Dating after deafness... Is it possible?!

This is one of reason why I don't date hearing gals without knowing about deaf culture
Now these days most movie theaters (AMC and Regal) have Captioning devices that you can use when you go into the theatre.

AMC lets you use the captiveiw devices while Regal uses the closed captioning glasses. I like CC glasses the best.

Anyway, sorry to hear that was a lame ass date you went through. You aren't the only one. I've had one which was shitty when a girl showed up late for a movie and she didn't even apologize for being late, so things got a bit awkward with her being late, we just walked around the mall and check out books then get some dinner then they (her friend also came along) left early and she never really texted me back. A friend set me up with one of her friends and she didn't expect the way she behaves like that towards me so yeah, she wasn't mature anyway.

This is one of reason why I don't date hearing gals without knowing about deaf culture

You both just meet the wrong girls, But honestly if they react like that, they probably werent worth your time anyway.

@authentic since when would you consider dating hearing girls :o
I vaguely remember a quote somewhere on here on only dating Deaf
hey this is my names is zachary lockhart i want i ask u do want plan for about wedding for ocean for gulfshore and enjoy but not right now so we plan for date okay i am good person okay see u later and talk more bye thanks:bye:
So this Zach guy hasn't actually met anyone here yet but is already planning an ocean wedding ??

Poor Zach won't find a girl who meets his high standards. okaaaaayyy..
Did you let him know ahead of time of your deafness? I always do. Their responses is always telling of how they would react around you in person. I look for compassion and understanding. If the guy does not show that when I tell him that, he's no good. Not worth your time. You do NOT want or need that negativity in your life. It's hard enough as it is to have to live with the deafness day in and day out. Hearing people just do not see the whole spectrum of it. However, we get an advantage, it teaches us humanism in a sense. We are able to connect with people on a deeper level through our struggles. My suggestion is the leave the guy in the dirt. Move on and find your wonderful man that is waiting for you. :)
this is quite interesting .. i would love to hear more of your story and happy to share mine .. do you think we can be friends? actually i am just a simple man looking for love ..
Wirelessly posted (MyCellyTelly)

Im suuuuch... An idiot. Closed carwash... Why didnt i see his intentions. I tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, always assuming their motives are as honest as mine. And getting busy was the last thing on my mind... Didnt even occur. anyways, i have a stupid question... How do i see a movie at the theatre with closed captioning? Do i request it? I feel very ignorant right now. :)

I'm laughing not at you. I laugh because I encountered similar date experience just like yours. I'm not profoundly deaf and talk normal but I met weird guys too. So weird that one tried to lick my feet (he has feet fetish ugggh). Another one asked me to take me home for a three-some.

Next time, don't let guys lead. You LEAD the date. You wanted to go to the movie theater right? Next time say, I will go over there. Say "who the fuck do you think you are, I can watch movies just like any human being. I don't need to listen, I will request the glasses with captions." Just walk inside the movie theater in the kiosk, let them know you want to borrow the glasses to watch the movie with subtitles. Sony subtitle glasses. They are amazing!!!! Every movie theater has it. It's the law!

Don't give up on your dating site. I met my boyfriend through okcupid. I almost gave up, but we found each other. Things got interesting. He never dated a person with hearing loss. Every time we go to the movie theater, he runs to the kiosks and borrows the Sony subtitle glasses for me. When we eat at restaurants, he tells the waiter to sit us outside ()where it is quiet and less stressful for me).

You will find him, but you need to LEAD. You need to teach HIM and welcome him to your world of hearing loss. He needs to feel what you feel. He needs to see what you see. He needs to hear what you hear. He needs to repeat when you cannot hear. He needs to find a way to communicate for you. You LEAD. get it?
I'm just confused, everyone is writing the response to which post? The original post is dated by 2012.