'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

Well ... I can actually prove the "outlandish" claims. On the other hand - you just make outlandish claims about everything in general.

I am sure that most Liberal Arts Universities these days do not teach the value of hard work.

How many College Grads are at these occupy protests demanding the government gives them a job?

How about this - why don't you just google the subject and find out how many are demanding jobs - they could be out there doing jobs they are over qualified for rather than living on unemployment and griping .... but, that is the liberal way.

The pentultimate crux of the entire occupy movement's argument is evidence that the left doesn't have a clue about basic economics. GO TO WORK!

But.... Looman is free to receive tax credit for hiring veteran from obama's job stimulus package. And I doubt he has over 50 employees and if that's the case, he is exempted from Obamacare.

So what's his problem?
Well ... I can actually prove the "outlandish" claims. On the other hand - you just make outlandish claims about everything in general.

Difference being, Steiny, I can back up what I say. You get all flustered and claim things that are so outrageous they couldn't possibly be true. So, you can prove your outlandish claims? Let's see a little proof of that 164 IQ, and then some proof for the fact that you were a private tutor to the Sultan. We'll start there and work our way backwards.:laugh2:

I am sure that most Liberal Arts Universities these days do not teach the value of hard work.

Like you would know what any university teaches.:laugh2:

How many College Grads are at these occupy protests demanding the government gives them a job?

None. Again, you are demonstrating a complete lack of understanding for the message of OWS.

How about this - why don't you just google the subject and find out how many are demanding jobs - they could be out there doing jobs they are over qualified for rather than living on unemployment and griping .... but, that is the liberal way.

What makes you think any of them are living on unemployment? I doubt seriously that you have access to their personal bios and financial statements. Again with your outlandish claims. But then that is the conservative way.
The pentultimate crux of the entire occupy movement's argument is evidence that the left doesn't have a clue about basic economics. GO TO WORK!

The left has more of a clue about any number of things than you, yourself do. As has been evidenced by your increasingly bizarre and dishonest posts.
And the left just bankrupted the nation and downgraded our credit :roll:

Yes yes they did. Indeed they did. Now it's time for your medication. Swallow it and stick your tongue out. Gotta make sure you swallowed it for real this time.
And the left just bankrupted the nation and downgraded our credit :roll:

You say you can prove your outlandish claims. Start elaborating and providing proof for this one.

See, Steiny, the reason you keep backing yourself into a corner is that you throw out tired used slogans you have picked up from someone else, but have no ability to explain or elaborate on what they mean or might entail. You are not much better than the local pet store's parrot.
And the left just bankrupted the nation and downgraded our credit :roll:

Perfect storm for those big cats you are defending. Then blame Obama. Get more Republicans elected to make a bigger mess, then a Democrat will try to fix the mess, but nothing doing! Block his every effort to pass legislation, then blame him! Good plan.
And the left just bankrupted the nation and downgraded our credit :roll:

Ummm, America's credit is a strong as ever. Any credit rating is arbitrary when applied to the USA. There is no chance that the USA will default on it's debts. If you bought T bills or such, you can sit comfortably knowing that these treasury bills will be paid as expected at the maturity date.
Perfect storm for those big cats you are defending. Then blame Obama. Get more Republicans elected to make a bigger mess, then a Democrat will try to fix the mess, but nothing doing! Block his every effort to pass legislation, then blame him! Good plan.

All this so they can win the next election. Given the candidates that I've seen so far, I think their plan is an EPIC FAIL so far.
Ummm, America's credit is a strong as ever. Any credit rating is arbitrary when applied to the USA. There is no chance that the USA will default on it's debts. If you bought T bills or such, you can sit comfortably knowing that these treasury bills will be paid as expected at the maturity date.

Um S&P did downgrade USA credit rating from AAA to AA and I suscept it was because the Republicans threatened to shut down our government. That sent signals that our country may not be as stable as it was in the past rather than because of our ablity to pay debts.
Um S&P did downgrade USA credit rating from AAA to AA and I suscept it was because the Republicans threatened to shut down our government. That sent signals that our country may not be as stable as it was in the past rather than because of our ablity to pay debts.

That is really not a significant downgrade. Not in applicability and the grand scheme of things.
Um S&P did downgrade USA credit rating from AAA to AA and I suscept it was because the Republicans threatened to shut down our government. That sent signals that our country may not be as stable as it was in the past rather than because of our ablity to pay debts.

and yet, foreign countries (especially China) keeps buying them up. I know why the rating was changed, but the bottom line is, you buy T Bills because they are secure. This has not changed. The only thing that could change this is if the government dissolved and declared the debt null and void. Oh boy would this put a downward spiral on the world economy. Trust me, this will not happen.
and yet, foreign countries (especially China) keeps buying them up. I know why the rating was changed, but the bottom line is, you buy T Bills because they are secure. This has not changed. The only thing that could change this is if the government dissolved and declared the debt null and void. Oh boy would this put a downward spiral on the world economy. Trust me, this will not happen.

That's true. I think the bolded is highly unlikely at this point. But I would never say it wont happen.
That's true. I think the bolded is highly unlikely at this point. But I would never say it wont happen.

It won't happen for the same reason balancing the budget is really bad for the world economy. I probably should not have said that because I don't have the time or energy to defend this statement. (Oh crap, did I just announce open season on the Cheetah?) :shock:
It won't happen for the same reason balancing the budget is really bad for the world economy. I probably should not have said that because I don't have the time or energy to defend this statement. (Oh crap, did I just announce open season on the Cheetah?) :shock:

I don't think it's open season on you. :) I would put the odds on you being right about it not happening even though I sometimes wonder if we're really headed toward civil war. Well, despite nutjobs like Looman, we're still together.

A social worker told me many years ago not to worry about things that might never happen and worry about what's happening to me right now instead of what might happen.
I don't think it's open season on you. :) I would put the odds on you being right about it not happening even though I sometimes wonder if we're really headed toward civil war. Well, despite nutjobs like Looman, we're still together.

A social worker told me many years ago not to worry about things that might never happen and worry about what's happening to me right now instead of what might happen.

Words to live by! :)