Deaf people and SSI

Ouch, I'm really shocked that you applied 200 workplaces to work and got no call or not hired, it should be very tough, sorry about happened to you.

I think your major interest is in photographer?

Yes, I was very stress when I was out of job for 6 months.

My boss lady told me that many companies are loser. They did not hire me. My boss lady is very happy with me. I work for Still risk my job. Big "Giant White Shark" boss will tell my boss lady to let me go becasue they want cut down salary.

Not only photo field - I have many skill - computer tech, graphic industrial, film special effect, photo tech, network, warehouse, bank experience and some computer programming (out of date - RPG III, Cobol & Fortran).

Current, my full time job - I work for
I am freelance Photo for and Big East (College football). This fall, I will get photo season pass for Rutgers Football. Also, I plan to shoot Temple U at Eagle's Statium
SSDI has nothing to do with taxes. It comes out of your paycheck and it is your money to use, should you become physically disabled.

Are you referring to retirement on SSA? Social Security retirement? That comes from income tax as well.

I am paying taxes on income tax. They do take out of my pay check so I pay less at tax day. If they dont, i will be paying hefty a lot at tax day. No difference. Its another form of tax. Same thing.

Tax is tax. You pay taxes on your shopping spree, you pay taxes on your car, you pay tax on your house, you pay tax on utilities, you pay tax on everything, and you pay tax on income you make. So Tax is one way of gathering money to pay for SSDI, SSI etc... If no tax, there no SSDI or any form of welfare income.
That's not nice... crook person sent deaf person to exit door.
If, I am her then I would get lawyer. Lawyer and I will smell the company's Euro Dollars.

yes, you can get a lawyer and smell the Euro money :)
But, deaf Germany didn't get about lawyer, often. I noticed, in USA PPL do it often. maybe, I think deaf Germany are a bit weak. :dunno:
Are you referring to retirement on SSA? Social Security retirement? That comes from income tax as well.

I am paying taxes on income tax. They do take out of my pay check so I pay less at tax day. If they dont, i will be paying hefty a lot at tax day. No difference. Its another form of tax. Same thing.

Tax is tax. You pay taxes on your shopping spree, you pay taxes on your car, you pay tax on your house, you pay tax on utilities, you pay tax on everything, and you pay tax on income you make. So Tax is one way of gathering money to pay for SSDI, SSI etc... If no tax, there no SSDI or any form of welfare income.

Tax for SSA is dependent on the SS deduction (known as a contribution) on your gross income. Your employer is responsible for matching the amount you have deducted from your check. Therefore, your contribution is 2 times the amount you see deducted from your check. It does not come from income taxes.

Tax is not tax. Various taxes are collected for various purposes.
Oh Brother!!! Give us deaf break!! I do know hearing people get SSI, SSDI, Welfare and Unemployment checks too!!!!!! :roll:!!!

And they get criticized too. It's not just Deaf people getting criticized.
shel, if that is true of your friend. He needs to file for discrimination and state the interviewer's attitude. It's worth to fight for it because that interviewer isn't the whole world. He's just one person with one attitude. Tell him to stay strong and write up a letter to this person or someone else.
[Very interesting thread
id think of some replies , gimme a couple of days
I get social security and I work as well. But I may be loosing SS sometime cause I will be making a bit too much. But my SS really helped me and my hubby through the years by having a roof over our heads and his pay checks paid regular bills. We did not have the high luxury until this year. WE paid off our debts and all too.

I do know what you mean, I can see living off it, if they can not work at all anywhere.
It's no use to complain about some deaf SSI/SSDI recipients... complain on your own toward the US government since AD'ers couldn't change all that here, but we can only comfort or bitch on each other over this issue. :lol: Yet we do understand sometimes but what can we do about it? :hmm:

But ye Americans, whoever complain, forgot something else here, too...

Realize that ye Americans pay much less taxes than Europeans does... they pay much higher taxes. It means American workers bring home more cash than they do in Europe as a sample. So be plainly humble and glad that you don't pay that much taxes like they do.

