Do you believe, there are ghosts at Gallaudet Campus?

Originally posted by Fly Free
kewl story d!!!!!! :thumb:

i heard that MSSD has some ghosts there -- i never lived at MSSD dorms (was commuter student) but heard something abt the horses hooves going thru the dorms and can feel the vibrations -- my guess is Kendall Green was part of the route used during the Revolutionary War and/or the Civil War eras
that could be possible.
once i never forget--
i was in bathroom, doing my business during a volleyball practice, and suddenly the lights went off, and i was like WTF thought my friends played a joke on me, back then, we played jokes on each other all the time, so i just sat there, laughed my ass off and went back to my business, then when i was done, i came out and went to gym and i was like yeah you all bitches, lights off? my ass, and my coach was like, no one left the gym since you went to bathroom... ouch.

and the gym bathroom was closed only to students.
Originally posted by d
im sorry hunny but thats a stupid question.
That's ok. It is your opinion as long as it is fine with me. My friend is psychic.
IMO I dont believe in psychics. a psychic said i would die when i was a freshman in high school. almost 6 years later, im still alive.
I believe in Ghost ... Ghost are everywhere over the world. I was gally student, there was scary ghost .... (* Booo Booo)
Originally posted by d
that could be possible.
once i never forget--
i was in bathroom, doing my business during a volleyball practice, and suddenly the lights went off, and i was like WTF thought my friends played a joke on me, back then, we played jokes on each other all the time, so i just sat there, laughed my ass off and went back to my business, then when i was done, i came out and went to gym and i was like yeah you all bitches, lights off? my ass, and my coach was like, no one left the gym since you went to bathroom... ouch.

and the gym bathroom was closed only to students.

:laugh2: :laugh2: ur stories are VERY interesting hehe -- same up at MarylandSD where i went to before getting expelled -- there are ghosts there too -- its part of the Revolutionary War routes going to Gettysburg PA/Washington DC -- ive had a few strange experiences while there -- seen something white going thru the halls and disappear (later figured it was ghost but ofc didnt know who who), being woken up in the middle of the nite and all my roomies were :zzz: i was like :wtf: and other incidences

and ofc the never dying legend :laugh2: story has it that a Mary Walker's spirit still roams the grounds and has this hang up with the girls and we would be circling around, around, around in front of a mirror with all lights OFF and the window shades DOWN and i think after 50 times and saying Mary Walker's name and look in the mirror u would see Mary Walker's VERY evil face come into the mirror with her hair looking like snakes and such and the window shade ACTUALLY flew up :shock: -- when i got older and could go off campus i went up to the local cementary (the same 1 where FSK is buried -- the author for the national anthem) and found good enuf a Mary Walker DID indeed exist and is interred there :shock: but i dont know her life and if she was actually an evil witch during her lifetime :dunno:
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
I dont know, do the ghosts sign?

I don't think ghost use sign language to you as communicatoin. But I do believe ghost will use as telepath to use communication thru your throught. :D
:eek: damn I never heard about it til now I was like :shock: to realize ghosts are back for unfinished business or I'm sure they are out to scare students on halloween every year? :twisted:
Not surprsie about that. Notice every deaf school and Gally/RIT have ghost everywhere.

I never forgot some ghosts tend to pull some students' blanket too far during sleeping time. Many happens oh geez!
Originally posted by Lasza
Not surprsie about that. Notice every deaf school and Gally/RIT have ghost everywhere.

I never forgot some ghosts tend to pull some students' blanket too far during sleeping time. Many happens oh geez!

do u have any stories u wanna tell q
I do think deaf people are more visually sensitive, and it's not surprising many of you have had an experience or more than two.

Having been at gally for 4 full years, and yes I strongly believe there are spirits hanging around. For instance, EVERYTIME when I pass Ole Jim Gym (now Alumni's place) I get chills as if I'm being watched -- and I must confess, I am able to see a bit of auras.. I saw vibrant green aura but nobody was there.. in this window of Ole Jim Gym, and I've heard stories about it. Chapel Hall, etc.. yeah....
It is interesting to know the true stories at Gallaudet. I wonder if the ghosts can sign language. Aren't the ghost Deaf ? ;)

Ameyville in Long Island, NY, it is a true story. A man shot whole the family at 3:15 a.m. Some people who purchased that haunted house. The ghosts annoyed those families and presits, etc...

The excorist finally removed from that house. The family who live at that house, saying there is no ghosts around them right now.

I hate to keep the door close while I slept at night because an old man died in same room where I sleep. Sometime cold draft around my face while I slept. Sometime, he sat on my bed. I woke up at middle of night. There was no one there. I keep my cat sleeps with me most of the night as more secure. She is my baby. She sometime stares around at celing and walls. She heard something in my bedroom and kitchen. :ugh:

The neighbor told me, the man died in my bedroom for few days before we moved in that apartment.

:laugh2: D, I heard these stories

I remmy during gallaudet, we walked to chapel hall or something like that, i ain't sure which. the huge door...if any freshmans walk in the huge door and they won't graduate or make it for gallaudet, so we think it's funny and we walked in...and went out. guess what?

3 friends and Me...

One=withdrawled Gallaudet on Jan at his freshman year
Two=withdrawled Gallaudet on May at her freshman year
Three=withdrawled Gallaudet on Nov at her freshman year
Me=withdrawled Gallaudet on may at my freshman year

weird...bec before we went in the huge door, we didn't want to withdrawl Gallaudet, we wanted to stay and graduate...but not happen. we supposed graduate this year.
oh well
Originally posted by Oddball
Yes, I heard some ghost stories from various people who attended Gallaudet years ago. Of course, NTID has some ghosts around because I sensed some spirits around my dorm and Sol Heumann Hall and basement. The elevator opened for me one time at 4 a.m. after I found my missing black sock in the dryer. I also sensed that ghosts at NTID were not that awful unlike those spirits at Gally! :shock:
Well, the elevators are set up so that after midnight... they stay on either 1st/A floor and the other half way (like 6th on a 12 floor building). If it's on A floor, that means someone went down there so it will stay there unless called. While it stays there, it will open on its own as programmed to. The reason for this is so that after a specific amount of time (this time is average for when people enter, get a drink and snack, then return) it will reopen without the need for a key. If it's not open, you can still use your key to open it.
Originally posted by vvti low rolla
:laugh2: D, I heard these stories

I remmy during gallaudet, we walked to chapel hall or something like that, i ain't sure which. the huge door...if any freshmans walk in the huge door and they won't graduate or make it for gallaudet, so we think it's funny and we walked in...and went out. guess what?

3 friends and Me...

One=withdrawled Gallaudet on Jan at his freshman year
Two=withdrawled Gallaudet on May at her freshman year
Three=withdrawled Gallaudet on Nov at her freshman year
Me=withdrawled Gallaudet on may at my freshman year

weird...bec before we went in the huge door, we didn't want to withdrawl Gallaudet, we wanted to stay and graduate...but not happen. we supposed graduate this year.
oh well
Withdrawing is your decision, not the school's decision. Anyone could walk through then prove that it works by withdrawing. Watch this... "If I say 'haha', I will spit." *spits* "Wow! It worked!" Seriously, you could get suspicious if you were forced out like getting kicked out for no reason. Other than that, withdrawal is nothing.
I'll go up there....and have a good chat with the ghosts.

Let me know how she is in the bed. I am not sure if you will enjoy it since it is invisible. Explain us how does the ghost make you orsgram since it is invisible ??


~ Sabrina

P.S. I promise, I will not let Lisa know that you are an affair with Deaf ghost. ;)