Does it annoy you when you cannot pronouce something?

They had no understanding of my deaf needs...I was told that I was making excuses to avoid work.

Absolute wankers. They should be shot. That's discrimination and intolerance at its worst.
Absolute wankers. They should be shot. That's discrimination and intolerance at its worst.

Just one of the many incidents I had to deal with being mainstreamed. :roll:
Yes!!! It Drives me nuts that there are words that I cannot pronounce it, no matter how many times I've tried. So there are times that I tend to avoid the word and try to think of different word but same meaning.

What really bothers me is that when people uses big words, words that I've never heard of before and I hate to ask them what it means. It tends to make me feel stupid when I do that.
I'd rather be told how to say it right than continue to say it wrong and embarrass myself eventually with a stranger!

OT: That is the exact same way I feel when I am signing. Please deafies, don't allow me to keep using the wrong sign just to spare my feelings. Correct me! I won't cry, I promise.
oh this is very frustrating for me. Happens often actually. I'll be talking away with my mom or someone, and misprounce things a lot or just screw up whatever it is I'm trying to say. I think it right in my head, but it's like as if my brain and mouth aren't very well connected, like as if there's a few wires that gor burned out, so while I'm thinking exactly what I want to say, my mouth spits out stuff that doesn't always make sense and lots of misprouncenations. And it's stuff I KNOW how to say right, but the connection between my brain and my mouth is weird haha.
Let's try "spaghetti", if ya can help me "say" lasagna....(it's a hard one!) I cannot pronounce it.

say lasagna, do this, say lis (or list) jsut dont say 't', sar then yeah
so its lis, sar yeah, say it fast all together lis sar yeah, thats is lasagna

its italian, the first las is more like lis the they g is more like a y, well in this word anyway
I love this forum. I don't know anyone deaf, so while I have had some difficulties growing up (as well as now in the present), I could only keep it to myself since nobody would really understand it the way I would go through it. It's so nice to be seeing soooooo many familiar problems from other people here.

I don't really have much of a problem with pronunciation, except sometimes growing up I would pronounce something the way it was spelled. Like when I was saying "pal" like "pawl". Fortunately I have a sense of humor so I can laugh with everyone else these days when they bring it up. Don't think that's strictly deaf-related, though. Pretty sure anyone can make that mistake if they don't hear anyone else saying that word. I'm paranoid about slurring words without hearing it, so if I catch myself talking too fast and running words together, I'll stop and deliberately repeat the word I think I've maimed, in a jokey matter, if just to prove that I did hear it and that the other person doesn't have to feel embarrassed for me.

I'm half Dutch, from mom's side, and I would LOVE to learn the Dutch language, but I just can't do it. My sister has taken to it like a duck out of water (just little words, she can't string a sentence together or anything), but I can't even get basic words. There's too much trilling and tongue rolling and I've never been able to do that. Makes me sad. And it's embarrassing when mom and my sister are trying to encourage me to say this word or that and I have to refuse because I know I'll sound like an idiot. Fortunately I can say a few words, but I don't say them much because they sound so strange that I can't be sure if I'm still saying it right. Is this sound in the middle of the word that of a B or V? I think it's no wonder why I failed French miserably in the 3 years I was required to take it. I only learned a few names of the animals, and a couple of more common words, but that's it.
Hehe I'm a hearie but I'm a native English speaker living in Turkey. I used to live in a neighborhood by the Galata Tower, called "Kuledibi." And my mouth just did not want to pronounce that word! When I'd get in a taxi, I'd have to tell the taxi driver "Kuledibi'ne rica ederim" (To Kuledibi, please). I would rehearse and rehearse, get it right, I'd get in the taxi, and out would come "Kulebidibe" or something. After a while I just started saying "Take me to the Galata Tower."
I just usually totally avoid using that word or write it down because I dont like trying to say words that I know I cannot say correctly

No, it doesn't annoys me, it happens for a reason, being deaf and you cannot hear the words you're trying to say. There's nothing to be ashamed about or be embarrassed about.

Sometimes there are words that I can't pronounce correctly but my step-mom had helped me with whatever I'm having trouble pronouncing. It's all good. ;)
I used to have a lot of trouble saying words with s, sh, z, ch, and others when I was younger. I wasn't until I got braces and had them taken off when I was able to say these sounds without much difficulties. Sometimes the way your teeth comes together does have an effect on how you talk. It's a thought. I do have trouble saying words sometimes such as Yosemite. I thought it was two syllable but it was actually four!!! (Yo Si Mi Tee (i's are short)) I would say it as Yos mite. hehe.. gotta love the deaf accent. :)