I never said to just spank them without explaination. Of course you explain to them the reason they are being spanked. When that little hand reaches for a hot stove burner, a short quick tap on the back of the hand, and a firm "NO--hot, ouch!" gets immediate attention without anger. Then, a hug and a kiss, saying, "Mommy doesn't want you to burn your hand; don't touch."
That one is fine like to light tap on hand.. no big deal. No harm done.
1. A very young child will not understand.
Like I said, All you have to do is tell them what you didn't like, what upsets you, explain to them, give them examples or whatever. -- AND -- you have to be patient when dealing with young child(ren) and stay calm, use time-outs and use spanking as a last resort. How can young child(ren) learn? EDUCATE THEM.
2. An older child might understand but not care.
Like I said, send them to their bedroom (no tv on, do nothing, lay on bed so they can think about their bad behaviors and don't make same mistake next time), or take some priveleges away.
Do you really believe a two-year-old will lie on his/her bed and meditate on the error of his/her ways?
I'm speaking of older child(ren) not toddlers. Toddlers get time-outs.
Ok, I have question... when young toddlers are in daycares or kids in elementary school, when toddler/kids behaves badly like temper, talk back, or whatever and does teacher spank toddlers/kids? NO? Why not? They talk to child INSTEAD of spanking them. So why can't parents do the same thing, eh? Just a thought.