First of all, I would like to say Hello to Jillo and thank you again for your support.

Thank you again Shel90! thank you so much for understanding. this topic makes me so angry, I just had to say something. We got no breaks after all the fighting for Deaf children's rights. Hearing people think they know everything and won't listen to us. Why do they always have to control our lives? We have good hearts and minds. How dare people take our visual language away from us?? That is telling us that they don't understand what communication really means to them. We are different from them. So What? Cant we just accept our deafness? Is that a problem? Because of their attitudes, I grew up hating myself for being deaf, I was unable to let myself be "Deaf". It took a long time for me to realize that it is ok to be deaf.
Second of all, In my earlier post, I referred to the term stupid when describing sounds. What I meant was all the noise pollution in the hallways and such, of the schools. How dare hearing people think that we, deaf people, can hear everything with a device? That turns me right off. They cant fix our deafness. That's the way it is. Live with it!
I believe in a two way street. I believe the children have the right to real communication that works with them well. ASL and English Signed with voices or without it. It doesn't matter anymore. Let deaf children adapt on their own, naturally. That's positive of being deaf to feel in their own heart, not yours.
Bi Bi language is a very good choice for many learning disabilities that we might have but not know it. They are still young. there must be a reason they cant understand oral only. Give the kids a break and give them their liberty and freedom of deaf identity. Thats why i put my quote. If you don't understand my quote which is on the bottom of my page, I ll tell you. It s not just for Deaf children but it helps many hearing children to have a good attitude about our deafness that is all it matters. However, I m outspoken for any Deaf children's rights as long as I live.
Hearing people Can, Can, Can but they Can't seem to make a positive difference for Deaf children/people. Hearing people say that Deaf children/people Can't, Can't, Can't. But, we seem to be the only ones who are able to make that difference! I must remind you, I am NOT referring to "ALL hearing people", just the ones who are prejudiced and discriminate(d) against us.n They failed to accept us and our deafness completely from the day one for many years.
The last thing I want to say.. Don't expect deaf children to depend on materialistic things so much because they need human contact, eye contact, and physical contact. Person to person; not 3rd person. So that way Deaf children can express their own feelings from their heart without any conformity or force.
Thank you!!