. It doesn't matter if the program is only 20 days old, I have still never seen a child that has not had better communication and literacy skills from being provided a more enriched environment.

. It doesn't matter if the program is only 20 days old, I have still never seen a child that has not had better communication and literacy skills from being provided a more enriched environment.
Where did it says that I support oral?
U said that it is fair for all deaf children to experience oral, TC, and CS. I was surprised that u mentioned oral.
I am not against CS nor TC programs but I am against the oral only programs big time.
Omg I almost die laughing bi bi is less the risk failure? How would you know because you say so or because Shel says so, I'm sorry but I would rather to see the studies that would show me this program will beat the odds.
And bi bi has everything?? Gives a child everything??
If it doesnt give the child everything, then what are we not giving the child since u know so much about it? Pls name what the BiBi program is not giving the children? I dont think deaf education is a laughing matter cuz these kids' future are at sake.
jillio don't say never either, when this program is only 20 years old, you cannot say you never saw bi bi had fail a child.
Woware u saying that your son and us deaf people have no better communication or literacy skills than those kids in the bi bi program?
It's difficult to get some real results out of many types of educational programs for the deaf and hard of hearing.
One of the reasons is the lack of language development during the first five years of a child's life. It is absolutely crucial that language development is made a top priority, if not then you are likely to be in for a very rough ride. Educators and the educational programs will not work if the parents don't work with their children in acquiring a language or more.
It's a continuing trend and not much is being done about it. It's the same old story all of the times.
Woware u saying that your son and us deaf people have no better communication or literacy skills than those kids in the bi bi program?
Ok, from what I am reading, I am summarizing it up.
TC, oral, cued speech = a risky gamble
bi-bi= set a good foundation to start with (a sound ground)
This is what I am getting from reading those posts.
And if I have to pick one, I would pick one that doesn't involve gambling with a child's life. Who would do that to their own child? O.o;
But that's just me.
I have never seen nor heard of an ASL only program. Tell me where they are......
How about ASL + oral + writing? Kids are smart. Raise them in bi-lingual environment won't hurt a thing.
I have never seen nor heard of an ASL only program. Tell me where they are......
Yes I do see it as a crap shoot and a sad state of affairs. Alot of that comes from you and Jillio (and others) with all of the negative things you post about how screwed up the system is. It also comes from articles I have read. It comes from things that many on this board have posted about their individual experiences. It also comes from the fact that not all programs are created equally and that there are good and bad programs out there and not any definitive way to distinguish the differences without seeing results which means enroll your child and cross your fingers. I'm sorry but to me that's nothing more than rolling the dice.Up to you if u want to think that way. I dont think of it that way.
Why would you consider TC a risky gamble?Ok, from what I am reading, I am summarizing it up.
TC, oral, cued speech = a risky gamble
bi-bi= set a good foundation to start with (a sound ground)
This is what I am getting from reading those posts.
And if I have to pick one, I would pick one that doesn't involve gambling with a child's life. Who would do that to their own child? O.o;
But that's just me.
Why would you consider TC a risky gamble?
I have never seen nor heard of an ASL only program. Tell me where they are......
There are none.