cochlear implants

Very good, Rockdrummer! For a hearing person, you sure have a handle on things; you have the gift of discernment by being open to any and everything thhat will work/apply to your child. Half the battle is over! I'm glad your'e here, too as I can see that you have the ability to ascertain what's best for your child in spite of some of the commentary that goes on here. Yours will be a well-rounded child!

Do you mind telling us the name of the school your child goes to? It sounds like a good one that takes an individualistic approach to the education of the students attending....
Maofoyish said:
You will not find the word "audist" in the dictionary. I would suggest asking the person who uses it the most what THEY define it as. Basically, the poster who overuses this word is using it in a negative manner. .....

Thanks for your kind words. It’s funny though that you say this and yet the picture you use says “I smell an audist!” What is meant by that?
Thank you

Tousi said:
Do you mind telling us the name of the school your child goes to? It sounds like a good one that takes an individualistic approach to the education of the students attending.....

Thank you for your kind words also. Hmmm.. my gut tells me not to reveal that specific information on the web to strangers. While I am sure you are well intended, please put yourself in my shoes. What I will tell you is that my child is in Illinois school district 44. I don’t know if it’s the schools decision as much as it’s the teacher’s recommendations that allow for these curriculum adjustments. Obviously the school has to support the teacher’s recommendations.

Sweetmind said:

Thank you Sweetmind. This is very helpful. After reading these descriptions it seems to me that audist equates to prejudice and discrimination. Do I have that correct?

Thank you
rockdrummer said:
Thanks for your kind words. It’s funny though that you say this and yet the picture you use says “I smell an audist!” What is meant by that?
Thank you

My purpose for using the avatar is to simply prove the point that you appear to have gotten just by reading the links provided to you above. ;) My way of being smart-arsed since "audist" or at least some of these harebrained perceptions of what an audist is - pertains to me as well as any other deaf individual who thrives in an oral society.

rockdrummer said:
Thank you Sweetmind. This is very helpful. After reading these descriptions it seems to me that audist equates to prejudice and discrimination. Do I have that correct?

It would appear so, yes. Anyone who is "audist" is no friend of Sweetmind's.
I feel trapped between both sides Hearing and deaf and deaf oralism people thats the purpose for me to mention the audist attitude means in other post. So I guess they dont get the light blub yet.

Catzia 's I couldnt explain why but truth is its about YOU and your comfort .. sometimes people doesnt give any respect .. as for dogs.. honestly dogs really something else you wouldnt know what they know this minute you get him.. ITS ABOUT LOVE AND TRUST..
as for CI and dogs or cats i call them being self centered people which its truth.... if you love yourself being deaf like chit happens but move on.. comeon its same thing to animals if they just happen like this love them no matter what they are just same as you.. dont ya see ?

Sweetmind 's
Thank you for your true expression that you have a feeling for a dog and love yourself first. It is the true perfect explaination about mental and emotional feeling issues. Beautiful job, catzia. You said it all.

Of course, now you see why I stand up for d/Deaf children that should treated the same, too . It s more of natural true feelings that no one can conform our true souls. Thank goodness I have an opportunity to have my own emotional feelings that connects a warm love inside my heart instead of being passive and suffers with the mental and emotional abuse that is a abusive issue inside their heart to built up angry or frustrated. That goes to their heart that has been abused to be storage for years and years that is already damaged their emotional feelings as A Big Scar. That 's a real self centered for anybody who bashed people with ex HA or CI users. I have seen it myself that turned me off when I saw audist attitude people did this nowdays. **shaking my head** I support them no matter what after all they are a natural deaf people who should not be reject in Deaf community as well as it s a proven what I am seeing here. They suffered by someone who messed around our Deaf ears if you mind while they rejected them as the invisible d/Deaf natural people.

Thats what audist attitude people taught many deaf/hearing into a very negative view of deafness or d/Deaf people in this society. And their power, greedy, and control deafies life that robbed my , and deafies' life and my and their own whole family 's life because they have our opportunity for having a big time loss for not having ASL at home or mainstream / deaf school. That's very unreasonable to take our true language away from d/Deaf children 's rights. So there!

