LOL just ignore me
Hee hee. maybe why not we establish a rescue agency for unwanted dogs and cats?
I know.
NJ is famous for the most corrupted politicians.
This thread is so interesting!
I work in the space industry as an aerospace engineer. Currently working on the launch vehicle that will be used after the Space Shuttle program retires in 2010.
the Orion fleet that will go up in 2015, right?
yes.. unfortunately true.... that's why they called this a "The Soprano State" - I was told that this book is good. I'll read it someday
Hmm, I would like to buy a book. Damn tolls increase. from 35 cents to $1!! wow. damn.
the toll at GWB got increased to $8
Jiro, speaking of these tolls, do you have an electronic tag to cover that besides not paying with these old fashioned monies?
it's called E-Z Pass. Yes I do.. $2 discount....
the toll at GWB got increased to $8
Your tolls are ridiciolously expensive. In my hometown, we don't have these but I have E-way etag on my car since I frequently travel to Sydney which have plenty of toll gateways there. The M7 (Motor way 7) costs up to $6 depends how many KM's you have travelled, M5 (motorway 5) is $3.80 per entry, ED1 (eastern distribitior 1) $4.50 and SHB (Sydney Harbour Bridge $3.00 and entry to the city fo Sydney $3 something something I know.
I'm a Vet Tech Assistant, close enough to be a Vet Tech.
thats my job as animal control officer. Fun?