Define patriot


Jan 27, 2016
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Do you know of William Cooper? Or Edward Snowden? These men are American, constitution loving patriots, but the US government villainizes their existence. In a country like we have today, men like these are what we need more of. Whistle blowers risking their lives to expose the government's covert corruption. It's only ironic the government wants them tried and sentenced...for being a patriot. In the case of William Cooper, the government did martyr him for knowing too much and practicing his God given freedom of speech.
RIP William Cooper
Then they laughed.... at eachother, then at others...and it was over.
its still going on today.
Are you referring to Milton William Cooper?
Sorry, I'm not into conspiracy theories.

This man proved it was no theory. He paid with his life. He claimed 9/11 would happen by a basic outline so "terrorism" could be blamed. Two months later "terrorists" crashed jets into the towers and Bin Laden was blamed, engulfing our people in more war and our citizens in heavier intrusive surveillance by the government.
He also said aids was made to target blacks and his statements extraterrestrials where pretty well debunked.
The former KGB of the former Soviet Union/Russian country make this a propaganda tools that the US invented AIDS. Many African people believed it and still believed it.

He also said aids was made to target blacks and his statements extraterrestrials where pretty well debunked.
Snowden broke the laws and the rules. Why didn't he exposed Al Qaeda's SIGINT activities??
In China and Russia and Vietnam and North Korea (countries which are gushed and applauded by American campuses leftwingers) by your definition, any patriots will be killed.

Do you know of William Cooper? Or Edward Snowden? These men are American, constitution loving patriots, but the US government villainizes their existence. In a country like we have today, men like these are what we need more of. Whistle blowers risking their lives to expose the government's covert corruption. It's only ironic the government wants them tried and sentenced...for being a patriot. In the case of William Cooper, the government did martyr him for knowing too much and practicing his God given freedom of speech.
RIP William Cooper
He also said aids was made to target blacks and his statements extraterrestrials where pretty well debunked.

Personally, I do believe aids was a lab creation. I don't think it was created by elites to target blacks but to utilize their common stereotype--third class undesirables. What that he's said about extraterrestrials has been debunked? Do you not believe in "aliens"? I think it's vain and somewhat ignorant to conclude extraterrestrials do not exist. This universe is far too vast to contain only one intelligent species; and humanity is a relatively young species, meaning if there was life before us, they've been here MUCH longer than us.

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I didn't comment about ETs one way or the other. Just that what Cooper said was debunked. After his book many people pointed out that a lot of what he said was plagiarized. He was a low level clerk in the navy and didn't have access to top secret information.

His statements about CNN being able to find Bin Laden when the government "couldn't" as evidence to a conspiracy is baloney. CNN found Bin Laden because Bin Laden wanted to do the interview.

HIV came from SIV that infected other primates for thousands of years. It jumped to humans and became HIV about 100 years ago so unless they have a time machine...
Let me put it this way. Why would anyone believe someone who has never produced one shred of evidence to support any of their claims, changes their story every time they tell it, is a known plagiarist/liar and a murderer.
Let me put it this way. Why would anyone believe someone who has never produced one shred of evidence to support any of their claims, changes their story every time they tell it, is a known plagiarist/liar and a murderer.

Obama fits every description you just said and I don't believe him, although most of the country feels different.
I've read Cooper's book. I don't believe everything he says, and it's evident that there's many of his opinions inserted within "facts" (plagiarism?).
I do know his heart appears to be in the right place and he understood the basic mechanism of how our country is really controlled. That's a lot for one man to grasp so sure, many of his notions would inevitably conflict (or seem to change), that doesn't mean he's on the wrong path.
For one, he helped expose the evil past of the Bush bloodline, the Bilderberg group & Trilateral commission, etc. Did you know G.W. was Skull and Bones? Or how deeply the Bush family supported and clandestinely financed Nazi Germany? Or this bogus "war on drugs" and "terrorism"?
Not saying he's not, but I didn't know he was a murderer.
He shot a deputy in the head.

