Doing things for kids here in hospital

:laugh2: Ooooooh got to love Grandmas. :laugh2: My grandma cracks me up so many times because she is so set on the "old country" kind of mentality. She loves it here in the US and definitely stands by America being better than Romania for living and everything.... However, she thinks I need to go spend time in Romania and "toughen up" because of things like allergies and such. :laugh2: I don't even have that many allergies! :laugh2: My grandfather is the same way though. :laugh2: It's super funny when they speak English because their accent is so thick that it just comes out 10 times as hilarious when other people are around. When she rants at me in Romanian it's not nearly as funny as when she does it in English. :laugh2:
Same here.... I have a bad knee, and a bad back, and both are better suited being up here than helping my parents out, so I'll have to figure out what to do, because there WILL come a time for that... they're both in their 50's, and I'm almost 30, so I need to start planning ahead of time.
Lol. Now i gotto see that. You getting yelled at by your grandma. My great 98 she would stil chase us around when we did something bad. And she was a fast runner. And she would say a lot of wonderful words in hebrew, german and spanish.
:laugh2: Yes, my grandmother may be older, but she can still come at us faster than light! :laugh2: I'm 27, but I'm STILL afraid of my grandmother! I may be over 18 but she'd still put the beat down on my little butt! :laugh2: :D Man, I always laughed at that show Nanny 911. Where the kids are little disrespectful heathens and crap. ( I'd have NEVER acted even 1/16 as bad as they do I'd have lost my life! ) I always giggle when I see it though thinking to myself, "Man, they need to send my grandma in there, they'd never even breathe wrong again!!!" :laugh2: :giggle:
I used to be fearful of my Dad growing up, but after I turned 18, he and I became closer together than ever before, and if I ever had a situation I needed help with, I know who I'm turning to.
My grndma would be the one to spoil me. But my great grandma was the one to educate my mom as she was growing up. She was strict but also hard to explain. She would say comments like "you are getting fatter" but know she was saying it with love. And you knew zhe loved you.
I had a lot of family members who doted on me when I was growing up, because many of them rarely had interactions with the Deaf or Hard of Hearing, with the exception of my uncle, who was a cop.
My relationship with my family members was horrible until just a few years ago. The only once that were there for me as a kid were my grandma and my brother. My dad tried but not sure what stopped him last moment. I was deaf as a kid but it wasnt really the reason why i had so much trouble with my family.
On a better note, today ill have some coloring stuff, all kinds of art crafts abd i did manage to get permission on the karaoke. So yay!!!
Yay for making those kids happy :) I love seeing people happy, or feel good for some time. I have done volunteer work for the elderly and some of them made my day! I feel bad that some kids/adults/elderly don't get visits at all... I had jaw surgery in April 2013 and I was in a room with four other people. I was the only one who got visits, I felt so bad for the others around me. If I could I would've gotten up and talked to them... but that wasn't an option for me :P I'd have given a swimming pool instead of talking or free shower? haha!
Sometimes, I wish there was a rule of some sort that a family member/relative/friend should come visit the person in the hospital for an hour or so, when they have the time. You know? If I could make multiple copies of myself, I so would. Wait that would be scary... :eek3:
Some of the kids here don't get visited because the parnets have to take on a second or even third job to be able to pay for the hospital bills. I guess on those cases, even if sad, it is understandable, but when they just don't come because they are lazy that makes me really upset. But right now the kids are coloring and doing their crafts. very talented kids really.
Many of kids come from broken home. It would be nice if they got visitors. IT can be frustrating that parents would care less. They have better things to do than visiting kids in hospital. At least, that is what is in their mind.
I will be relased in a few more days but I will try my bets to still come and do some stuff for them. These kids are just so freaking cute!!
It sounds like maybe you've found something you'd like to do as a career?
Im actually planning on been a special education teacher. But at some point I do want to open some kind of center to help kids with different needs. There really isn't anything here in that so kids have to travel at least 3 to 4 hours to get what they need. It will be a while for that to happen either way.
That's a good goal. Starting with Special Ed is a wonderful start.
Hi! Would you be willing to watch three videos of sign? I am doing a project on signed languages and I need people who know sign!
Hi! Would you be willing to watch three videos of sign? I am doing a project on signed languages and I need people who know sign!
Um...what videos? I am not much of a pro on asl but I guess I can try? I am am asl studnets maybe some other people would be better for that thought.

And yeah I will start the credential program next fall for special education for now I am getting my B.A. in psychology. And probably get a license to interpret in Spanish and Hebrew.
The experiment is as follows. When you scroll down there are links to videos on vimeo.

How confident do you feel that you could understand a concept that was signed to you?
1. Very confident

2. Somewhat confident

3. Not at all confident

How much sign language do you know? Choose One:

1. None (May know a few fingerspelled letters: for example, your name in sign)

2. A little (Know a few words and phrases, but unable to communicate fully in sign) *Note-knowing how to fingerspell the entire alphabet and not knowing a large number of signs would be considered this category, not conversational

3. A lot (Conversational in sign)

If you answered 2 or 3, what form of sign do you know? (Possible answers include but are not limited to American Sign Language, British Sign Language, Pidgin Signed English, Signing Exact English)

Watch the three videos, each of which will sign a phrase three times. One of these may be in American Sign Language. Write what concept you think was being displayed below. (translate the signed idea into English).

Phrase #1: Watch Video B3 at this link ( and record response here:

Phrase #2: Watch Video C6 at this link ( and record response here:

Phrase #3: Watch Video A2 at this link ( and record response here:

Now please re-evaluate your confidence level of your ability to understand a signed concept. How do you feel about your comprehension of the signing in the videos?
1. Very confident
2. Somewhat confident
3. Not at all confident

If you want to do it thanks so much! Just reply with your answers.

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