I don't even know sign, so tell me how that can do any good if I don't know it. How can it be "better" for anyone who doesn't know sign?.
Easy take the time and learn it, its that simple really. No drills, holes, wires, batteries,engeneerers, sceintists, multinational companies needed. these days you can learn sign almost for free, besides your effort, and time.
I Sign is an alternative, but it doesn't provide the opportunities that would otherwise be available with implants.
Sign offers different oppurtunities, oppurtunities where you dont need to be plugged in, or powered on, hooked up. Drilled into, wired through. Sign is language, the most human and beautifull of all gifts.
I thank the engineers and my surgeon every day that their "empty promise" of a drill and hole in my head resulted in being able to hear at 20db, have a conversation in a restaurant without struggling, and hear a full score of music.
indeed you do,but its not just about you, the fact is the tech you so charish, has a history and an ideology behind it. And which still drives it. i challange your idea that multi national companies have your best interests in mind, rather i think if you werent so blinded by the shock and awe of your maricle you would see, your best interets r rather down the list of what drives them. Im a student of the history of chochlear implants, and its fundemental ideology which drives it. I have explored this subject in great detail, ive been in this fight for a rather long time.
Sign Offers you more freedom. it can be taken anywhere, used any place, rather then holes in yoir head and computer implanted, it just asks one thing of you and one thing only
to learn it,
Sure i grant and accept the drill for you was the easier bargain.
Fair enough.
now, i admit here and accept that its only a matter of time, before your multinational companies and engeneers due to the advance.of digital tech rids the world of us deaf. I know that is our fate. Ive witnessed this march of folly for decades. Having said that. I wont go meakly into the night. I wont lay down and shut up. No. Instead every damn chance i get ill hold our candle to your darkness. No matter how faint its flickering flame will be. And that light is our signs, and our signs is our language, and our language is our culture and our culture is our stories, our poems, our jokes, our very living breathing, moving, soul.
Your engeneerers and scientist will indeed cure the world one day of us, i have no doubt. As thats what they promise to do and get paid large sums of money to do.
In spite of that,
Our sign will remain our light.
It can be yours too