Does AD Make You Hungry? Part 2

I'm eating a honeybun and drinking a hot cup of green tea.
I had ham and cheese quesadillas for lunch. My mom ran out of bread, but had a few tortillas left in the fridge. So, I used that instead. Yum!
I just had dinner of ham sandwich, tomato soup, orange juice, and cheddar cheese.

Now maybe I want ice cream after reading Maria's post.:hmm:

:lol: Did you get some ice cream that night ?
:lol: Did you get some ice cream that night ?

I did get up and get Snickers ice cream from the freezer right after I wrote that!

Tonight I am going out with my husband and older daughter to eat Mexican food. :)
I did get up and get Snickers ice cream from the freezer right after I wrote that!

Tonight I am going out with my husband and older daughter to eat Mexican food. :)

Enjoy your dinner.

I took some brisket out of the freezer that I froze a few weeks ago. I will be having that with potato pancakes and green beans.
I did get up and get Snickers ice cream from the freezer right after I wrote that!

Tonight I am going out with my husband and older daughter to eat Mexican food. :)

Ohhh, Mexican food ?!? Oh, my! I love Mexican food! Temptin', temptin'... :giggle:

I already ate some breaded squids along with Caesar salads at my fiance's work. Chef paid for it except, I paid for a glass of White Russia. :lol:

Glad that you and your family enjoyed your passion Mexican food. :)
Already I started my day with a Heath candy bar. So I can just blame AD. It made me hungry.
I'm sitting here pondering on what I should have for lunch... instant pasta, pizza, chili with weiners, or mac-&-cheese. :dunno:
:laugh2: Moo shu vegetables.(just added the veg information so we wouldn't be off topic.)

i meant to in the other post but when i saw the kitty i forgot to!
i had leftovers from mcdonalds... crispy ranch snack wrap and a apple pie thingy.
i meant to in the other post but when i saw the kitty i forgot to!
i had leftovers from mcdonalds... crispy ranch snack wrap and a apple pie thingy.

Good for you! You are obviously in the first ranks of us ADers.

Chocolate sundae. (dessert)