You fail to understand about what I said.
I clearly said that race relation between black and white were great in 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, but racial tension started worsen after 2010, also much worse after
Ferguson and SC church shooting. The politically correctness went out of control and some black people, especially BLM demanded fast change in justice system, that's not happen under watch. I'm getting enough with some people who made race as main issue and no wonder about why disability rights got distracted with different issues, especially race and gun issue.
US Supreme Court could have power to undermine the Civil Rights like they did to Voting Rights Act of 1965.
The racist has went out of control, also white people aren't only who are racist, even some black people are racist.
You are extremely bizarre and you are white man so you show us that you enjoy to troll us until you could earn a permanent ban.