Doctor stops accepting insurance, lowers prices and posts costs online

Your from Massachusetts, right? They got Universal health care in place, how come your fork that much green paper with portrait of your former dead boss (Presidents)?

They'd love me. I've paid close to $20K for operations and other procedures that my insurance refused to pay. At least my doctor's know my check doesn't bounce.

to be more accurate - if doctor is going to get paid by a patient's insurance, he is bound by that insurance company's policy.

obviously - there's a huge difference in how a patient is being treated for depending on what insurance company he has. my health insurance is excellent. top notch. my friend's health insurance is crap. the difference in quality of medical care we both received is night and day.

if a person work for place like Wal-Mart , they will tell the insurance company what they can or can't cover. So the doctor can't give a patient a test if
Wal Mart think it's not necessary.
Not just that, there is more behind whats really going on. Like I said recently, I can't elaborate but I am in mess with Insurance and legal and the rest of BS. It has nothing to do with if you have top notch insurance or not.

if a person work for place like Wal-Mart , they will tell the insurance company what they can or can't cover. So the doctor can't give a patient a test if
Wal Mart think it's not necessary.
He is right, other countries, their medical cost is less than 1/10th of what Americans is paying. The reason why we have so high medical cost, it has to do with Insurance industry politics.

Sorry, it is not option for me.

Not easy as you think.
He is right, other countries, their medical cost is less than 1/10th of what Americans is paying. The reason why we have so high medical cost, it has to do with Insurance industry politics.

Who is he? He told me to move out of USA, that's simple.

Move out of US isn't easier to do it because of money and families, that's not option for me.
Im just saying, Highlander is right. You see, overall costs, its still cheaper to go overseas.

For example a medical procedure here cost $100,000, while same procedure in one of Asian country cost just $10,000 and the saving is what? $90K right there and could have used it for the cost of traveling and lodging.

Who is he? He told me to move out of USA, that's simple.

Move out of US isn't easier to do it because of money and families, that's not option for me.
Im just saying, Highlander is right. You see, overall costs, its still cheaper to go overseas.

For example a medical procedure here cost $100,000, while same procedure in one of Asian country cost just $10,000 and the saving is what? $90K right there and could have used it for the cost of traveling and lodging.

If you are in serious emergency so oversea is out of question.
This is not the point, it is logic behind. The argument is all about why we need serious medical system overhaul.

We did - Obamacare.

Not enough - complain to the congress.

I'm not move out of US because of healthcare. :ugh: