Complain/Praise on Obama

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Analog shutoff will delay to June 12 due need more time to cover millions of Americans for coupons.
Senate Expected To Pass Digital TV Delay To June 12

Hmmm 6 months will give more americans plenty of time to get more coupons on DTV then.

That's good enough, I suppose.

As for me, I dont really care since I'm not really a tv person anyway. lol :lol:
"Please, please don't make us all any more cynical than we already are, Mr. President."

the only person who is cynical is campbell brown. what a surprise.
The article also failed to mentioned which term for George W. Bush and if it was that low, why was he re-elected to a second term? :)


**a pix of Guiliani with exclaimed face at stage - "oh wait!! I forgot to say 9/11!"
Nice to see that the two fo you think 9/11 was funny. :cool2: :roll:

it's the truth. they made a farce with 9/11 to scare people into keeping them in office while they reap in war profits. :mad2:
it's the truth. they made a farce with 9/11 to scare people into keeping them in office while they reap in war profits. :mad2:

I disagree due the fact that the Democrats didn't have a suitable person to lead this country at that time.

simple. 2 words: john kerry.

Still doesn't answer the question because your article link that you provided also mentioned Ronald Reagan and again--he won his 2nd term as well.

John Kerry--got to come up with something better than that.
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