Do I Understand?

wow, I didn´t know about this thread until today. I just check the date of thread.. It was August, that´s time I was not around in AD very much. I read part... I will read the whole thread tomorrow... not today because I have to go bed...

Good Night to you all :hug:
Actually, the reason so many methods have evolved is because hearing professionalized teachers of the deaf have been led to believe that a system that worked well, and a system that the deaf say they need, could not possibly be as effective as one that is designed by hearing people.

Exactly, Jillio, "Needs" is a phrase which hearing/abled-bodied people used to mesermise disabled/deaf/Deaf people into having to take this proscribed aid or adjustments. Deaf people needs to say, no we dont accept your defined 'needs' , we WANT this (alternative). In a way the English is a dirty language that has so many definitions used to Their advantage, as they (hearings rulers) have command of this. You see (and Jillio probably alread aware of this) that language is not neutral , it never was, it is a vehicle for tranposing politics. I find it kind of gut-wrenching to see "so called' successful up and comers 'Deaf" professionals or rather token staffs 'in the name of 'teacher aides' ( i happen to know a few _ and franky i thikn they are gullible while they DO know some of the situation of deaf children/students' real 'needs' (there I go again that shifty word used) of sign language or the polishing of it. wha im trying to say here, I somewhat think we deaf/Deaf should no longer allow hearing people to 'give us permission to use signs or approach 'education (even if its bi-bi or submersive in sign totally, or whatever) I Deaf people need to say No, to hearing, and that mean no hearing's last word on what to define or allowed to us. WE DECIDE.

... then again it is not as simple as we'd wish this to be, to change the whole thing about the vast injustice we face.
Exactly, Jillio, "Needs" is a phrase which hearing/abled-bodied people used to mesermise disabled/deaf/Deaf people into having to take this proscribed aid or adjustments. Deaf people needs to say, no we dont accept your defined 'needs' , we WANT this (alternative). In a way the English is a dirty language that has so many definitions used to Their advantage, as they (hearings rulers) have command of this. You see (and Jillio probably alread aware of this) that language is not neutral , it never was, it is a vehicle for tranposing politics. I find it kind of gut-wrenching to see "so called' successful up and comers 'Deaf" professionals or rather token staffs 'in the name of 'teacher aides' ( i happen to know a few _ and franky i thikn they are gullible while they DO know some of the situation of deaf children/students' real 'needs' (there I go again that shifty word used) of sign language or the polishing of it. wha im trying to say here, I somewhat think we deaf/Deaf should no longer allow hearing people to 'give us permission to use signs or approach 'education (even if its bi-bi or submersive in sign totally, or whatever) I Deaf people need to say No, to hearing, and that mean no hearing's last word on what to define or allowed to us. WE DECIDE.

... then again it is not as simple as we'd wish this to be, to change the whole thing about the vast injustice we face.

What you have just described is the sociological Theory of Symbolic Interactionism. Good job!:h5: It goes a long way toward explaining how majority culture attributes meaning to any given word to use language for political power and a form of oppression of minority cultures.