First so far I'd like to say that there is obviously a lot to be said about this topic more so than I realized when making the original post. Pretty kool and insightful stuff. I will say this though, In browsing all through this site I've noticed that people have the tendency to personally attack people. There's so much energy concerning these topics, can we all including myself (because I've made mistakes) try to stay rational. From what I see many people have their own individual personal viewpoint on what it is to part of Big D Deaf Culture or just what it means as a little d. As a matter of fact it has a lot to do with Identity from what I've seen. Anyways, making sure I stick to the point here. Keep in mind their are various reasons why people come to this site, sure some are idiots, but you also have people that have come to learn, or to find friends who can relate to them, or just to have another way of socializing. You have people that are coming an sharing some of what they learn or sharing their experiences and their character is immediately judged because in some way shape or form others feel they are being judged on the whole. Then the questions arise about how involved and how truly informed are you about deafness. The constant testing. If there's one opinion I have about some people on this site, remember that you are all individuals with your own thoughts and opinions about the experiences you have, STOP saying us, we, and them, it puts everyone under the same exact belief system when no 2 people are EXACTLY alike.