Don't lock it! He does act silly, but I think he can learn here.
Oh, well... I think she really meant the poster of #121 is malfunctioning, but I kind of am also.
It think it is from being too hot for a long time.
Obviously, you have not learned it well from anyone. While you are silly, you are not in the least comedic. You are silly and annoying. You are not entertaining.
From a person listed as "my friend" emulate his "written comments"-worth pondering?
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Out of 42,000 members- here- I am "somewhat" disliked by unknown numbers.To the best of my knowledge I haven't actually met anyone here-so far-even from Saskatoon.
Presumably the "interaction of computer comments" should be evaluated as ???????????
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Maybe. :/ He doesn't seem interested.
Out of 42,000 members- here- I am "somewhat" disliked by unknown numbers.To the best of my knowledge I haven't actually met anyone here-so far-even from Saskatoon.
Presumably the "interaction of computer comments" should be evaluated as ???????????
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Sorry Jillio don't recall asking for your "assistance". Which comment made such a request? Ostensible one has to "engage" someone to request such "assistance".
Does your prior "comments" on Dr Philip C McGraw PhD about being "licensed" apply to you here in Ontario?
Supposedly 42,000 people "dislike me" on this computer forum.Really? And the supposed effect is?
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Sorry Jillio don't recall asking for your "assistance". Which comment made such a request? Ostensible one has to "engage" someone to request such "assistance".
Does your prior "comments" on Dr Philip C McGraw PhD about being "licensed" apply to you here in Ontario?
Supposedly 42,000 people "dislike me" on this computer forum.Really? And the supposed effect is?
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I don't recall giving you assistance. Several of us attempted to provide you assistance when you first became a member. It was obvious that you needed assistance in learning. However, your refusal to learn or to respect the Deaf perspective around here has led to a specific impression of you that people very much dislike. 42,000 people don't post on AD. That number includes all members who have ever joined the forum, including those that made one post to get help with a homework assignment, and then dissapeared. It includes members who have left, who have died, and who have been absent since you came around. Therefore, they have never been exposed to you. However, of the number that have been around and have been exposed have found your posts to be insulting, patronizing, and intolerant, with a touch of superiority thrown in.
What makes you think that I am practicing in Ontario? You don't appear to understand licensing laws regarding internet practice any better than you understand Deaf culture, or the impression of yourself that you leave people with.
Jilllio: re post #166. Oliver Sacks DOES NOT DISCUSS HOLISTIC TREATMENT of the deaf/Deaf/DEAF in his book: Seeing Voices. Check the index-no such listing-in the copy of his book-I have.
What possible "holistic treatment of the deaf/Deaf/DEAF" would/should be considered IF a language?
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Holistic treatment has nothing to do with language.
As for "treatment-holistic or otherwise"" supposedly for a NON problem -deafness-squaring the circle again! Is it possible that there is a NON physical/audiological CAUSE OF DEAFNESS?( I don't consider the use of ASL et al a CAUSE OF DEAFNESS-mistaken?)
Not to be confused at apparently "misuse of words".
Is this one the "gnostic secrets of the Deaf/DEAF"?
Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07