It's too frightning to just accept the conspiracy theory that's on the internet. On the other hand, the official "conspiracy theory" by the government has too many holes.
So, to prevent drawing conclusion too quickly I focus on obvious facts.
You say - "Technically, the intense heat of jet fuel exploding will vaporize aluminum. " However... Technically IT WILL NOT!!
Even though the melting point is below the maximum obtainable temperature of burning jetfuel (1400 dec C) vaporising would happen at 2500+ degrees. And melting & vaporizing would happen with continous exposure to heat. The jetfuel burned up within the first half minute.
Melting point [/K]: 933.47 [or 660.32 °C (1220.58 °F)]
Boiling point [/K]: 2792 [or 2519 °C (4566 °F)] (liquid range: 1858.53 K)
Planes don't vaporise. Even so.. The engines would survive - being made of
regarding the site you mentioned.. reading through it I see The claim that steel doesn't have to melt is correct. It looses strength. Tests have shown that ordinairy steel still holds enough strength to support the designed weight.
But fine, let's assume the steel fails to support the weight. Then there are still plenty of floors below that would be able to support it. The design was far above the calculated load.
Let's assume even that will not not happen and the floors will dislocate from their support.... Then the pancaking would leave the centre columns standing AND it would leave 100 floors packed upon each other.
Also... look at the collapse of the towers. Pancacking would start at the floor where there is damage. Not (as really happened) from the top.
Also... when the structure fails, it would fail on 1 side, thereby pulling the tower to 1 side. It would not collase upon itself.
The webside you mentioned is showing the "conspericy theories" but doesn't answer the real questions..
The Pentagon.. it shows 1 video that was provided with an explosion on it (the original release had the 12. sept as date) but no plane... I cannot believe there was only 1 camera looking on that side of the building. In fact, camera's from the sheridan Hotel and gas station were confiscated immedeately... What is so secret that these are not released.
I appreciate your input that both sides should be looked at, but that's what people are doing.. based on that they ask questions... and are stonewalled...
Regarding "The other side" you might be interested in
this site, where another "consipray theory" is looked at.. Enjoy!