After all those years, Sufferings / Pains that deafies I had since two years old with HA or CI devices now we are not using it anymore. So therefore where is ASL for our rights? I dont think it should be hearing 's way too much because they are not deaf or understand what s it alike to be deaf. How could you let it happens to you after all you are not a hearing person with HA or CI.. Face it the reality .

I am so glad I have a chance to feel great about myself as a True Natural Deaf Identity and have a true language with my hands to communicate with anybody in this society nowadays. And also, it takes a long time to heal the heart from A BIG SCAR that has been damaged on the right spot all the time.

That's the answer. Take away our healthy mental and emotional feelings about our deafness or believe in ourselves and a true language that goes with our Deaf rights.

Thats a real answer that we all have a serious problem by audist attitude people.. It s really screwed up for all of us.

Thats not how I treat people like that. Thats what it gives me impression that negative people influenced others how they think it has to be this way while it s very offensive for me. I just dont feel too comfortable about everything for what people s prejudice or discrimination affects us like that. It needs to be stop this abusive going on for years and years.

ASL and Signed English combines altogether as equal that helps us deafies and d/Deaf Blind with their braille code. You think ASL makes us not to speak our d/Deaf voices. I find this is a real outrageous for you to think that way. I will say it s good to have oral speaking with ASL because it s from word to word that we can understand it better. Thats our oral method survival kit that we need to have the encouragement of fun things to learn which is fine with me but force or conform or manipulate us into a hearing person that is out of the question. Does it makes sense to you? Dont expect us to hear like a hearing people can normally hear or speak well or read their kind of different lip movements 100 percent with our devices. Face the Deaf Reality!

I am very discouraged people are abusing d/Deaf children way too much for years and years from audist attitude people.. IT NEEDS TO BE STOP.

Get on with the natural method of ASL and enjoy with A LOVE and BOND between parents and d/Deaf children that is the most important thing in the beginning of our life. It is way much better than having all those artificial languages.. Thats our Deaf adaption that it should allow their children to have that chance to be themselves as a Deaf kid first.

Sighs! People are hurting you with your own struggles. I will not tolerate this kind of old behavior pattern that continue until todays from the past years. So therefore you dont need a HA/ CI as required because MEDICAL said so. That gives me the impression, thats how I see it. Thats a lie!!!

:eek: For god 's sake! Wake up!!

Many thanks!
Sweetmind, action speaks louder than words.. I am curious about what you have done to help improve our Deaf situation?

Perhaps we can start working on a solution together. I'm not interested in words. They are nothing. Action is everything.

Let me know! :)
Originally Posted by rockdrummer
Thank you Sweetmind. This is very helpful. After reading these descriptions it seems to me that audist equates to prejudice and discrimination. Do I have that correct?

Yes you are that correct. ;)
Sweetmind said:
Yes you are that correct. ;)

That being said, wouldn't you agree that using such terms in the manner that you do can also be described as prejudiced and discriminating?
Sweetmind, action speaks louder than words.. I am curious about what you have done to help improve our Deaf situation?

Perhaps we can start working on a solution together. I'm not interested in words. They are nothing. Action is everything.

Let me know!

I have done it a lot different philosphy of mine from theirs because I am still get the same feelings what audist attiude people use too much oralism s way that where they learned from audist attitude people that carries on and on and on.. I dont agree with this kind of attitude. Thats all to it! It s way too much about oral method s behaviors that many parents are getting it from one sided.

I did but they are too busy overlapping my writings that I am thinking of other people with disabilities's right to have ASL as a true language too. It s not all about me I m talking about a natural deaf people with or without HA/ CI. They have the similar problem that I have nothing to be ashamed of telling the truth. Thats my goal to get our d/Deaf adaptions and d/Deaf mental and emotional to be healthy again. We were fine babies from day 1 to 2 years old then all of sudden parents has change the view of our deafness. What s that supposed to be? It s not necessary at all.

Okay now I am considering to have my hearing child to be a deaf person so I have my right decision to have them to become deaf. Thats the same concept here. All of sudden I am so wrongdoing it. It is okay for Hearing people do this. Wow there is a real something wrong here. Audist attitude people disagreed with me. What a joke! I disagree with those MEDICAL professionals and audist attitude people s negative view of our Deafness as one - sided again. Thats what I am seeing nowadays. TOO OVERRATED about oralism issues. That s turn me off completely. it s totally :fruit: :crazy: here..

