater American good. If they have belief in our system with fairness and equality. The effect it can cause on trials and jurors (if Dorner even makes a trial, but I doubt it) and the public reaction can be deadly.
That's why jurors aren't supposed to follow press reports during trials.
I read the testimony of Christoper Adrid in that link above. He witnessed all of it.

What's more, after one psychologist read the manifesto, he said on TV that Dorner may have mental illness (or something like that, I am not exactly sure). I haven't read it yet but the title of this thread said it all. Creepy!
I read the testimony of Christoper Adrid in that link above. He witnessed all of it.

What's more, after one psychologist read the manifesto, he said on TV that Dorner may have mental illness (or something like that, I am not exactly sure). I haven't read it yet but the title of this thread said it all. Creepy!

yea... everybody's got mental illness. such a convenient way to cover it up.

LAPD has extensive history of corruptions of all kinds. I wouldn't be surprised if some people within LAPD have been arrested after further investigation.
yea... everybody's got mental illness. such a convenient way to cover it up.

LAPD has extensive history of corruptions of all kinds. I wouldn't be surprised if some people within LAPD have been arrested after further investigation.
Fine, whatever you believe. :D
and cover-up.

His manifesto reminds me of a Thomas Jefferson quote...

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … And what country can preserve its liberties, if it’s rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure”.

Those were some very coherent thoughts, precise and thought-out. It didn't have the makings of a Charles Manson rant. After reading that and knowing he's out there waiting to kill, waiting to die... just sends a chill down my spine.

I hope he gets stopped soon and the LAPD gets a makeover. This whole thing is just real scary from top to bottom.
I saw some of the videos of him on TV. Uh-oh, I can tell that he has a mental illness by looking at his face. He looked weird. He should not be a cop in the first place.
That's not the same as personal revenge killings.

It is a reference to the culture of the leadership in the country. LAPD has not changed. Not even since Rodney King. Blood must be shed to invoke change. It is the nature of the beast.

Now.. don't get me wrong... I am not advocating a single thing of what he has done or is doing. I hope they catch him soon and put him down. He is a miserable, murdering POS.
Real Rambo style? yeaaah! Happy hunting at Big Bear and tracking him for dead or alive reward.
Real Rambo style? yeaaah! Happy hunting at Big Bear and tracking him for dead or alive reward.

So why don't they post a reward? That would at least encourage people or bounty hunters to search for him...
So why don't they post a reward? That would at least encourage people or bounty hunters to search for him...

because it's reckless and people will get killed.
It is a reference to the culture of the leadership in the country. LAPD has not changed. Not even since Rodney King. Blood must be shed to invoke change. It is the nature of the beast.

Now.. don't get me wrong... I am not advocating a single thing of what he has done or is doing. I hope they catch him soon and put him down. He is a miserable, murdering POS.

Lets not forget that he was the leadership in the country. Just saying...

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