Shel - maybe it would be easier if people realized that "able to hear" (as Cloggy mentioned) does NOT necessarily mean "able to COMPREHEND 100% what you hear".
That's fine..I have no objections to that. It was just a misunderstanding on my part of what Cloggy was really referring to when he made that statement.
I know many people who are 'normal hearing people" - but they don't hear everything. I don't think anybody has "perfect hearing." My mom is hearing, and has meniere's disease, and in some situations *I*, with my CI, comprehend what I'm hearing better than she does!!!
From a clinical standpoint, having a CI can make somebody "HOH" when you are measuring decibels, but its no assurance that they will be taking what they hear and turning it into speech or recognizable sound.
Its an interesting question you ask, Cloggy - but through it all, even WITH a CI a person on the biological level is still deaf- and perhaps MORE deaf than they originally were (since residual hearing is destroyed in some situations.) I don't know if its really necessary to have the categories though. I think the situation is akin to the avatar I use -"deaf....BUT I can hear!"