Thanks for understand me about what I mean. Thanks for making me feel better. And yes I know my name means honey bee

I like Melika, it's hawaiian name. Anyway, yea thanks, that he's adorable.
You're welcome.
As for the previous posts..well , I kind of expected of it to turn to some form of debate and make a bit of fuss.But , we miss the point entirely.
Even CI or not CI , all kids need their comfort zone , and little damien hasn't found it.Melissa needs our support , even if we dont agree with her views.she's entitled to her options.That was the whole point of the thread.and for her to vent a human can keep it all inside or he'll explode.
I am glad that in the states are some ADA laws and somesuch.Here we don't.
Just let's stop that kind of destructive debate and attack , and try and help someone that turned to us.
And Melissa..I do know that you are disappointed with these facts at Damien's school.But, after getting over it , you will find the best program for him , as you are his best advocate.Also his best example.
I do know that Damien is loved from you so much , that he'll endure any hardships as long as you fight for his needs alongside him.
And I think he is a kind of a example , showing the other parents that life doesn't stop there.Teaching the parents for other views will be beneficial for them too , to accept that there IS something they could get.
What little Damien is saying ? he is happy with the education there?if he is , just advocate for more signing at his school.if you have free time , offer to help in any way you can.
And do not despair.I'm deaf.I had lack of some communication.My relatives said that I will never know foreign languages.But I did , and that is how I write to this forum.Kids are like sponges , they will soak up any knowledge , as long as their parents help them.
as for the arguments , I have naught to say.I'm sad that it turned to a debate.