Define patriot

Oh there are plenty of real government cover ups and screw ups. There are plenty of people that have been unjustly prosecuted for opposing the government. Cooper just isn't one of them. He's a total fraud.

Everything he's ever claimed is based on the idea that he checked a specific box on his navy application so they let him into their inner circle and gave him access to classified files. Do you really think the military gives out top secret clearance because of what box you check on your resume?

I've heard him slandered and defamed, but I've never heard the perspective that his credentials are bunk. I'll be researching that soon.
But as of now, I do respect the man and revere him as an asset to our liberty.

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I remember reading about that in his book. He simply said the society planned to carry out that plan--not that it would work. Was this plan ever carried out? Obviously not successfully.
What is your bottom line? Are you saying Cooper is worthless for his claims, or for opposing the US government? Is there no place for his endeavor to purge our sick government before it's too late? Are you one who fails to admit our government even needs repair?!

So because one guy with no evidence says that a secret society working within the government tried to blow up Jupiter with 50 lbs of plutonium I should believe him?

Just FYI you need about 80 times the mass of Jupiter to create the smallest red dwarf star. Jupiter isn’t massive enough to ignite in true fusion. You can see Coopers lack of understanding with this statement "The plutonium will explode in an atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter" Stars are not lit. They are not on fire. They are giant fusion reactors , giant balls of plasma. Even if Jupiter could burn it would not be a Sun or anything even close to one. It would be like a match stick next to a forest fire.
So because one guy with no evidence says that a secret society working within the government tried to blow up Jupiter with 50 lbs of plutonium I should believe him?

Just FYI you need about 80 times the mass of Jupiter to create the smallest red dwarf star. Jupiter isn’t massive enough to ignite in true fusion. You can see Coopers lack of understanding with this statement "The plutonium will explode in an atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter" Stars are not lit. They are not on fire. They are giant fusion reactors , giant balls of plasma. Even if Jupiter could burn it would not be a Sun or anything even close to one. It would be like a match stick next to a forest fire.

The Jupiter scenario wasn't even his hypothesis but the Jason Society's. So that doesn't change my impression. I did say there are things I don't agree with in his book, most of which are his inserted opinions. That doesn't disrupt his credibility. He never mentions "this is evidence" or "this is my opinion". This whole matter is really contingent on whether his Navy credentials are true.
sound like you describe every professor with a PHD in the social sciences and humanistic departments.....always distorting facts to prove they are so smart...

Let me put it this way. Why would anyone believe someone who has never produced one shred of evidence to support any of their claims, changes their story every time they tell it, is a known plagiarist/liar and a murderer.
Snowden broke the laws and the rules. Why didn't he exposed Al Qaeda's SIGINT activities??
In China and Russia and Vietnam and North Korea (countries which are gushed and applauded by American campuses leftwingers) by your definition, any patriots will be killed.

I'm left and I despise Russia, China, Vietnam and North Korea so I don't believe that our government should have business with 4 countries above. If professor applaud Russia so it is easier for us to see this professor as anti-gay, but overall, most professors support gay rights and I found some of them are snobby or spoiled. It sounds like some Muslims who support authoritarian government that similar to China and Russia.

Patriots mean people who love our country and support our military, that's not about right wing militias or organizations. I'm very patriot because I'm from military family and rooting our country. There are some organizations labeled us as not patriot because of disagree with beliefs, that's not make any sense.
The Jupiter scenario wasn't even his hypothesis but the Jason Society's. So that doesn't change my impression. I did say there are things I don't agree with in his book, most of which are his inserted opinions. That doesn't disrupt his credibility. He never mentions "this is evidence" or "this is my opinion". This whole matter is really contingent on whether his Navy credentials are true.

You think there are people smart enough to manipulate the builders of Galileo into building a bomb to detinate Jupiter but not smart enough to know that you cant turn the planet into a sun?

I already commented on his credentials. They don't give you top level clearance because you check a box on your resume.
You think there are people smart enough to manipulate the builders of Galileo into building a bomb to detinate Jupiter but not smart enough to know that you cant turn the planet into a sun?

