FACT?? You want to talk *FACT*????
Off the top of my head, without digging up specific posts I can recall tonight reading the following in this forum:
1) CI implants are done by hammering at the skull with hammers and chilsels
2) CI implants cause brain cell loss
3) CI implants are highly dangerous because of meningitis (when the actual statistics show that less than .6% of implantees have contacted meningitis from the implantation procedure)
4) CI's are only for people who have never been hearing.
I could go on and on - So you say the fears stem from these "facts"?
CI radicals says :
CI doctor did make the bibical quotes that turns out too negative about deafness itself that had been removed by someone who saw my outspoken comments in other forums.. Guess what they took the Doctor s website down that ticks me off. How clever they are! They knew better than that for being lie about us. Guess what Boult took my freedom of speech with respect that he removed all of my post reply while the owner is out of town.. that I showed the fact that Doctor is actually saying that. Boult abused me badly for a long long time and has his own CI himself that shows me he is not honest to himself. Thats why I dont have any respect for him and dishonest while he s sitting at home and have a CI that should get his arse to find a job at that time.,
CI give the misinformation about our difference of deafness while they treat all d/Deaf children's harmful in Medical that is required to them.
Attacked from deafies with CI and audist attitude toward deaf people who doesnt believe in CI device itself.
Attacked from CI radical parents with audist attitude toward deaf people who disagree with them that they think CIers are functionally hearing that relates to all kind of deafness we have.
Attacked deafies in the chatroom that we are dumb and deaf.
CIer people with audist attitude that I can hear so it doesnt explain what s the defination of hear?
CI radicals and CIers bashed me all along for 8 years that I know the truth inside my whole heart that I wont letting anyone to get away with all that BS anymore..
CI Sherry aka DavisinTX with CI device did namcalled deaf community as Deaf Africa.. that is very racist and bigotry attitude.
Attacked people with ex HA and CI devices.. They want to share their bad painful with their ex HA or CI experiences.
and more to say but it s nuff to show the fact what other d/Deaf people and I have witnessed myself all along.
DEAF is no good Deafness is no good. ASL is no good. Deaf community is no good, and everything that relates is God damn no good that s what I m getting all those years until today's world..
You know what people have a serious mental problem about the deafness that allows ppl to tell you all that negative view of theirs and teach our d/Deaf children that those d/Deaf children are no good.
Ci radicals come here to push too far and make a big buck from the stockholder that Jake O Donnell had mentioned himself about it. Thats him and you CI radicals groups.
I feel sorry for you guys. YOu are so much fear about yourself and the deafness. I find this is a real opposite of mine.
I am proud of myself as a natural deaf person and use my hands to communicate with people who have such a wonderful attitude that they can communicate with me and shows their respect for me as a natural deaf person. Thank you! Yea Thank goodness we have ASL in our america that is an big opportunity to have the equal communication for both of us with no struggle.
Have a good night!