What more it makes life easier simply by ignore them and focus on your own life which matters the most.
SSI sucks! I owe them back money for their stupid overpayment to me, last year I paid $2,000 to pay it all off and then bam, just last week, I got a letter from SSI again saying I owe them $1,650, ugh!
I have recently gone totally deaf. Been HOH for 37 years. I have also recently been approved for disability since I have a problem with a leg and can't stand for long periods. I spent 3 years looking for a job and could not find one. So I homeschool my children, take care of my mother and get disability since I can't get anything that either requires you to stand or use a phone or even be in customer service and talk with people. I talk well, but I can't hear, I am trying to learn ASL and struggle to read lips. I don't see it as a hand-out since I did pay into it and it's basically getting money that I paid with my taxes. Hubby works 2 jobs and then I have the 2 teenagers.
I have recently gone totally deaf. Been HOH for 37 years. I have also recently been approved for disability since I have a problem with a leg and can't stand for long periods. I spent 3 years looking for a job and could not find one. So I homeschool my children, take care of my mother and get disability since I can't get anything that either requires you to stand or use a phone or even be in customer service and talk with people. I talk well, but I can't hear, I am trying to learn ASL and struggle to read lips. I don't see it as a hand-out since I did pay into it and it's basically getting money that I paid with my taxes. Hubby works 2 jobs and then I have the 2 teenagers.

Absolutely. You paid into the system so that these benefits would be available should you have the need for them.
i agree with you, dead money.. that poster really asked for it, huh? jeez!

and the reason i am not working is i have Meniere's Disease. It affect my life and my every day routines. I thank you for not bashing me! :roll:

Oh and havent you noticed the economy are not doing well? duh? lot of people are being laid off due to business closing. Even mall are closing, and so on.

Not just Deaf people but hearing people are having hard time to find a job too. K?

Its not so much that deaf people drawing SSI SSA that irritates me, its when they choose to do so when they know they can find work that pays just as much as disability and in most cases more.

But some deaf people live areas where jobs that are conducive to a deafie just aren't readily available so therefore in order to scratch out a living they have to draw SSI.

Others such as in FCs case are unable to work because they don't know how well they are able to function from one day to the next. It is the same as for those who have Usher's Syndrome and they are losing their vision to the point that they cannot drive and the area they live in doesnt have public transportation.

Some of us have other issues besides our deafness in which we are unable to work.

Also imagine waking up one day and being totally deaf from hearing and your insurance won't cover an operation needed to correct it or to have a CI put in. It has happened. These people usually end up losing the jobs they had because they can no longer effectively communicate and have relearn communication using signs. Its an extreme case but it has happened.
BTW - I work full time and I go to school in the evenings to finish my degree. I choose to work simply because I know I can.
BTW - I work full time and I go to school in the evenings to finish my degree. I choose to work simply because I know I can.

So, there's something wrong with a deaf, healthy individual who collects disability from SS, yet is a full-time college student?
not necessarily. If they are genuinely unable to find work at their skill level not conducive for a deafie, then no. Because they are now working towards a degree in which they raise their skill set and their job opportunities when they finish. There's few blue collar jobs conducive to one who is profoundly deaf. Not every town/area has assembly style work, not every town has a wal-mart where one can stock shelves.

I find that in rural areas a higher percentage of those in that area are drawing some form of gov't assistance verssus the percentage of deafies in metro areas where there are more job opportunities.

Im not saying it can be the same across the board, but it is not because everyone has their own set of circumstances to work through.

I will say this however it is deafies like *her* - everyone here knows who Im referring to - that irritate me. If you knew her you would understand my point a little more clearly.
Remember, Deaf people can do ANYTHING.

There's no such thing as not being able to work just because the job doesn't fit what you want. You have to learn and struggle to get what you want sometimes. It was never easy for me but I struggled through several shitty jobs in the small town I used to live in before I moved where I am now. The quality of the jobs improved and now I'm in a situation where if I need to talk to my boss, I can email an interpreter and they will be there to help me. It's one of the benefits of the job I have now.

No one has it easy.
Does it will affect me if I want be high school teacher and teaching in history with hearing students if I'm qualified in near future?

You wanna be a high school History teacher?????