Change your attitude and Resepct all kind of deaf people and d/Deaf /Hearing disabilities with their own different cultures not just for deaf oralism only . Thank you! And also you missed out the one importance of good example of audist attitude with two faced. Thats why I felt offended by this action that has removed it from here. I felt it s not right at all because it s okay for hearing people to say someone s SN because it bothers her too. and Now I cannot say anything.. Thats what it turns me off. Their many hidden messages that is that you dont know the truth.. Sighs! What a very immature two faced of being advocate for Deaf community thats when we strongly believe in that stands up for a good reason.


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Sweetmind said:
I have done it a lot different philosphy of mine from theirs because I am still get the same feelings what audist attiude people use too much oralism s way that where they learned from audist attitude people that carries on and on and on.. I dont agree with this kind of attitude. Thats all to it! It s way too much about oral method s behaviors that many parents are getting it from one sided.

I did but they are too busy overlapping my writings that I am thinking of other people with disabilities's right to have ASL as a true language too. It s not all about me I m talking about a natural deaf people with or without HA/ CI. They have the similar problem that I have nothing to be ashamed of telling the truth. Thats my goal to get our d/Deaf adaptions and d/Deaf mental and emotional to be healthy again. We were fine babies from day 1 to 2 years old then all of sudden parents has change the view of our deafness. What s that supposed to be? It s not necessary at all.

Only Sweetmind's writings are to be taken seriously. Really. :mrgreen:

Get OVER yourself. People are ALLOWED to overlap your writings by way of agreeing to disagree.

Sweetmind said:
Okay now I am considering to have my hearing child to be a deaf person so I have my right decision to have them to become deaf. Thats the same concept here. All of sudden I am so wrongdoing it.. Audist attitude people disagreed with me. What a joke! I disagree with those MEDICAL professionals and audist attitude people s negative view of our Deafness as one - sided again.


It is a medical professional's JOB to provide all sorts of avenues, even if it's advising. In the long run, it's the individual's choice to live in the manner they see fit and the manner in which he or she is comfortable.

Pertaining to CI's - it's out there, so yes, medical professionals are going to endorse it - not as a solution but as an option.

Foreign concept to someone like, oh, let's see...YOU....but that's just the way it is.
Hey, Malfy... sometimes things are all good and well when all options are presented... but it does seem a bit unfair to me that in Norway deaf children will get better care if they get CI (words of a mom who has a child with CI) than if they didn't get CI at all. I don't understand why some people are biased pretty when it comes to those things.. note I didn't say ALL people. *giggle* :bump:
Liza said:
Hey, Malfy... sometimes things are all good and well when all options are presented... but it does seem a bit unfair to me that in Norway deaf children will get better care if they get CI (words of a mom who has a child with CI) than if they didn't get CI at all. I don't understand why some people are biased pretty when it comes to those things.. note I didn't say ALL people. *giggle* :bump:

Noted, my dear Liza. ;)

The point to be made is nobody needs to feel trapped between deaf culture conformities, or Hearing ones, we are a SEPERATE sector, recognise THIS. As for the let's get together bit, c'mon, this is NOT about unity, it is about need being recognised as well as individuals. Whenever non-cultural deaf or hearing loss people put the point 'we are here too and want different access or support' THEN we get the unity view used against us ! This is unfair, and I put it, irrelevant. QUOTE: I thought this was about CI's". It is about US, and all has a bearing on the debate.

The anti-CI view is predominantly one that comes from the signing community, the PRO view is predominantly from those who have various losses of hearing or acquired deafness, despite attempts by deaf activisim to suggest it is a 'hearing' thing, it ISN'T, it's OUR view. Face US and stop attacking others, as deaf people too, we are not going to automatically support things we do not agree with, if we feel a CI will benefit, we'll take it ! If we feel sign lamnguage willhelp we will use THAT too, but we will not feel we owe culture anything, communication rights are for all.