When he was being entrapped? I'm aware he shot an officer in the head...didn't know it was fatal. Maybe so. I do know those officers shot at William for attempting to escape--mind you he's missing a leg--whereupon they killed him. His main crime being scaring the security of the government.
Obama fits every description you just said and I don't believe him, although most of the country feels different.
I've read Cooper's book. I don't believe everything he says, and it's evident that there's many of his opinions inserted within "facts" (plagiarism?).
I do know his heart appears to be in the right place and he understood the basic mechanism of how our country is really controlled. That's a lot for one man to grasp so sure, many of his notions would inevitably conflict (or seem to change), that doesn't mean he's on the wrong path.
For one, he helped expose the evil past of the Bush bloodline, the Bilderberg group & Trilateral commission, etc. Did you know G.W. was Skull and Bones? Or how deeply the Bush family supported and clandestinely financed Nazi Germany? Or this bogus "war on drugs" and "terrorism"?
Not saying he's not, but I didn't know he was a murderer.

We're talking about Cooper not Obama. Cooper didn't expose anything. The guy rarely left his house how do you think he could investigate all the things you just listed?

Here is a great quote from Cooper that never came to be
"The spacecraft called Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby star with a gaseous makeup exactly the same as our sun, with a load of 49.7 pounds of plutonium, supposedly being used as batteries to power the craft. When its final orbit decays in December 1999, Galileo will deliver its payload into the center of Jupiter. The unbelievable pressure that will be encountered will cause a reaction exactly as occurs when an atomic bomb is exploded by an implosion detonator. The plutonium will explode in an atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter and resulting in the birth of the star that has already been named Lucifer. The world will interpret it as a sign of tremendous religious significance. It will fulfill prophecy. In reality it is only a demonstration of the insane application of technology by the JASON Society which may or may not even work. They have practiced overkill to ensure success, however, as the documents that I read while in Naval Intelligence stated that Project GALILEO required only five pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter and possibly stave off the coming ice age."
When he was being entrapped? I'm aware he shot an officer in the head...didn't know it was fatal. Maybe so. I do know those officers shot at William for attempting to escape--mind you he's missing a leg--whereupon they killed him. His main crime being scaring the security of the government.

There are plenty of people making claims just like Cooper. Why would the government go after just him? And if they wanted him gone why would they make such a spectacle of it? Why not quietly just make him disappear?
We're talking about Cooper not Obama. Cooper didn't expose anything. The guy rarely left his house how do you think he could investigate all the things you just listed?

Here is a great quote from Cooper that never came to be
"The spacecraft called Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby star with a gaseous makeup exactly the same as our sun, with a load of 49.7 pounds of plutonium, supposedly being used as batteries to power the craft. When its final orbit decays in December 1999, Galileo will deliver its payload into the center of Jupiter. The unbelievable pressure that will be encountered will cause a reaction exactly as occurs when an atomic bomb is exploded by an implosion detonator. The plutonium will explode in an atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter and resulting in the birth of the star that has already been named Lucifer. The world will interpret it as a sign of tremendous religious significance. It will fulfill prophecy. In reality it is only a demonstration of the insane application of technology by the JASON Society which may or may not even work. They have practiced overkill to ensure success, however, as the documents that I read while in Naval Intelligence stated that Project GALILEO required only five pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter and possibly stave off the coming ice age."

I remember reading about that in his book. He simply said the society planned to carry out that plan--not that it would work. Was this plan ever carried out? Obviously not successfully.
What is your bottom line? Are you saying Cooper is worthless for his claims, or for opposing the US government? Is there no place for his endeavor to purge our sick government before it's too late? Are you one who fails to admit our government even needs repair?!
Oh there are plenty of real government cover ups and screw ups. There are plenty of people that have been unjustly prosecuted for opposing the government. Cooper just isn't one of them. He's a total fraud.

Everything he's ever claimed is based on the idea that he checked a specific box on his navy application so they let him into their inner circle and gave him access to classified files. Do you really think the military gives out top secret clearance because of what box you check on your resume?

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