Da Shed

Im gonna see if I can get in to see The Almighty monday and have a little chit chat of whats going on lately. The big dog mentioned that this shed has been like this for 8 years.... and they are just now saying something about it 2 years after Ive owned it? Nothing said during the initial inspection? Hmmmmm
Yeah, they are not gonna like my deck of cards comming their way soon, Ive been in this field too long to be pushed around, and I wont tolerate the games.

Made sure the big dog had his rabies shot . Yeah that is what I said too , if the wood was that 'bad' in the initial inspection it should had been brought then .
Bad news today, and Im really not happy about it either. Had a new inspector drop by ( The Big Dog ) and said I have to remove the roof now, says the old wood is too weatherd and needs to be replaced with new, ,,,,
Damnit, I just spent $700 on new tin and a sunburn for them to tell me this? I was walking on it and its solid, but they say it will collaspse under the weight of snow now... Im just going to save the tin and bull doze the whole damn thing, bastards!
That's what I was wondering about before. In the pictures I noticed that you didn't replace old wood. I thought you knew better. It's not safe. PLEASE don't get pissed at me for sharing my thought. :lol: Oh well, you can move on, right?
That's what I was wondering about before. In the pictures I noticed that you didn't replace old wood. I thought you knew better. It's not safe. PLEASE don't get pissed at me for sharing my thought. :lol: Oh well, you can move on, right?

It looks like he did replace some wood some looks new to me.