The unawareness of the established 'Deaf Community' is really mind boggling, they do not know how we feel, act, or think regarding the fact we cannot hear ! It never stops them telling us to support THEIR idea of how deafness should be seen (The deaf 'Image'). I will respect anyone that respects me, but it is a 50-50 deal, sign users HAVE to accept we support CI's, oral usage, and whaetver else we may find floats our boat, or we will never respect your culture or ASL/BSL.

Tough talking, any unity has to be balanced, that means concessions need to be made, deaf culture seems NOT able to make these concessions, so unity is not possible, just co-eistence with occasional spats like this ! If their access helps us, we'll support it, if it goes against ours we won't. I'm hanging on no-ones shirt tails. It doesn't have to be immovable force meets unmovable object, but if that's the way...

Sweetmind said: Perfect example here.. ;)

Have a Happy Reading!!!

I read the term 'Audist' and I'm afraid my attention wanders I'm afraid. It's not a term we in the UK recognise. A lot felt it was anti-hearing campaigning, which isn't helpful, and it wasn't made clear the difference between someone who was deliberately abusive, and anti-deaf and someone who just couldn't follow or is unaware. I know Americans are fond of this new word, but it's not used properly is it ? Using it as a weapon to 'bash' hearing people doesn't help us. We all know life is unfair, and laws are just printed words on paper, so it's down to us as it always is to make it CLEAR how communication works for us, and what doesn't. If a deaf person is just quoting rights in people's faces and intransigent, then this will delay people making effort, not assist it. People respond to a smile and a bit of leeway, less so to someone 'In your face' and looking aggressive. we've (I have !), wandered off topic a bit, sorry. Everything we discuss is relative, as deafness/loss is the ultimate democrat, it picks anyone ! Maybe some prefer this or that mode, that's all it's about really, we often can't agree on accepting this.
me_punctured said:
Wow. This is the first time I have heard cued speech mentioned in a long time. Did you grow up using CS? It is not a well-known phenomenon on the West Coast, with the scarcity of knowledge, resources, and support networks here, but it is on the East Coast, to the best of my knowledge. One of my best childhood friends was proficient in CS. I used to communicate with him by CS, even though my proficiency wasn't up to his par. He moved to Maryland, though, because there is a huge community of CS users there and his family wanted more support for him.


I grew up using English. :)

Understanding and knowledge of CS continues to make steady progress.
having said that, there is still confusion amongst some groups. I am fortunate to have the opportunity of the internet to assit in the clarification of CS.

Ultimately, CS is about literacy, language and communication.

How nice of you to have had the opportunity to use CS. :thumb:

Side bar:

May I be so bold as to inquire, do you yourself, read phonetically?
Sweetmind said:
LOML is a hearing person. Whats that supposed to be wow?? some deafies converts from Cued speech to ASL after school.. Please find a book that you need to read it. There is a NO WOW and true language.. it s related to ORAL method. sighs!

For heaven s sake!


Actually, I would indeed say WOW to CS as it has proven itself time and again as an effective tool for literacy. CS is the system and for me English is the language represented. CS has never stated that it was a language.

As far as your "oral" comment, I see this same reaction over and over again with Deaf people. CS could be used with the oral method, if that was the choice that the parents made. I have seen and heard profoundly deaf people talk rythmically like the other members of their families, that is their choice.

It is very apparent to me, that you have not had the opportunity to learn CS.

For people who are intrigued by CS, I recommend the following book:

"The Cued Speech Resource Book for Parents". Dr. R. Orin Cornett
me_punctured said:
And I didn't know LOML is hearing. Thank you for sharing.


I am hearing, I am female, I am Canadian, I am dark haired(most of the time), I am fair skinned with freckles, and so on and so on....... ;)
loml said:

I am hearing, I am female, I am Canadian, I am dark haired(most of the time), I am fair skinned with freckles, and so on and so on....... ;)


I'm hard of hearing,I'm male,I'm from Europe,I have brown hair, I'm white skinned ... LOL

Whenever there is a thread about CI ,after all the thread is turned to be a battle between sign users and hearies .. WHY !
Hmmm....I thought this thread was about " Cochlear Implants " but seems it's heading to a totally different direction, to the point where I'm totally lost here...


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