I already commented on his credentials. They don't give you top level clearance because you check a box on your resume.

Maybe it's not that they weren't smart enough, but that those directing their commands left them with little choice. This same essence applies to Cooper's credentials: regardless of what box he checked on his resume, it's who you know that moves you forward, or in this case what fraternity/society you're in. For that reason so many heads of institutions, govt, law, etc are Freemasons (for example), not because they're more qualified than anyone else, but because they're a Mason. I don't recall which one, but Cooper was in at least one secret society. He spends a majority of his book tracing the sinister agendas of societies such as Freemasons, Jason society, Skull and Bones, "The Illuminati", etc.

Our Founding Fathers were Patriots. It isn't because they exposed a government secret facility in the desert that was built deep underground by the reptilian annunaki.
Do you know of William Cooper? Or Edward Snowden? These men are American, constitution loving patriots, but the US government villainizes their existence. In a country like we have today, men like these are what we need more of. Whistle blowers risking their lives to expose the government's covert corruption. It's only ironic the government wants them tried and sentenced...for being a patriot. In the case of William Cooper, the government did martyr him for knowing too much and practicing his God given freedom of speech.
RIP William Cooper

if they were Constitution-loving patriots... then they wouldn't put this country in jeopardy with classified secrets out in the open, putting our agents' lives in danger.

classified information is not covered by freedom of speech. freedom of speech is only applicable when it comes to criticizing the government and exercising your opinion. releasing classified information is not exercising your opinion.
if they were Constitution-loving patriots... then they wouldn't put this country in jeopardy with classified secrets out in the open, putting our agents' lives in danger.

classified information is not covered by freedom of speech. freedom of speech is only applicable when it comes to criticizing the government and exercising your opinion. releasing classified information is not exercising your opinion.

According to whom?

When is classified information (such as gross violation of the 4th Amendment Rights of US Citizens) considered "protected information"?

Why is it illegal to expose the wrong doings of the Federal Government?

Is it because they can do no wrong?
if they were Constitution-loving patriots... then they wouldn't put this country in jeopardy with classified secrets out in the open, putting our agents' lives in danger.

classified information is not covered by freedom of speech. freedom of speech is only applicable when it comes to criticizing the government and exercising your opinion. releasing classified information is not exercising your opinion.

Edward Snowden may have jeopardized security in one way or another, but in the position of a whistle-blower, you've got little to no choice. The system has been designed in a way so it's never legal to snitch on your government--via compartmentalizing everything or making blatant laws forbidding it. Nevertheless they're doing what is right for liberty. Everything else comes second!!
Am I delusional from my accident or am I really the only one who sees how obvious it is we don't live in the democracy we're led to believe?
We're led by the proverbial shadow government. That our government is brinking the threshold of no return, because once you forfeit freedom, there's no turning back. Our democracy is reaching its expiration date, and capitalism only speeds the process.

" Democracy: A system of the two party state in which both parties are controlled by the same force, and while they squabble over insignificant issues to give the impression of opposing one another, they actually follow the same basic ideology. This is why the inhabitants of democracies soon discover that it doesn't matter who they vote for, nothing ever changes."
Edward Snowden may have jeopardized security in one way or another, but in the position of a whistle-blower, you've got little to no choice. The system has been designed in a way so it's never legal to snitch on your government--via compartmentalizing everything or making blatant laws forbidding it. Nevertheless they're doing what is right for liberty. Everything else comes second!!
Am I delusional from my accident or am I really the only one who sees how obvious it is we don't live in the democracy we're led to believe?
We're led by the proverbial shadow government. That our government is brinking the threshold of no return, because once you forfeit freedom, there's no turning back. Our democracy is reaching its expiration date, and capitalism only speeds the process.

" Democracy: A system of the two party state in which both parties are controlled by the same force, and while they squabble over insignificant issues to give the impression of opposing one another, they actually follow the same basic ideology. This is why the inhabitants of democracies soon discover that it doesn't matter who they vote for, nothing ever changes."

Wow! Southpaw - you actually said something I agree with.

