This will be my last post to this thread that I started. My guy friend and I are now truly done.
I found out that he had a deaf girlfriend the whole time. I also know his deaf gf. He used me. He exploited my kindness, and took advantage of what he could get out of Me. It really hurt me.
His deaf gf told me that he despises hearing people. That most deaf are that way. They are very nice to hearing people, and honest and direct when with the deaf. She tells me he's angry, complains, volatile to her. To me he's abusive, not honest and direct
There are good and bad hearing people. I myself (hearing person) have been treated badly by some hearing people, but not all. My point is; I have feelings, and they are real. I fell in love with someone that was deaf. What hurts the most is that I was labeled a hearing person, used with no regard for my humanity just because I'm hearing? Would he treat me better if I was deaf?, would've been more honest if I was deaf?, I will never know, and I'm fine with that.
I'm determined to keep going forward. I'm a good person. I want to understand deaf culture. I see deaf and hearing as equal. I don't believe all deaf are like my former guy friend