Maybe spray on it with something? Like we have can of spray for cats and dogs to stay away from the spot. My husband did mean thing to one of my son's dog when she lived with us for 2 years. First thing dog did was chewed electric cord, (expensive one) and it cut in half so what my husband did was turn on and let it runs till she chewed it again then it shocked hell out of her. It worked, she never touch cord ever again.
I used that with my dog when he was a puppy, with mixed results. He chewed through my alarm clock cord (my $$$ flashing light alarm clock), and got shocked, but luckily he was smart enough to learn a lesson from it and never chewed another electrical cord again.
actually, the best advice I ever got about chewing was to give them something acceptable to chew on, like chew strips or bones or whatever, in place of what they want to chew on that's not acceptable. I'm not sure what one gives cats to chew on, though.
The best trick is to sprinkle a bit of cayenne pepper on the cord. Yes it will ward them off from coming near the electric kettle.
If you don't want to use cayenne pepper as it can be harmful, you could use pepper. Just sprinkle pepper around the electric kettle and leave it there. The cats will come near the electric kettle and then walk off.
Wooky our rabbit just LOVES to chew & take apart our area rugs and pull up the lamp plug from the outlet. We'll be like "WTF!" as the light is off but sure enough Wooky pull the light plug out of the socket herself. It's a bit dangerous as she can shock herself.
Oh yes, she's already chewed hubby's PS2 game cord!! I hope she completely chews it apart.. muahaha! She tried to chew this laptop cord... oh naughty girl!! Of course, I'd freak out if she did!
Why do you think the Egyptian Era worshiped cats as Gods because back then cats landed on their feet whereas people were bumbling fools when they landed on flat on their faces. Cats were placed at a higher pedestal than humans and still do to this day.