Like the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 - it is illegal for the military to police civilians - so guess what - they just militarized the police to get around it.

that is STILL illegal. It is STILL the military policing civilians.
Wow! Southpaw - you actually said something I agree with.

Like the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 - it is illegal for the military to police civilians - so guess what - they just militarized the police to get around it.

that is STILL illegal. It is STILL the military policing civilians.

And if/when ever civilians get fed up with the designed and deliberate police brutality and murder of innocent civilians - guess what - the police force is completely equipped and fortified with military grade weapons and vehicles. Ready and waiting for us to strike back. But patience is a true virtue now, because their next move would be martial law.
...Since I typed all this I'll go ahead and submit it, but it makes me sound paranoid. I'm not. Only aware...and awake!
Yes, I can see that you are also awake.

Just avoid the conspiracy stuff. That will really mess with your head - it is mostly all disinfo.

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.[1]
Use objective reasoning. Don't drink the kool aid and you should be fine.
Yes, I can see that you are also awake.

Just avoid the conspiracy stuff. That will really mess with your head - it is mostly all disinfo.

Thanks for the heads-up. I got into some of that conspiracy genre when I was younger. David Icke, Alex Jones, both had great info, so it seems, but they're complete pieces of filth for trying to disinform and mislead the public the way they do. For a while I was thinking William Cooper was the only genuine truther remaining, but jonnyghost has got me questioning that! I guess in the end you can only believe yourself, and you know what conclusion I've drawn? would I say it without sounding antisemitic????
According to whom?
the law

When is classified information (such as gross violation of the 4th Amendment Rights of US Citizens) considered "protected information"?
unreasonable search and seizure on you or your home? uh.... how is this related?

Why is it illegal to expose the wrong doings of the Federal Government?

Is it because they can do no wrong?
nothing wrong with it but exposing a classified information that would put this country in jeopardy? ayiyiyiyiyi
Wow! Southpaw - you actually said something I agree with.

Like the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 - it is illegal for the military to police civilians - so guess what - they just militarized the police to get around it.

that is STILL illegal. It is STILL the military policing civilians.

while I support our LEO to be sufficiently and adequately equipped to handle many kinds of situations... they should at least follow the laws that they enforce.

ie - if AR-15 is illegal... then they should not be allowed to have it. and there's absolutely no need for LEO to have automatic rifles except for SWAT
while I support our LEO to be sufficiently and adequately equipped to handle many kinds of situations... they should at least follow the laws that they enforce.

ie - if AR-15 is illegal... then they should not be allowed to have it. and there's absolutely no need for LEO to have automatic rifles except for SWAT

I suppose they do stay within the boundaries of what's "legal" in most cases (utilizing loopholes to do so), but what they're doing with these tanks and fully-auto weapons behind sight is is 100% unprecedented and in violation of more than one amendment; but it's still legal, so that makes it ok... ?
The stockpiling of guns and ammo and military vehicles is boldly unnecessary and they use this fake "war on terror" that they fabricated to justify their actions. If you just put it all together and think, they're not equipping themselves (and taking our guns at the same time!) to take out gangs of protestors or terrorists, they're preparing for an imminent revolt of the people, and thereafter enforce martial law. From that point we've reached the point of no return. From that point the true controllers of government win...and did all "legally"!

and the truth shall set you free
I suppose they do stay within the boundaries of what's "legal" in most cases (utilizing loopholes to do so), but what they're doing with these tanks and fully-auto weapons behind sight is is 100% unprecedented and in violation of more than one amendment; but it's still legal, so that makes it ok... ?
The stockpiling of guns and ammo and military vehicles is boldly unnecessary and they use this fake "war on terror" that they fabricated to justify their actions. If you just put it all together and think, they're not equipping themselves (and taking our guns at the same time!) to take out gangs of protestors or terrorists, they're preparing for an imminent revolt of the people, and thereafter enforce martial law. From that point we've reached the point of no return. From that point the true controllers of government win...and did all "legally"!

and the truth shall set you free

we've seen what it took to find 2 Boston marathon bombers... I don't know which sight is more terrifying.... those bombers or police with its arsenal, armory, etc.

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