Do you stop at train railroad?

Which do you tend to do? Wait or Across?

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Since Buckdodgers created thread, "Do you stop at red lights?"

I thought why not create thread about train railroad...

I always stop and wait for the train pass by..I wouldnt risk go across the railroad while the train is coming...
I always stop behind the line for trains.

I've seen too many train v. vehicle accidents happen in my community. People are sooooo crazy! :crazy:
when the light are flashing i stop at all the time. If i come across a railroad with no lights i always slow down and look both ways before proceeding.
I always stop at railroad if light is flashing. I wouldn't risk my life or other people life.
In Denver we dont have any railroad. But I would always stop if the red flash coming.

My mom and I had serious train accident when we rode a train. We were okay expect one teenager boy. We heard that a teenager boy dared to race with our train. He rode his 3 or 4 wheeler and his friend tried tell him no no. But too late our train crashed a teenager boy. his friend saw everything. Our train had to pull backward, we felt bumps. Horrible! It took 2 hour to fix everything.

Second time, My stepdad and I had to ride train because my grandpa passed away. I saw a white truck ran so fast in a window. In few second We got train accident. I asked my stepdad was it white truck. He said he didnt know but he was going ask a person who work at train. A person told us that it was white truck. I said no way? I saw this truck ran but didnt realize that it crashed our train. We heard that A male in a white truck wanted kill himself so he risked his life to crash our train. It took 2 or 3 hour to fix everything. Horrible!
There's not alot of railroad cross in LA because most of them are build overramped in above and railroad is under of bottom.
Yes I stop to respect the same as traffic... I would not risk my life for disrespect red light.
When I see the RR lights on quicker.. I'll slow proceed to see if still not coming.. I'll slammed the pedal luanch brake *varrrrrrooooom go*

If I see the train pretty nearly coming.. and will not proceed to go.. I'd rather stay and wait til train finished!
I wish Australia follow Britain's example - they never share railway lines with cars at all. ALL comes in bridge or seperate fields!! Sensible designers.(Perhaps they have one somewhere I never saw?)

In Australia I stopped at red flashing lights to give way the trains.

There is TV ad shows all the time that train hit cars because of disobey the red lights as a result!!!!
I tend to drive across the train track in a moderate speed with my car's gear in neutral so that way it wont be stuck or something. Unless if there's a red flashing lights then ofc I'll stop otherwise I'd go U-turn if the train passing by is taking forever...
ghsh1996 said:
In Denver we dont have any railroad. But I would always stop if the red flash coming.
Yes there are railroad everywhere in Denver, just in some specific areas... or depend on where you're talking about :)
well when train is far then i go ahead over it.. if very close then i can wait for train pass first before i go
If the lights are flashing, and the crossing gates go down, never try to cross the tracks.

If the crossing doesn't have gates, never try to cross the tracks if you can see the train, unless it is stopped. They are closer and faster than you think.
Also please stop to look both ways even if there are no flashing lights or there are no sign posts because sometimes trains become detached and roll along silently at a high rate of speed and one boxcar alone can do alots of damage. Remember that one boxcar weighs about one ton. I would have to think that more people get hurt or tragically enough get killed by silent rolling boxcars than a mighty freight train coming into view so please keep that in mind to look for lone boxcars also please keep in mind that sometimes the train's bright white light simply burns out at night and they still have to keep schedule and some of you can't hear the train coming so you will need to roll down the windows and really look and have a flashlight in your glovebox or under the seat and turn on the flashlight to see both ways. It is a whole alots better than being in a train wreck where you have no idea that if you will still be alive or dead in a train wreck plus hospital bills, car insurance can get expensive really fast too.
nozobo said:
Yes there are railroad everywhere in Denver, just in some specific areas... or depend on where you're talking about :)

I was talking about some specific area. I live in Aurora they dont have railroad! I know that Downtown do have railroad and they build a new subway also.
Always stop before the railroad tracks. I never like sitting on the railroad track in my car and become the next duck sitting squashed. No thanks. Not for me. I recalled two different places in the past.

One; a white Ford Bronco's driver, in 1997, made a biggest mistake. He stopped on the railroad track while waiting for the red light to turn green. He was behind the smallest vehicle (BMW buggie). The sound ding-dinged and the red flashing lites were activate. There was no time to shift a reverse because his tires got trapped between the two metal shifters. OUCH! He tried to move it, he tried to pull it, he got to be nuts to save his Bronco truck. The passerbys pulled him away from his "baby." He screamed in Spanish I can't make out. Still nuts and it turned out, he's DRUNK! Cops arrested him but sadly, his truck turned into a tornado-hit truck or a junkyard truck. He's plain stupid. But his life is more important than his truck. He still got to be nuts to save his vehicle.

Two; on the Florence Avenue train track, this driver was pretty stupid. He looked scare-sh** by peeking both sides of the street for any sign of the train. Darn! He's fortunate but still pretty stupid for stopping on a track. There wasn't a train at those hours. But looking at him, scaring his poor sh** out is enough for him to think about it. He was behind my vehicle. <sigh> That was back in 2004.

And never PLAY daredevil with the trains!!! Some ppl are pretty stupid when they drive their vehicles around the train tracks to get to the other side. They forgot that the tires can get trapped in those thingies. Jeez.