Do you believe, there are ghosts at Gallaudet Campus?


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May 20, 2003
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Did you know that there are stories of ghosts haunting the grounds of Gallaudet University and expecialy in the Tower room of Chapel Hall??

One of the stories I heard came from a former Professor here at Galaludet, DR Francis Higgins He said that there was a time when a student Died trying to climb to the top of the tower to carve his initials on the steeple... he fell and died a day later from his injuries. A few days later a custodian was cleaning in Chapel Hall and felt a cold draft..

He thought that someone must have opened a window so went to the next room to shut the window and as he entered the room he saw what appeared to be a young man standing there at the window trying to climb out the window.... the young man suddenly vanished before the custodian could say anything to him. A few days later , someone spotted him again . The figure was described as having brown hair and wearing a blue shirt and black pants.... the exact same colors the dead student had been wearing when he fell off the tower.

There are also stories of Edward Minor Gallaudet.. Percival Hall and Laurent Clerc all haunting Kendall hall as well. I have yet to spot any of them myself.

I would like to bring this subject back again because I heard a friend of mine. His friends went to Gallaudet attic for 24 hours. They wanted to test if the rumors were true about the ghost at the attic. They put only matress with very dark and cold during the end of August. About middle of night at two a.m. Good enough, the ghost was sitting next to that Deaf adult on the matress because the matress was lower another side. The air becomes circle and chilly. The ghost was walking pass by that person. He was certainly brave ! Three students left because they were chicken. I thought, it was rumors but it was true business that the ghost still around in the attic. The ghost was not attack or hurt to that person. Just wind and cold draft circle him. I wonder if the ghost is DEAF to trying to communication in sign language cuz of the cold circle around his face.

Would you willing test yourself to go up in the attic at the Gallaudet at the clock tower for 24 hours? Please let the readers know if you find anything more evidence.

I never meet or feel from ghost entire in my life.
Ghosts are bullshit! We have our stories here at RIT. One student hung herself in her dorm room so at night, you can see her walking the halls overnight. Another one is when the boy fell to his death from a window which is why there are no balconies any more. People still see his ghost falls on that day every year. If you look up, you'll see something falling and the it disappears as soon as it hits the ground. Of course, it's bullshit. Heh!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
Ghosts are bullshit! We have our stories here at RIT. One student hung herself in her dorm room so at night, you can see her walking the halls overnight. Another one is when the boy fell to his death from a window which is why there are no balconies any more. People still see his ghost falls on that day every year. If you look up, you'll see something falling and the it disappears as soon as it hits the ground. Of course, it's bullshit. Heh!

ive heard of a few stories from RIT having ghosts there -- which dorm were u referring to qq Tower A q
Yeah I do believe that there are ghosts in Gally campus and also I know that there are ghosts ard somehwere in RIT campus.. I ain't afraid but really interesting to see them smile :)
Yes, I heard some ghost stories from various people who attended Gallaudet years ago. Of course, NTID has some ghosts around because I sensed some spirits around my dorm and Sol Heumann Hall and basement. The elevator opened for me one time at 4 a.m. after I found my missing black sock in the dryer. I also sensed that ghosts at NTID were not that awful unlike those spirits at Gally! :shock:
oh man, you all should ask students who grew up in gallaudet, like moi for instance. i grew up on kendall campus for the straight 14 years, and dude, yes i saw stuff. it was scary.
Originally posted by d
oh man, you all should ask students who grew up in gallaudet, like moi for instance. i grew up on kendall campus for the straight 14 years, and dude, yes i saw stuff. it was scary.

then TELL some stories!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by d
oh man, you all should ask students who grew up in gallaudet, like moi for instance. i grew up on kendall campus for the straight 14 years, and dude, yes i saw stuff. it was scary.

tell me about it since I love to hear the story!!! smile :) I will tell u what I had saw at RIT myself in TOWER A that was really werid but i will tell u and u all too in a lil while :)
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
I dont know, do the ghosts sign?

Well, so far I know, my friend can see the ghosts whereas other people can't see. He can able to communicate with spirits in sign language (he even communicates with my great great great grandma for me because I wished I can see her, but no luck).
Originally posted by LezArtist
tell me about it since I love to hear the story!!! smile :) I will tell u what I had saw at RIT myself in TOWER A that was really werid but i will tell u and u all too in a lil while :)

:wave: hiiii LezArtist!!!!! :kiss: and :cuddle:

id LOVE to hear ur story abt Tower A at RIT too!!!!! :D
I wonder those two Gally Students killed recent, are wandering around.. maybe haunt on that killer.. but of course you know how deaf is... loner or likes to be around.. i am sure they are harmless.. love to be around and watching them :gossip: lol
allright one of my stories:

theres 4th floor on kendall school, but it was closed for a long time. it used to be open for students who couldnt commute, and for families (it was a dorm floor kinda but had its own living room, kitchen and all that stuff)
so me and my friends decided to sneak up, and run around when there were teacher/parent night out, they were in cafeteria and we were running around, then we found one dorm door open, and we entered, then the door behind us closed and locked by itself, and we just freaked out i mean i almost pissed in my pants, and the light just died, and my friend was like "shit, i see someone!" i was like where?? where?? she pointed, and i could see a shadow on the wall moving slow... then it just disappeared like it walked into the wall, it was scary then my friend had to break the door lock to get out, and we ran to the elevator, and just freaked out. a week later, the elevator 4th button was closed, no one could press on it. dammit.
kewl story d!!!!!! :thumb:

i heard that MSSD has some ghosts there -- i never lived at MSSD dorms (was commuter student) but heard something abt the horses hooves going thru the dorms and can feel the vibrations -- my guess is Kendall Green was part of the route used during the Revolutionary War and/or the Civil War eras