Does AD Make You Hungry? Part 2

I haven't eaten since lunch, and I'm hungry, but don't feel like cooking. Think I'll go make a grilled cheese.
I haven't eaten since lunch, and I'm hungry, but don't feel like cooking. Think I'll go make a grilled cheese.

call dominoes! or whoever delivers in your area. i just got some fudge with pecans ill share.
Yummy! Fudge! Too late for Domino's..I've already made grilled cheese and a pot of tea.:lol:

dont say i never offered!!!
I am drinking Diet Coke and eating Valentine's chocolates. :)
I had mac-&-cheese... with creamy cheese instead of the usual powdered cheese mix with milk & butter. Even though it was the Krogers brand, it was still good. :)
I had mac-&-cheese... with creamy cheese instead of the usual powdered cheese mix with milk & butter. Even though it was the Krogers brand, it was still good. :)

Oh my favorite mac & Cheese, have some for me? :fingersx: :lol:
I've been a huge pig tonight. I've ate 10 pieces of Dove Chocolate, a M&M icecream sandwich and now a bowl of frosted flakes.. But I can say it's in 6 hours
My bedtime snack, Jelly Bellly jelly beans and Diet A&W Root Beer.
My lunch time: I am eatin' green salads. Yum!
Jillio gave me a good idea. :hug:

I'm going to make Tomato soup and grilled cheese tonight for dinner..

yummy! I have all the ingredients. So I don't have to make a trip to town!! Yay!!!
Jillio gave me a good idea. :hug:

I'm going to make Tomato soup and grilled cheese tonight for dinner..

yummy! I have all the ingredients. So I don't have to make a trip to town!! Yay!!!

Odd coincidence. My vegetarian daughter is coming for dinner. I am making grilled cheese and tomato soup too.

Plus I have brownies with cranberries just coming out of the oven now.