You have said more than enough, but who to blame? Its medical professional after all. We the society always look up at medical professional for their professional opinion and that is where most of our society gets information from. I bet my ass if medical professional stop pretend they know the answer and be honest with themselves, they could have better educate our society and could have improve quality of life for Deaf person.
medical institution is a power peice in 'modern society' as it stands for perfection, health and the differences between life and death.
Put another way, ambulance services, Emergency department, heart surgery, cancer removing sugery, disease treatment, rehabilitation for injuries have are well regarded as they are helpful, so the respect it got from society is based on all these, so consequencely any medical intervention is given the same sort of regard, so this is why parents with deaf children panic, and feels relieved that a medical Intermediation exist. The key word (well only in this context) is 'exist' , like the solution to deafness are announced by medical institution to 'exist' this actual does have an extremely strong persuasion on the paniked parents.
and you're right DHB, they like to pretend its a fix, what they dont want to admit is, the end results are unpredictable. IF the parents actually heard this word 'UNPREDICTABLE' they'd think again, its like LSD...acid trippers do NOT know how the trip going to be, elating or extremely unpleasent...same thing, a bad decision in real life, is the same as a bad trip (when you trip, you can't stop it and have to wait quite long time before it weans off) of all this rehabing...and unpleasent, sometimes frightening...but unlike acid tripping, it doesnt weans off...the unpleasentness remains for life...
so if this is a case (and there are many in real life but seldom reported in the media, (another key the bloody media!)...the failure compells the rehabilition process to be held ethically questionable - because it is more harmful to more implantees than the few successful one... oh its really only successful to adults who had LOST hearing which they HAD in the First place...deaf/Deaf dont language is all a big riddle, it aren't funny.
last thing, medical institution dont have the role in educating society about choices or have to improve quality of life...(that is WHY they are powerful as they DO improve quality of life in OTHER AREAS like recovering from injuries or disease treatments) with this SAME mentality, this is exactly why medical 'help' is is the related professionals (CI team) that are not honest, BUT THEY ADOPT a different kind of view on Ethics. THEY ACTUALLY THINKS that attemps to curing or enchancing is ethically good.
thats where the whole thing lies, if it could be argued to be ethically wrong...well where? not actual surgery...but of the process of training CI wears to use sounds and falling behind in education - THAT is where is has to be argued as ethically wrong, BUT HOW do we MAKE THE CONNECTION???