Do your cat chew electricial wire, cords, or anything?

one of my cats keep licking the plastic bag all morning until i removed it. i felt all soaked all over the plastic bag. yikes!
My cat ate Christmas tree tinsel until it hung out his butt. He also ate thread, even with the needles included. We never could stop him except to keep things away from him. I think he was attracted to the texture, not the flavor, of stringy things.
Animals like to chew plastic because it has sweet taste. Bitter apple spray from the pet store will usually stop them.
Animals like to chew plastic because it has sweet taste. Bitter apple spray from the pet store will usually stop them.

i have heard that bitter apple spray has high failure rate but hey... if it works, cool :cool2:
One of my cats likes to chew on plastic bags, live and artificial plants, the needles on my artificial christmas tree, and q-tips. The entire place has to be immaculate or else he'll get his fangs on it. I once found my cat walking around with an unidentified object poking out of his rear end. Upon closer inspection *cringe* it was a q-tip he wasn't able to pass. I had to don a glove and gently work it out. Poor thing was tensed up and that didn't make things any easier! No joke.
My cat ate Christmas tree tinsel until it hung out his butt. He also ate thread, even with the needles included. We never could stop him except to keep things away from him. I think he was attracted to the texture, not the flavor, of stringy things.

Onyx, my black cat (the one in my signature below) used to do the same. The litterbox was quite sparkly :D

I hear the same about the bitter apple spray - it works for some and doesn't for others. Give it a shot - it's only about $3 for the bottle. But before you spray the wire be sure there isn't any exposure to open wiring (from teeth marks, chewing, etc.). For $3 it's not a bad idea to at least try.
One of my cats likes to chew on plastic bags, live and artificial plants, the needles on my artificial christmas tree, and q-tips. The entire place has to be immaculate or else he'll get his fangs on it. I once found my cat walking around with an unidentified object poking out of his rear end. Upon closer inspection *cringe* it was a q-tip he wasn't able to pass. I had to don a glove and gently work it out. Poor thing was tensed up and that didn't make things any easier! No joke.

Poor him!!! :laugh2: definitely that was so bizzare. Glad he's OKAY now.
I would put something that scare the cat away like a block around the water boiler and once the cat knock it over and scare them with a loud noise then they will run. Or get something to cover the water boiler with wire. Make a pretty box and cover it up.

one of my cat like to play with q-tip and i find it everywhere on the floor. So I had to hid it cuz I am the only one use it for my ears not for the cat. Dang cat!!!
Onyx, my black cat (the one in my signature below) used to do the same. The litterbox was quite sparkly :D
My cat Ninja was also black. :P His tinsel didn't end up in the litter box; they hung out of his butt--very fancy, ha, ha! But it was no fun carefully pulling them out. He did NOT like that!

After that, we switched to garlands for the tree. :lol:
I think they do have some kind of special spray that you can spray on things that you don't want chewed. They have that for dogs, but I'm sure it would work for cats too. :dunno:
when i had my owned 3 adopt cats i never let cats eat with that electricial stuff its so BAD for cats or dogs im warned it!

plastic would be ok! but another include electricity and lots of more they can hurt animals!
Here's what could happen...

[ame=]YouTube - National Lampoon Christmas Vacation FRIED CAT scene[/ame]

It's worth a try, sprinkle some pepper around the area every now and then. They may learn to stay away from 'that pepper smelling machine'.
i have a similar problem with one of my cats.. she likes to chew my air tube that goes into the fish tank from the airpump

annoying as heck as i have really expensive fish and am always out buying the top of line tubes thinking it would be better than the next... so far the black ones seems to have held her off...
i have a similar problem with one of my cats.. she likes to chew my air tube that goes into the fish tank from the airpump

annoying as heck as i have really expensive fish and am always out buying the top of line tubes thinking it would be better than the next... so far the black ones seems to have held her off...
Have you thought of making the tubes inaccessible such as covering it to a point where it finally enters the water?
Have you thought of making the tubes inaccessible such as covering it to a point where it finally enters the water?

yes, however the problem still lies in the fish tank when it enters the water..... she would try to stick her paw into the tank opening where the air tube goes and try to fish it out with her paws or just grab the exposed tube with her teeth and just yanking it free- dislodging all of the plants if I tied the airstone down.

duct tape or tape doesn't work due to the moisture- and the constant maintence work i do on that tank...
yes, however the problem still lies in the fish tank when it enters the water..... she would try to stick her paw into the tank opening where the air tube goes and try to fish it out with her paws or just grab the exposed tube with her teeth and just yanking it free- dislodging all of the plants if I tied the airstone down.

duct tape or tape doesn't work due to the moisture- and the constant maintence work i do on that tank...
A cover for the fish tank?
interesting about every cats' preferences of messing up in the house. :giggle: one of my cats LOVE to ruin the wallpaper on the corner. :mad2: I added the sticky tape that has double. sometimes it work or not. :aw: