Do Deaf/HOH create oppression?

Guess "script" used in the same way to "give information" to those "blind". Whether "braille" can be classified as a "language" an" interesting discussion". If not than "what"? Why utilized?
Haven't noticed any label for braille.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Braille is a mode of language. It is not a language in and of itself. It is utilized to give access to the written mode of English to those who cannot access through vision.

And before you ask, because I can see it coming, "No, ASL is not a mode of language. It is a separate language meeting all of the necessary linguisitic criteria and features to be a language. Read William Stokoe."
Wirelessly posted (droid)

No one "clicks" with everyone in a group. I usually find that I feel most comfortable with a handful of people with similar interests and sense of humor. Different people have different comfort levels with making new friends and learning about new things. Don't take that personally. Just be open to the few people that you "click with."
I think it would mean you where exposed to difference cultures as a child and if you what to moved later in life you would have an idea where you felt more accepted as deaf person. I found out that I could made friends a lot easier in California than in Massachusetts . People in California are more accepting IMO.
*milling arms madly*

There, done. I've created oppression.
Take it out on me, folks.
Wirelessly posted

SneakerNet said:
From reading various threads, one example... Respect for the Deaf, and they are going all over the places, lol.... anyway...

You know in my personal experiences when I spoke/sign with hearing people and I had an interesting story...

One person was asking me about my experience living in England because he caught me talking about my life in England. So, I explain to him that I was born in PA then move to CA when I was 3 years old, and that was in 1961, then I move to England because of my father being in the Air Force and live there for 6 years then move back to Biloxi Ms. Soon after I said this, this guy made a facial expression with a "ouch" looking face. Then suddenly one deaf guy came up to me with his big smile on his face, slapped on my shoulder saying "SO! You happy back in USA!!" It irked me a bit and the guy I spoke with looked at me for second, saying WTF??

So, I was thinking about more of interactive blogging here... I'm not going to tell you all what happening to the rest but I would like to see what is my story about...why one guy made a "Ouch" looking face when I told a story and this deaf guy made an off the wall talk? Back in USA??

So, tell me what is it mean to you all when I say this story above: I was born in PA then move to CA, then move to England in 1961 then move back to Biloxi MS at the age of 10. So what does that means to you? Then I will give you final answer in next couple of days. And I will explain to you why I say "Do Deaf/HOH create oppression"?

I am lost or maybe just stupid but I can't figure Out what this story has to do with being deaf/hoh. Sometimes I am just clueless
Playsonfreeway: Want another "interesting exercise". Self defined cultural Deaf who can hear explaining if "they" are "oppressed" like the real DEAF/ Deaf?
The world of Sociology can be "interesting" to say the least!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
In my opinion, oppression usually begins by being imposed on a person, race or creed. Therefore the victim cannot be blamed for the oppression. However, after many generations under oppression it becomes expected and the 'norm' and gradually becomes the mentaiity of the oppressed. Oppression can be conquered if one has the mind to rise above it. Most changes in history, begin with just one person taking action to bring about positive change.
D/deaf can oppress other d/Deaf through audism and even Deafism, a form of 'repeat audism' but throught superiority of sign language or/ the pecking order within 'Deaf culture' mind you, its not a true deaf culture, just more or less a mistreatment on part of that particular individual themselves as 'in need of superiority' in other words, bullying.
to extend on what i was posting,
Another situation could be when a colleague or partner is Deaf put down another by calling names to refer one as a "hearing" in an offensive, exclusionary manner. Likewise, lack of fluency in sign language became a focal point to deliver strong suggestions not to attempt identification to link with Deaf cultures; It is not permitted to be a Deaf person.
Interesting "revisionist thoughts" from Grummer.

Will this start an uproar with the end result a long chat with "deaf Militants ( if they still exist?) to exhibit forthwith- "correct thinking"? With usually apologies to George Orwell" 1984".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Interesting "revisionist thoughts" from Grummer.

Will this start an uproar with the end result a long chat with "deaf Militants ( if they still exist?) to exhibit forthwith- "correct thinking"? With usually apologies to George Orwell" 1984".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Update: George Orwell informs me he refuses your apologies and wants you to shut up and eat more Soma.
Nice to confer with George Orwell who apparently has been dead a few years. Probably still a man with few words- Quiet.

Eat more SOMA? Not into "soma" at the moment.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Nice to confer with George Orwell who apparently has been dead a few years. Probably still a man with few words- Quiet.

Eat more SOMA? Not into "soma" at the moment.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Yep, and he has plenty of dirt on you, so I would be just as quiet. Capiche?
Don't recall meeting George Orwell. Missing something?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Don't recall meeting George Orwell. Missing something?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Goodness, this gets worse. Why would you apologize to him then? Come on, spill it. Not in your pool, though.
According to a Google search: Eric Arthur Blair pen name George Orwell born 25 June 1903 and died January 21, 1950. A few websites-15,600,000 to peruse in one's spare time.

No I haven't met Eric Arthur Blair.

The apology of course, the "interesting world of his creation-1984" may have "some bearing" on Grummer's thought-perhaps? If not-smile at the creativity!

There are no "dead bodies buried" at City of Toronto pools. Something to do with "extra things" in pools- not allowed-Health rules.. Assumed such exists in all pools-around the world. Computer screens-different matter, of course.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Last edited:
According to a Google search: Eric Arthur Blair pen name George Orwell born 25 June 1903 and died January 21, 1950. A few websites-15,600,000 to peruse in one's spare time.

No I haven't met Eric Arthur Blair.

The apology of course, the "interesting world of his creation-1984" may have "some bearing" on Grummer's thought-perhaps? If not-smile at creativity!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

I will leave it to others to decide if 1984 has any bearing on Grummer's thought processes. It is subjective, anyway.
Of course you know I was just pulling your leg. :lol:
Wirelessly posted

drphil said:
Playsonfreeway: Want another "interesting exercise". Self defined cultural Deaf who can hear explaining if "they" are "oppressed" like the real DEAF/ Deaf?
The world of Sociology can be "interesting" to say the least!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
