Discussions of mental illnesses and conditions

Just wondering. Is it a sign of BPD if a person creates triangles between people? Like telling one person that an other person said something about her behind her back? It's almost like damage occurred at the toddler stage and the person cannot handle different relationships at one time. Insecurity turned into manipulation.

Isn't it narcissistic personality disorder when the person needs all the attention centered on themselves?
Just wondering. Is it a sign of BPD if a person creates triangles between people? Like telling one person that an other person said something about her behind her back? It's almost like damage occurred at the toddler stage and the person cannot handle different relationships at one time. Insecurity turned into manipulation.

It can be. Manipulation in any form is a feature of BPD.
Isn't it narcissistic personality disorder when the person needs all the attention centered on themselves?

Attention seeking is a feature of several PD's, but yes, Narccissitic PD people feel the need to be at the center of attention AT ALL TIMES.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Possibly, Bott. This person also acts out. Crazy stuff that seems like flirting with death on purpose. Maybe comorbid. This.person has more issues than Carter had little pills (as my granma used to say).