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so who knows the AD handshake?

Is this AD handshake done through the virtual world or in reality? Do all deaf/Deaf/DEAF persons know this "secret" handshake?
Reality: I have been bilateral deaf/DEAF/Deaf since November 19, 1982. There is NO confusion to me of my real/actual condition of silence - still unaware of this "secret" handshake.

Just checked the book by Harlan Lane et al. No mention of any handshake. Perhaps it's only for "deaf militants"? Off to deaf biking.

Implanted Nucleus Freedom Nov/09
Is this AD handshake done through the virtual world or in reality? Do all deaf/Deaf/DEAF persons know this "secret" handshake?
Reality: I have been bilateral deaf/DEAF/Deaf since November 19, 1982. There is NO confusion to me of my real/actual condition of silence - still unaware of this "secret" handshake.

Just checked the book by Harlan Lane et al. No mention of any handshake. Perhaps it's only for "deaf militants"? Off to deaf biking.

Implanted Nucleus Freedom Nov/09

Is this AD handshake done through the virtual world or in reality? Do all deaf/Deaf/DEAF persons know this "secret" handshake?
Reality: I have been bilateral deaf/DEAF/Deaf since November 19, 1982. There is NO confusion to me of my real/actual condition of silence - still unaware of this "secret" handshake.

Just checked the book by Harlan Lane et al. No mention of any handshake. Perhaps it's only for "deaf militants"? Off to deaf biking.

Implanted Nucleus Freedom Nov/09

secret smilies...

like Secret Santa? <actually no, that wouldn't be me>

or maybe secret SIMilies....

a handshake is like a...... <fill in the blank>
You miss the point. No one gives a rat's ass but you. You seem to be obsessed with numbers. Number of posts, date of deafness, date of implantation, and on and on and on.

I agree you! he is very obbession many time!

I believe it! wate of time on him obssess posts!
Not sure what "breach of ethnics" entails?

Being DEAF not sure how I lack "respect to myself " because of the condition?

Whether Facebook is really "secret"-unknown to me. Not part of it-at the moment Will check with my son -who is part of it. Will he share the "secret"?

Seems I have a long way to "catch up comment-wise" to some members as indicated by their "post numbers" ( hopefully not secret!)

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

drphil, thanks for pointing out my typo (now amended), maybe "breach of ethics" would enlighten you?
A "breach of ethics" against myself-still stands. I don"t accept.
I keep repeating I am DEAF and have been since December 20, 2006.

Whether the "local deaf/Deaf community" agrees-not exactly a "pressing concern" of mine.. Presumably a "hearing" with my medical records required to "satisfy the deaf militant"( if existent)-- I am really DEAF. The condition of silence- hard to misinterpret- at least to me.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07