Doing things for kids here in hospital

The experiment is as follows. When you scroll down there are links to videos on vimeo.

How confident do you feel that you could understand a concept that was signed to you?
1. Very confident

2. Somewhat confident

3. Not at all confident

How much sign language do you know? Choose One:

1. None (May know a few fingerspelled letters: for example, your name in sign)

2. A little (Know a few words and phrases, but unable to communicate fully in sign) *Note-knowing how to fingerspell the entire alphabet and not knowing a large number of signs would be considered this category, not conversational

3. A lot (Conversational in sign)

If you answered 2 or 3, what form of sign do you know? (Possible answers include but are not limited to American Sign Language, British Sign Language, Pidgin Signed English, Signing Exact English)

American Sign Language

Watch the three videos, each of which will sign a phrase three times. One of these may be in American Sign Language. Write what concept you think was being displayed below. (translate the signed idea into English).

Phrase #1: Watch Video B3 at this link ( and record response here:

Phrase #2: Watch Video C6 at this link ( and record response here:

Phrase #3: Watch Video A2 at this link ( and record response here:

Now please re-evaluate your confidence level of your ability to understand a signed concept. How do you feel about your comprehension of the signing in the videos?
1. Very confident
2. Somewhat confident
3. Not at all confident

If you want to do it thanks so much! Just reply with your answers.
I just highlighted in blue my answers.
For me, I want to do something with kids/teens who have disabilities... and mash it up with Theatre somehow. Theatre group for special needs kids? Idk.
You're getting off to a good start, and using a lot of potential.
I did watch the videos. And that sounds like an awosme idea, the one f theater for kids and teens with special needs.
I have no idea what they said. I figured some of the words. I can usually hold conversations in asl but still weird...aiain, I am verly in asl too I still need lots of practice. I know first one said somehitng about eating and drinking. I already forgot the other two.
I agree, being in theater would be a good experience for these kids. It just might boost their morale.
im sure some parents have to work for good reasons maybe they dont have insurance to cover the hospitla bills etc. Thats so sweet of you!!
That is true. Then there are some cases here in which the kid has been crossed from the other side of the border and well parents are allowed to come visit but some of them don't have money and have to work extra hard to pay bills.
That's because it's likely your hospital offers better care than those in Canada or Mexico, but the hospital bills can be overwhelming for those that live in those countries. I know how they feel about being overwhealmed.
I guess its depending where you go and the people you know on the other side of the border. You know people then your health is more assured there than here. But i get what you mean.
There is that. I just hope all these kids will have a cheerful holiday when Santa comes by later on.
Lol. I. Plnning on it already. They all wrote their cards to santa. And in my evil plns they shall get something from the list
Not a blessing. Just wanting to help. But i might have difficulty with the flying panda....not sure where i can get that...
Don't think there is one. However, how about a panda from Toys R Us?

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